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Art Sandusky

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Everything posted by Art Sandusky

  1. Art Sandusky

    The 2009 NFL Offseason

    I meant that the speed and strength advantage of a team of professionals has a much better chance at beating the option, wildcat, spread, etc. than a bunch of kids doing it on the side.
  2. Art Sandusky

    The 2009 NFL Offseason

    I like Waffle House, like most college players just like playing football. Czech, lament the deaths of non-NFL leagues over the years if you want a "developmental system" like baseball has. Football's a radically different sport, you can't expect the same structure and progression. A guy can dick around in the minors through his mid-late 20s and play into his 40s in the majors because he doesn't have someone who wants to decapitate him on every pitch. The pro and college games' differences are what make them both great. If you don't feel the balls-out craziness of offenses in college, then stick to the more disciplined and defensively restricted professional game.
  3. Art Sandusky

    Barack Obama's Inauguration

    This was expected before the guy got elected. Maybe in a few years we can let them get married. The men in the services who resent having a buncha fags 'round 'em will learn to respect them quickly thanks to us being in wartime.
  4. I don't know about you guys, but I'm boarding pretty hardcore right now.
  5. Art Sandusky

    Does Sensei John Kreese Lose?

    Okay, this is to settle the question.
  6. Art Sandusky

    Does Sensei John Kreese Lose?

    Matt Young says a lot of things. I never read the I Banned Choken One thread until today. Woof.
  7. I need to call my GOTV team.
  8. Art Sandusky

    So I've been sober for 3 days.

    I made the exact same post in the poster tournament thread just now, only to find I already said it last night. Whoops. I swear officer, I was not drunk.
  9. Art Sandusky

    Does Sensei John Kreese Lose?

    Half of the pictures people use to make fun of me have me in a tie. Drug-addled my ass. You must have me confused with someone else. I'm high on life. And rednecks. And modding in shifts? Huh? No one on the staff at the time had any kind of "shift" they'd work. I might have been on around the same time of day, but that's more about when a person gets some free time.
  10. I just went through the whole thread and I am losing the shit out of this one. I'm about to go bomb the Movies/TV folder as a reprisal, TSM. Please don't punish me for getting a life. I can have that and you as well. I want it all
  11. I didn't realize I voted against the guy with the neat robot avatar and 70s sci-fi lookin' sig. He's a fine boarder. The joke is too good to change my vote though.
  12. I s'spose. I just expected better from my internets, which is to say that they recognize my badassery and hard boarding (when I try).
  13. Since March of '02. Had a year without posting starting summer/fall of '07, so I've been back since fall of '08. How you durr'in?
  14. Art Sandusky

    So I've been sober for 3 days.

    ^^^ So that guy's "Mellow." Well damn, I like his av/sig combo. I should go back and change my vote. EDIT: Naw, it works with the joke of the previous vote. Sorry, Mellow. You really are a good egg.
  15. Art Sandusky

    Does Sensei John Kreese Lose?

    Half of the pictures people use to make fun of me have me in a tie. Drug-addled my ass. You must have me confused with someone else. I'm high on life. And rednecks.
  16. Yeah, really. To those who voted for the other guy over me, does quantity really best quality? So a guy's been around more often, does that make him better than another? It's like you guys expect validation, and I'm not ready for this kind of relationship. Perhaps when I was younger and more cavalier about how I wasted my hours...
  17. Art Sandusky

    Pictures I Like

    I didn't even know "Yo Dawg" was a running gag.
  18. No, I "stalked" her. Kreese sounds like he'd like to take it up as a hobby though.
  19. I had no idea who that was until the end! What a twist!
  20. Agnes (how can you not?) Smitty (I don't trust West Virginia) Incandenza's 30! God! Marney (EHME's gettin' Ashcroft'd) Urban Warfare (Byron's another dime-a-dozen-round-these-parts pretentious buttplug) Brooklyn Zoo (coin flip) Brody (Slayer's goofy metal thing avatar is kinda queer) Thoth (coin flip) Kinetic (I'm still not sure who the intestine person is) Snuffbox (the world needs less Texas) MATT FUCKING YOUNG Burning P.S.S. (burning what? I want to know more.) Use Your Illusion (mellow what? Fuck that guy.) Bored (Obi Chris Kenobi is a sack of shit.) Edwin (JAxl is a covert sausage operative) Fazzle (he voted for me. I don't know if Andrew did, so fuck Andrew.) KOAB (he's sobered up. Kinda.) Smartly Pretty (TheFranchise could be hit by lightning tomorrow and I wouldn't notice or ever know.) Bob Barron (Alaska gave us Sarah Palin. Die, Smues.) Mattdotcom (The Max is one of those oxygen wasting Patriot-lovin' fucks) King Kamala (coin flip) Damaramu (nothing personal, boy wonder. I just hope voting for Hossaramu will make Florida lose.) Luke-O (Al got his World Series. He doesn't need this.) Agent (Alfdogg is a running gag in an ironic e-fed.) Kotzenjunge (I am that nigga.) CanadianGuitarist (he tells you what he is in his name!) Treble (see above, re: Patriot-lovin' cockmongers) Lushus (I want to beat him this time) Milky (You sit on a throne of lies, Hawk 34.) Gary Floyd (Gary's weird as fuck, but 909 seems like he'll be a real douche in his 40s.) VX (Even though this low down filthbag didn't vote for me) GTD (Curry's goddamn sig kills my internet and YOU'RE WHITE GET OVER IT PLEASE)
  21. Art Sandusky

    Does Sensei John Kreese Lose?

  22. I understand, I got a "come on, it's him" spot. I didn't even realize this was going on until just now. I thought we were waiting until March. Those who didn't vote for me, you're fags. That's all I got. I'll vote tomorrow when I'm not bleary-eyed.
  23. Art Sandusky

    Pictures I Like

  24. Art Sandusky

    Happy Jingus Sucks Day!

    I was scrolling down as the video was ending, and he said it right as I read this. Whew. Oh, belly laughs.
  25. Art Sandusky

    BCS Championship Game Thread

    I can't really get as excited as when the title game was on the 4th or somethin'. The NFL playoffs have gotten good and started and I can only resist that so much. I forgot about college football after the Sugar Bowl. It'll probably be the best thing we see all postseason. That said... I expect Florida to win. Tim Tebow will score a record 15 touchdowns (eight on the ground~!). Urban Meyer will have his plastic smile. Bob Stoops will crap in his hand and throw it at Percy Harvin after the Gators score to go up 89-5 early in the second quarter (the safety was just so their STOMPIN CHOMPIN SPECIAL TEAMZ could force a fumble and recover it for a touchdown on the free kick). Half of the D-I programs in existence halt their operations in awe. I said the game against Ohio State was the only time I'd ever root for those cocksuckers and I meant it. I want to see Oklahoma destroy Florida in every aspect of the game. Bob Stoops has fielded a contender too often to not finally win one of these title games. Why not? That's a scary team and Oklahoma would be this decade's USC if USC hadn't come along. Stoops "deserves it." But above all else this is about beating Florida. Let's do this, people.