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Art Sandusky

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Everything posted by Art Sandusky

  1. Art Sandusky

    The Royal Blue

    Now now, keep the violence down, we don't want to hurt the baby.
  2. Art Sandusky


    I hate to let you down, but there won't be a flame war. Darkness knows he's an idiot and you all have seen it. Why would I flame him when he's dug his own grave? I haven't seen anything that says he's an idiot. However, you used the hated "fued" spelling, so now you're the idiot. This could take off one day: Idiot Tag. The person tagged has to drool a lot and trip on his own shoelaces until he can catch someone else and make them the idiot.
  3. Art Sandusky

    The 2003 Smark Awards~!

    Whoa Nelly, I sure wouldn't want that to happen! I mean he might slander my good name! (slanders everyone in the thread... IN ANGER~) Seriously though, what I don't get is how Johnson is somehow convinced that A) someone talking shit about you on an internet messageboard actually qualifies as slander, B) he, or anyone else here, has a "good name" to ruin, and C) (since he said"I don't like people slandering my good name in public" in another thread) this is some kind of public thing. As far as I know, we're all by ourselves sitting in front of computers. (waves hand in front of face) You can't see me.
  4. Art Sandusky

    The Royal Blue

    (walks in after a day at work and says hello) Everyone: KOTZ!!!!!
  5. Art Sandusky

    Bored's Bowl Pick 'Em Conests Results

    Actually, a New Mexico win wouldn't shock me.
  6. Art Sandusky

    The Royal Blue

    Not drinking (a lot) tonight. Gotta take care of the baby.
  7. Art Sandusky

    BCS still screwing teams off in video games

    I have pretty realistic blowouts thanks to my run-heavy gameplans. I murdered poor Wake Forest 66-3 once. Like I said, a score you can actually imagine seeing in real life.
  8. Art Sandusky

    The Royal Blue

    .... the fuck kind of bar closes at midnight?
  9. Art Sandusky

    If the NFL Playoffs Started on 12/23.

    Dallas at Green Bay? I'm feeling it. Now THAT would be old school.
  10. Art Sandusky

    Favre Over 300 Yds and 4 TDs

    Dude, he could have played the Patriots last night and done that. He was on a fuckin' MISSION and he was not about to let his father's memory down like that. Like I told my father, he'd play against the other team's defense all by himself if he had to. Now the Pack has to win against Denver in what should be the game of the week. It'd be nice if Minnesota lost to Arizona (hey, they beat the Packers) to give us the NFC North, but unlikely. Oh, and go 49ers! Beat Seattle!
  11. Art Sandusky

    Bored's Bowl Pick 'Em Conests Results

    (does a dance)
  12. Art Sandusky

    The Royal Blue

    Hey, I know the owner. Call him, he'll vouch for why I should stick around. (no-sells the bludgeoning by Sandman with the little known "Mae Young Edict")
  13. Art Sandusky

    The Royal Blue

    Everyone be gentle, I'm with child now. And you can let Rod know he's barking up the wrong tree. CanadianChick and I are now bound by love and child.
  14. Art Sandusky

    The Royal Blue

    That speaks ill of Miss CanadianChick's standards for men, and I shan't hear any more. (rubs his belly and plays soft Bach close to it)
  15. Art Sandusky

    The Royal Blue

    You didn't wear a condom when cybering? I didn't think it was important... ... something just kicked inside of me... Uh-oh. Your gonna give birth to the first TSM baby! It'll be TSM squared! A source of TSMery! My God, it'll be like Scott Keith! My child is going to be gorgeous. Remember who the mother was.
  16. Art Sandusky

    The Royal Blue

    You didn't wear a condom when cybering? I didn't think it was important... ... something just kicked inside of me...
  17. Art Sandusky

    Happy Festivus!

    You CAVED? .... or did you really have to go to the bathroom?
  18. Art Sandusky

    The Royal Blue

    Am I late?
  19. Art Sandusky

    BCS still screwing teams off in video games

    I use the West Coast offense, but I run it the vast majority of the time and only pass once the defense is biting on the run big time or I'm just completely out of time to get a run game going. I have all of my no-huddle plays as run plays, my team is just THAT awesome with the run. Putting up a 300 yard game with my fullback is nothing. When I let the computer control my team they're pass-happy though. Pisses me off.
  20. Art Sandusky

    The *Real* TSM

    Anyone consider I just left the computer without closing Netscape?
  21. Art Sandusky

    The *Real* TSM

    You know it. Now let us take our leave of these... commoners and do our thang. ::winks:: I like the way you think... (carries her out of this droll thread and to the Spoony Palace of Lovin')
  22. Art Sandusky

    The *Real* TSM

    You know it. Now let us take our leave of these... commoners and do our thang.
  23. Art Sandusky

    The *Real* TSM

    I'm right behind you. Turn around.
  24. Art Sandusky

    The *Real* TSM

    EDIT: I refresh the page, and it re-posts.
  25. Art Sandusky

    The *Real* TSM

    I have to disagree. This really has been a pretty bad thread with the exception of the ABOBO posts. Quiet you. For someone who's supposed to be in BC with his lady, you're doing a lot of posting. At least I'm on my laptop, en route to the jolly ol' UK. Are you on a boat or something? Sheesh, you should have made it there by now.