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Everything posted by cbacon

  1. cbacon

    Ann Coulter attacks 9/11 widows

    People should stop paying attention to anything Ann Coulter says.
  2. cbacon

    State Your Unpopular Opinions

    I just watched that PPV for the first time. Amazing show from top to bottom.
  3. cbacon

    Zarqawi's dead!

    Pretty sure Curry was referring to the jingoistic reaction to this sort of news. (see: Deon and Invader's response). Oh, and apparently a woman and child were also killed in the bombing
  4. cbacon

    albums you own but have never listened to

    For one reason or another, i've yet to listen to all of Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots
  5. cbacon

    Canadians should more to welcome Islamic community

    Yeah? This still does not justify the invasion. The US attacked Afghanistan, not the other way around. Much like with Iraq, the United States could have helped to get rid of the enemies they helped to finance without crippling the country and killing thousands of civilians in the process. This could have been done years before 9/11 took place, but they chose not to.
  6. cbacon

    Favourite Weird Al song and video

    Smells Like Nirvana was probably his greatest parody/video. And yeah, the Japan line in Eat It always gets a laugh out of me too. I need to find copies of all the Al Music episodes he did on MTV and Much back in the day. Managed to find one when he was promoting Bad Hair Day when I was digging through old tapes about a year ago. Good times.
  7. cbacon

    Canadians should more to welcome Islamic community

    Americans really have to question why they are in Afghanistan in the first place. A Pentagon report said the invasion was necessary “to dissuade any military competitor from developing . . . capabilities that could enable regional hegemony or hostile action against the United States.” Translation: Stop China from asserting its power in its own part of the world, which includes Afghanistan. It has been argued convincingly by Pentagon officials that the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq would increase the risk of terrorist attacks on America and her allies. I guess the risk to Amreican and Afghan lives is worth achieving “full spectrum dominance” — as another official report puts it. It should also be noted that the US had no proof to get Osama convicted before the bombings in Afgnanistan took palce. The Taliban even offered to turn Osama in if the US could prove his guilt (yes, I know that was likely an insincere gesture, but the fact remains that the US still went ahead with the bombings without any proof at the time). Furthermore, Article 51 of the UN charter states that force can be used in self-defsnse against an armed attack. In international law, it means an instantantenous ongoing attack, which the US was not under after 9/11. Somewhere along the line Osama conveniently became an after thought. And what's left after the invasion is a country with a massive increase (in the millions) of Afghans without food, and tens of thousands of Afghan civilians killed by the bombings. It's safe to say that the US, and subsequently Canada are seen as occupiers, rather than liberators in their country. And it's hard to blame them, given the fact that they've had to deal with all sorts of imperialism and occupying armies for centuries. As I mentioned earlier, I'm all for a Canadian reconstruction effort under a UN banner rather than helping to clean up the mess America has made for it self. As good neighbouts and allies, we should be assisting in legal, multilateral operations rather than further wading into the quagmire. This is not our war. Our troops would be much more of an assistance in Dafur right about now.
  8. cbacon

    Smackdown Spoilers

    That tag title win sure did wonders for London and Kendrick.
  9. cbacon

    Canadians should more to welcome Islamic community

    The majority of Americans are currently against the occupation of Iraq, so I can't imagine the numbers being much different for Afghanistan. Especially considering the condition Afghanistan is in now, and there dosen't look to be much improvement on the horizon. Canada rightly insisted that any invasion of Afghanistan should be sanctioned by the United Nations. We went there under the UN umbrella. Now the mission has changed, and Canada is working directly for the Americans, outside of NATO and without the legal direction of the UN. Canadians did not ask for that. I don't have a problem with Canada participating in a multinational, UN-led reconstruction effort. I have a problem with Canada participating in a NATO- or US-led effort because NATO and the US should not get to decide whether a country needs occupying.
  10. cbacon

    Canadians should more to welcome Islamic community

    Indeed. Although we should get out of Afghanistan, not because the Taliban threatened us, but because it's the right thing to do
  11. cbacon

    ECW One Night Stand 2 Thread

    If this turns out to be a full blown ECW vs. WWE ppv, i'm not ordering
  12. cbacon

    Canadians should more to welcome Islamic community

    'Sup, comrade
  13. cbacon

    Canadians should more to welcome Islamic community

    Taliban warns Cdn. troops to leave Afghanistan http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/stor...s_name=&no_ads=
  14. cbacon

    ECW One Night Stand 2 Thread

    Pretty sure i'm gonna order this show. Last since the last ECW show.
  15. cbacon

    Thom Yorke - The Eraser

    Pretty meh
  16. cbacon

    ECW gets a normal time slot

    They should have never announced ECW as a third brand. It kills the whole 'rebel promotion' notion when Vince McMahon's face is plastered on their website. And you can't really have Styles or RVD take shots at the WWE anymore since they're owned by the company. And having Angle part of the promotion dosen't make sense. It's a downgrade for him if he's going to end up feuding with guys like CM Punk for the ECW title, no matter how good the matches may be.
  17. cbacon

    Recent Purchases

    Guillemots - From the Cliffs Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Fever To Tell The Flaming Lips - Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots Jimmy Eat World - Clarity $10 each
  18. cbacon

    MLB 06: The Show

    Any good? I haven't played a baseball game (or any video game really) for years. But I'm looking forward to this years season and thought about getting back into playing a season this summer. It seems to be getting good reviews, and at $40 CAN, it looks like it could be worth it.
  19. cbacon

    Who is the defining artist of this generation?

    If we're talking relative to a generation, then yeah, he was.
  20. cbacon

    Who is the defining artist of this generation?

    'quotin dis. Eminem is laughable. He was a flash in the pan artist that won't be remembered in 10 years.
  21. cbacon

    The Da Vinci Code

    Fuck the haters, I liked it. Gonna read Angels and Demons now.
  22. cbacon

    MLB 06: The Show

    Also, Is there anyway to add created players to season mode? If not, i'm going to have to settle with uping Jose Molina's stats and pretend he's Bengie