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Art Sandusky

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Everything posted by Art Sandusky

  1. Art Sandusky

    The Agent of Oblivion question of the day

    Yes. Yes it would. This is taking science into account which we're not supposed to do, but I imagine all five in our night sky at once would be something of a rare event. We'd probably also be a more pagan civilization with no less than six heavenly bodies to worship.
  2. Art Sandusky

    Enemies List

    ABOBO will forever be the best videogame-inspired gimmick. This one's kinda queer.
  3. Art Sandusky

    Comic Request thread

    Had Lex really won in 2000, we'd invade other planets using B13 technology instead of just regular ol' countries like Iraq! He probably would've vaporized Afghanistan after 9/11 and covered it up as a Pakistani nuclear test gone horribly wrong. EDIT: ... I need help.
  4. Art Sandusky

    Pictures I Like

    Damn. She's cute too.
  5. Art Sandusky

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Didn't you leave?
  6. Art Sandusky

    Happy St. Patrick's Day

    I'm staying in to avoid the crowds. Not feeling up to it this year. That and a 12-pack will end up being cheaper for me than having four or five beers at a bar, and each of those beers would take twenty minutes to order. There's just nowhere big enough around here to not be choked with people to the point where it's impossible to do anything other than stand outside and smoke, and you can't have drinks on the street here. I'll probably make up for it and more next year.
  7. Art Sandusky

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    The only time I've had to replace a phone from a breakage/mishap was when I dropped one in the toilet. That's it. Shame too, as I loved the shit out of that phone. Hot pink Samsung M510. Mmmhmm. The camera still worked, but the display was knackered and calling/internet was dead.
  8. Art Sandusky

    WWE Raw - March 16 2009

    Outside of the Stephanie cameo, HHH/Orton has gotten a decent build, but nothing feels Wrestlemania-worthy outside of UT/Michaels. I can't even care about MITB this year, even though the guys involved will kill themselves.
  9. Art Sandusky

    The 2009 NFL Offseason

    Damn. I was really hoping for Peppers to show up in green and gold.
  10. Art Sandusky

    2009 Worst Poster Tournament: Round 1

    Clearly, that was the plan.
  11. Art Sandusky

    Comic Request thread

    To be specific, I'm curious to read how President Luthor came to be (outside of attempting to rebuild Gotham). That and whatever's been happening since the Birthright story arc (along with the whole Birthright collection since it's been a while). If there are any sort of "landmark" storylines pre-Crisis that'd be cool too. I've got the 90s down pat thanks to your downloads and my own searching.
  12. Art Sandusky

    Covering Coverage

    Shepard Smith is a mole inside Fox News on behalf of real journalists. Remember, during the Katrina crisis he was the guy in New Orleans being shouted down by Sean Hannity while trying to tell the public (rather, the Fox News watching public) that it was a horrible situation down there. I'll bet he gets canned within the year, unable to stand the bullshit anymore.
  13. Art Sandusky

    I need to vent about Sarah Palin.

    Oh, no contradiction taken from it. The current GOP mould of "conservatism" despises the working poor as well as the unemployed. Won't stop the white working poor who live in rural areas from voting for them though! Refer to my answer to AoO's Question of the Day on "who would you kill?" for more details.
  14. Art Sandusky

    2009 Worst Poster Tournament: Round 1

    Definitely Not Hot Young Wang Region 1. Goldengreek 8. Xavier Cromartie Xavier's Somali news thread is fascinating, fuck the haters. Goldengreek also pulled the "you're a buncha losers!" card, which doesn't work if you're already posting on the board for a long time. 4. KOAB 5. theone "The One" is my current favorite Kylie song. That and I don't get KOAB's appeal, honestly. Wouldn't have nominated him for the tournament, but he's here so yeah. 3. YKRG 6. Jerichoholic82 Maybe if YKRG wins I'll find out what the name means. 2. TaigaStar 7. NoCal Mike That avatar of you fresh from the shower (so it looked) was inexcusable. Most Likely Homosexual Region 1. Cabbageboy 8. JN News Why not. 4. pbone 5. EricMM Eric's been pounding the CE pavement since you were in middle school, boy-o. 3. AmDragFan 6. Twisted Intestine I gave Twisted crap back in the day, but he seems to have matured into a decent poster. 2. bob_barron 7. Milky LOL BUTT Fuck Stupid Region 1. RoHo 8. HarleyQuinn No beef with Roho, I just appreciate Harley's D1-A posts. 4. Chazz 5. Matt Young Who? 3. Jingus 6. Czech FUN FACT: I'm friends with Jingus on Facebook. Maybe that's why he didn't think the thread about him wasn't genuine. Still, Czech's in charge and you don't cross the boss. 2. Marvin 7. DarKnight Marvin isn't here to defend himself anymore, and was only really awful in CE. Sure there were loads of unnecessary Baltimore-related posts in Sports, but if he didn't make them who would? The "I Tried to Save Good Matchups Until the End and Now I Have a Fuck Load of Them" Region 1. EHME 8. Cartman EHME's startlingly civil in the chat, maybe that's why he wants people to come there so badly. 4. Gary Floyd 5. Porter Porter left, so I'm keeping continuity and voting for people who are still active. 3. Y2Jerk 6. Lord of the Curry You're everything I can't stand about TSMers, and that's a shoot. Stuff that in your UFC pipe and smoke it. Oh wait, you probably already did. 2. Enigma 7. CWM I couldn't vote against Dave Cobainwalker (oooooold reference to Board Wars, episodes IV-VI).
  15. Art Sandusky

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Man, fuck you. I should have nominated you five times, now that I think about it.
  16. Art Sandusky

    The Agent of Oblivion question of the day

    I'm not allergic to anything I know of, but lately the weirdest thing's been happening. I'll be fine and clear and breathing easy, but then I take a shower and I'm stuffy and sneezing for hours afterwards. I couldn't possibly be allergic to water, so I'm ascribing it to the wild temperature changes (near 80F one day, 45F the next) and humidity of where I live.
  17. Art Sandusky

    Spaceman Ross vs. The Internet

    Racism. We don't take to kindly to slopes 'round these parts. No no no, we don't take kindly to hipsterfags 'round these here parts. Ohshi...
  18. Art Sandusky


    More like GAYGAS.
  19. Art Sandusky

    Let's Talk About...Roddy Piper's WCW stint

    I just want a Reality Check shirt. The other thing that popped into my head was that his WCW music was vastly inferior to his WWF music.
  20. Art Sandusky

    Signs You Are a Wrestling Fan

    A girl named Rocky? Yikes.
  21. Art Sandusky

    I need to vent about Sarah Palin.

    I just figured these days it was the alternative to "sitting on your ass and waiting for a check from the gov'ment."
  22. Art Sandusky

    NCAA Tournament

    Has a team from a major conference ever had go through the play-in game?
  23. Art Sandusky

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    A lot of them were wrestling-related, but at least by the summer/fall there were DJ Jeff/Cutthroat/whoever threads. Oh, and when The Brain first showed up. I'm surprised you can see 2002 threads, when I did a search for all the threads I've started the 2003 board crash seemed to be the beginning point.
  24. Art Sandusky


    Metal Ed 2.0?
  25. Art Sandusky

    "Macho Man" Randy Savage DVD talk

    For someone like me who only ventures in here if I sees a topic on the front page that piques my interest, yes, yes it was. 'sides, I'm not sitting here examining all of the company's releases. A Savage collection's big news, especially given his history with the promotion.