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Art Sandusky

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Everything posted by Art Sandusky

  1. Art Sandusky

    I want to draw something in MS paint...

    A chocolate socket versus Hoff, in .gif form.
  2. Art Sandusky

    TSM Poster Tournament 2007

    Okay, let's get it straight here. Elite Snobs/Boardum/Pit bracket: #1 Incandenza vs. #9 Ravenbomb: Yep. #12 Chave vs. #4 Banky: Banky's not a British poster. #14 Black Lushus vs. #6 Kotz: I will NOT job to Nebraska. Better'n Kansas, but c'mon guys. #10 kkktookmybabyaway vs. #2 AgentOfOblivion: We must have an Agent/me Sweet 16 matchup. TSM Vets/Shit Folders bracket: #1 Slayer vs. #8 bob_barron: Bob Barron. #5 CWM vs. #4 Leena: He's my boy. Leena can never be my boy. Like, it's physically impossible. #3 Czech vs. #11 Smues: Okay, the new mod got his first round win. That's enough, 'specially if he votes against me. #7 FrigidSoul vs. #15 Special K: Again, dicks who vote against me pay. Sports Folder bracket: #1 alkeiper vs. #8 CanadianGuitarist: Again, I can't overstate how much of a resource this dude is. #12 The Max vs. #4 Ripper: I despise Atlanta, but like Ripper. #3 Kingofthe909 vs. #11 TheManInBlak: This was tough. Okay, not really. I heart MiB. #7 Vitamin X vs. #2 LordOfTheCurry: I didn't see LOTC starting this. He was too busy doing... ah, whatever stereotype he fills. The Awesomely Mediocre and/or Unknown bracket: #16 Muggy Bogues vs. #9 DrVenkman: Oh shit, a #16 is still alive. I gotta vote for the lowest seed possible. Take that as you will. #12 AndrewTS vs. #4 redbaron51: If he posts anything that makes me want to slap him within the next 24 hours, consider this vote null. #3 CanadianChris vs. #6 Hawk52: Why not. #7 HuntersTornQuad vs. #2 gary floyd: HTQ tripped off me, but he's a good egg. Lovecraft gets the vote for hanging around these parts more, not that this would be considered a good thing. Toughest of the round, seriously.
  3. Art Sandusky

    TSM Poster Tournament 2007

    Now guys, Lushus said he didn't want to be a part of this. Honor his request.
  4. Art Sandusky

    Americans good

    Cheney's the one you give the moustache. Bush gets strings that mysteriously appear at all of his joints.
  5. Art Sandusky

    TSM Poster Tournament 2007

    Yeah, I don't know how that happened, I meant to send that to Czechers. Why would I talk to Inc online? Whattaloser.
  6. Art Sandusky

    TSM Arcade Thread.

    Haha, I forgot Wisconsin. Still finished it with 7:00 left, but I can't believe I left it out going up and down the country east to west.
  7. Art Sandusky

    TSM Poster Tournament 2007

    Whoever makes it out of the Snob bracket should get an automatic bid to the final. It didn't look so killer until it was shown in graphic form.
  8. Art Sandusky

    TSM Poster Tournament 2007

    Don't get me wrong, I still don't like golf. The point was that at least I understand its appeal. Chave is a different story.
  9. Art Sandusky

    You can't say that on TV!

    Steiner's WWE run was fucked up so badly. That video just proved it.
  10. Art Sandusky

    TSM Poster Tournament 2007

    I just don't get Chave. He's there. There's a post, a post that makes you say to yourself, "that's a post." No inflection, just a statement. I didn't get the appeal of golf for a long time, so maybe this will be the same. If he wasn't losing this round, I mean.
  11. Art Sandusky

    TSM Poster Tournament 2007

    You called me a douche hater. One who hates douches. And I was hatin' on you. So you're a douche. Next week on "Insults From 7-Year-Olds": "You Smell". Chave has the good sense to get riled up by my posts.
  12. Art Sandusky

    TSM Poster Tournament 2007

    You called me a douche hater. One who hates douches. And I was hatin' on you. So you're a douche. Think before you post and you might start growing hair on your chest.
  13. Art Sandusky

    TSM Poster Tournament 2007

    Everyone thinks I hate them. I don't know if this is good or bad.
  14. Art Sandusky

    TSM Poster Tournament 2007

    I think anyone complaining about the seeding and brackets doesn't get the point of 'em in the first place.
  15. Art Sandusky

    TSM Poster Tournament 2007

    I think the same thing about you. Naw dude, it's all good. You're like Al in the wrestling folders. It's great to have such a resource if you can call a poster a resource.
  16. Art Sandusky

    The Talk Radio Thread

    What ended up happening with him?
  17. Art Sandusky

    TSM Poster Tournament 2007

    Elite Snobs/Boardum/Pit bracket: 1. Incandenza vs. 16. Youth N Asia: Yep. 2. Tzar Lysergic vs. 15. KOAB: Amazingly close, but I don't want Agent to shoot me with some scary-ass gun. 3. Edwin MacPhisto vs. 14. Black Lushus: Edwin's lucky that Lushus wants out of this. 4. dr. rosenpenis vs. 13. EricMM: One has fucking testicles. 5. justsoyouknow vs. 12. k thx: Because faking out dh86 WAS funny, ya limey bastard. 6. Sex Machine Gun vs. 11. Carnival: REVENGE! 7. Sensei John Kreese vs. 10. kkktookmybabyaway: As I get older I appreciate kkk more. He's just not around enough anymore. 8. Captain of Outer Space vs. 9. Ravenbomb: This is because his name is an anagram for "compete and utter bastard." TSM Vets/Shit Folders bracket: 1. Slayer vs. 16. Matt Young: Matt is the ultimate underdog. How can you not vote for him. 2. Mole vs. 15. Bobby Peru: Special K isn't turning into a crotchety managerial type. 3. banky edwards vs. 14. bigolsmitty: Man, I wanted to see smitty go further too. 4. Queen Leelee vs. 13. snuffbox: Whatever, you crazy fucking ho. Maybe if you were liberal I'd vote for you. 5. CWMwasmurdered vs. 12. NYU: We totally cybered in the AIM chat the other night. 6. MrRant vs. 11. Smues: Smues is a great surprise from this year, and as such wins out over an average one for Rant. 7. FFMS vs. 10. BX: I don't want to still be beefin' with this guy when he's about to go off and die for me and stuff. 8. bob_barron vs. 9. Superstar: In double overtime, because Bob doesn't do the trendy and hip new show/movie avatar/sig crap. Sports Folder bracket: 1. alkeiper vs. 16. alfdogg: I always learn something whenever Al posts. Guy's a great resource for me, as I'm trying to get into baseball this year for real. And oh yeah: lol, alfdogg 2. Lord of the Curry 15. NoCalMike: Annoying at times for the same reason as Superstar among others, but isn't vaguely creepy. Sorry NoCal, but you can't post about porn and sex with your own face as an avatar. Goes for ANYONE. That and no one cares about the Redskins. Sorry again. 3. Kingofthe909 vs. 14. Mik: I like 909 and am neutral towards Mik. Oh yeah, Mik's sort of a dick isn't he? Okay, nevermind, fuck Mik. 4. Ripper vs. 13. treble_charged: It's fuckin' Treble, man. 5. Cartman vs. 12. The Max: I think this is the one that doesn't have his picture as his avatar too. 6. Porter vs. 11. The Man In Blak: Porter's my boy during football season, but Blak is my boy all year. 7. Vitamin X vs. 10. Spaceman Spiff: Here's to Favre going out in the NFC title game. 8. CanadianGuitarist vs. 9. Marvinisalunatic: More attention may drive Marvin deeper into his shell. The Awesomely Mediocre and/or Unknown bracket: 1. admin vs. 16. Muggy Bogues: Unintentionally funny vs. Unintentionally unfunny. Hmm. 2. gary floyd vs. 15. razazteca: Listen, I know I haven't called in a couple of weeks. I've just been working and had some other shit to do. I haven't even been out myself in a week! Look, we'll get together tomorrow night or something. I just bought Borat today, so we can watch that, smoke a bowl, fool around, whatever. I'll holla atcha sometime after I get off work. 3. CanadianChris vs. 14. Imarkout4ElDandy: More asthetically pleasing screen name. The other's all gnarly. 4. redbaron51 vs. 13. UseTheSledgeHammerUh: UTSU is good sometimes, but holds to some silly wrestling philosophies. 5. Scroby vs. 12. AndrewTS: The Sega thread rules and makes me respect Andrew now, but Scroby's dreamy 6. Hawk52 vs. 11. Hawk 34: This is the one that isn't Choken, right? 7. Hunter's Torn Quad vs. 10. Invader3k: HTQ is a weird, sterile Meltzer kinda presence. Like, I can't imagine him in normal social situations. 8. Vampiro69 vs. 9. DrVenkman: I dunno, why not.
  18. Art Sandusky

    The value of thesmartmarks.com is...

    Leena's cheating scandal will bring huge losses for the next two quarters. The stockholders are pissed.
  19. Art Sandusky

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Back, and to the left.
  20. Art Sandusky

    From the "No Shit" Department:

  21. Art Sandusky

    ANNOUNCEMENT: The 20 Greatest Threads in TSM History

    And his FUED~ with C-Bacon gets *3/4.
  22. Art Sandusky

    ANNOUNCEMENT: The 20 Greatest Threads in TSM History

    Gary Floyd only exists in the context of TSM. He vanishes when he isn't here.
  23. Art Sandusky

    ECW 3/6/2007

    Let Punk and Kennedy promo-off in the ring instead of a match.
  24. Art Sandusky

    OAO Raw Thread

    omg bisch See why the old threads kinda blew?