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Art Sandusky

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Everything posted by Art Sandusky

  1. Art Sandusky

    Gas Price Check...

    http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2008/09/10/...in4436263.shtml It was never blood for oil after all, unless you're into that kind of kinky shit.
  2. Art Sandusky

    the most offensive two word combination

    Quality Poster.
  3. Art Sandusky

    Who were you before.

    That just killed all the fun. GEE THANKS VX
  4. Art Sandusky

    Who were you before.

    ohshi IWasHungryJack just showed up
  5. Art Sandusky

    NFL Week 2

    I'll be able to catch the second half of the Matt Cassel Minstrel Debut with Massa Bill and Ooooooool' Randy. God I hate the Patriots. Pittsburgh/Cleveland is the only game I'll get to see all the way through, so I'm more excited about it than I should be. At least the environment will be intense for the first two and a half quarters.
  6. Art Sandusky

    The College Football Thread 9/11 - 9/13

    It's not likely, but hey. Ohio State makes its players better men than USC so I hear.
  7. Art Sandusky

    Ask Chris Simms

    Aw shucks, it's a metrosexual color paired with that Texas-sized tan. He can work with that.
  8. Art Sandusky

    Who were you before.

    Turns out the problem is that we can change our own names now. I need to be told these things, guys. Name changing used to mean something. Isn't Amnesia the wee limey puss that looks like he'd shit himself if I just looked at him?
  9. Art Sandusky

    Who were you before.

    Pff. Of course you couldn't. I wouldn't be up to that task either, I kinda blow with the whole account switching thing.
  10. Art Sandusky

    Who were you before.

    ^^ And then there are people you remember for their ability to hang around for a while... and that's it. I'm might be the same way with you, person reading this post. Nah, you dig it.
  11. Art Sandusky

    Campaign 2008

    Get him to cut a promo on McCain using the same listing style before he yells.
  12. Art Sandusky

    NFL Week 2

  13. Art Sandusky

    NFL Week 2

    See how well that works? Immediate recognition.
  14. Art Sandusky

    Campaign 2008

    They always have, it's just that that particular load is swallowed more often when they're shooting it.
  15. Art Sandusky

    NFL Week 2

    I want to go ahead and discourage "A-Rod" for Aaron Rodgers now before it gets out of hand. Please try not to infect the NFL with the awful MLB/NBA nicknaming. "Purple Jesus," that's a damn good real nickname.
  16. Art Sandusky

    The College Football Thread 9/11 - 9/13

    When I said it wouldn't be the best game of the week, I meant that with either team winning. I think Ohio State could rock USC as well. It's got maybe 35-45% chance of happening (USC being the ones blown out/beaten soundly), but one team is going to rape the other with one of the uprights.
  17. Art Sandusky

    Campaign 2008

    There won't be a McCain Presidency. Might these bounces for the Republican ticket might be due to, I dunno, their convention being last week and post-convention polling data coming in early this week? The most recent message is the most vivid. They're boned and freaking out when the election isn't for another month and a half (and it isn't as if McCain suddenly opened up a 15% lead, so quit with the "Americans are dumb! We're doomed!" talk) is betraying the basic faith that "liberals" here should have in this cycle and in our country's ability to eventually figure out when we're being fucked.
  18. Art Sandusky

    The College Football Thread 9/11 - 9/13

    Kansas/USF will be a better game than Ohio State/USC.
  19. Art Sandusky

    It's the end of the world as we know it.

    Only humanity could come up with crashing things into each other as a solution. I'm not awfully worried about this until I start seeing time and space bending around me toward a certain point. I'm screwed then anyway, so I'll yell "YOU DID IT, YOU FINALLY DID IT!" as I'm crushed into nothing.
  20. Art Sandusky

    Campaign 2008

    It won't be. McCain'll have a good showing in the town hall-style debate (mostly because the media has decided he's better in this environment), but that's it. The domestic policy debate will shred him to pieces and foreign affairs debate will be a draw at best. There's a lot happening on this planet that concerns America other than in Iraq, and Johnny B. Good can't even keep the people in that country straight. The VP debate will be considered a resounding victory by RISING STAR SARAH PALIN (see what I did there Czech) because she won't burst into flames.
  21. Art Sandusky

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Ten shots in one hour?! I'm a lightweight apparently. Fortunately, that means I don't spend much.
  22. Art Sandusky

    So wait....Jericholic82 works WHERE?!

    909 put one over on us all, boy howdy!
  23. Art Sandusky

    Campaign 2008

    "If you go after her you increase her relevance." I wouldn't go after her on this, I'd go after McCain for such an awful pick as symbolic of his judgment. I actually believe that the answers to questions that Jerk cited were honest, and it's not underestimating her to say that she knows bupkis as far as anything outside of Alaska goes. What a farce of an ideological cardboard cutout of a "hockey mom," or whatever bullshit demographic the talking heads have come up with for this election season. Write your own damn speeches, answer some fucking questions on issues, and stop making your Presidential candidate look like a categorical retard for picking you as his running mate. He's got some problems with his age in people's minds, don't make him look like an old coot by getting caught with your skirt up by basic informational media treatment for the American public. "Drill baby drill!" does not an educated executive make, and don't get me started on that revolting chant. If elected, you have a damn good chance of being promoted so try to act like you understand foreign policy or the global economy outside of the value of crude. Even the even-minded people I thought dwelled here are buying all the rationalizations, all the bloviating on the part of "liberal media" talking heads recruited from the ranks of Republican campaigns and think tanks that stand in defiance of basic rights for our own citizens and cling (yes, cling!, that awful awful word) to the America of the 19-fucking-50s.
  24. Art Sandusky

    Campaign 2008

    People usually scoff at the notion of the kneejerk "that's racist!" reaction, so I expect this to get a similar treatment. The debates can't come soon enough. All the conventions did was piss me off.
  25. Art Sandusky

    So wait....Jericholic82 works WHERE?!

    Don't mind these people, Jericoholic82. They're just jealous of a guy with a steady job who does his own thing.