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Art Sandusky

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Everything posted by Art Sandusky

  1. Art Sandusky

    The *Real* TSM

    Ah, I'm happy with who I got.
  2. Art Sandusky

    Urban Gaming Myths.....

    Since that doesn't sound like a sports or racing game or DBZ Budokai or Star Wars game, I can safely say I probably wouldn't be interested.
  3. Art Sandusky

    The *Real* TSM

    Well, if we get bored, we can always switch. So WJM has me Mon., Wed. and Fri., you get me on Tues., Thurs. and Sat., and we flip for Sundays? Me likey. So when do i get Canadian Chick? This certainly made things more interesting. CC doesn't need to change her name to Mrs. anything. We're past all that Old World conservative thought. We're SWINGERS, BAYBEE!! And WJM, don't even try to court my favor again. You have already declared your intentions for the (much older and impotent) Zachary, so you lose. (gets on plane to BC)
  4. Art Sandusky

    Hilary Duff Feuding Over a Boy

    "Call me, beep me, if you wanna reach me..."
  5. Art Sandusky

    The *Real* TSM

    All right, I get the one that's on this continent! (books a flight to BC)
  6. Art Sandusky

    The *Real* TSM

    There's two guys my dear, you wanna flip for them? I like this plan.
  7. Art Sandusky

    The 2003 Smark Awards~!

    Ack, that's just blasphemous. I think a metal cover of that would turn me completely off of the dark side of the Force and send me screaming back to the loving arms of pop forever, trying hard to forget my brief metal foray.
  8. Art Sandusky

    The *Real* TSM

    Well, at a different time, yes. Never simultaneously. (stabs Zack again)
  9. Art Sandusky

    The *Real* TSM

    Hey, don't no-sell my post! I thought we had something! ::cries:: "She was mine before she was yours! WHOO!" (struts) Then, I challenge you...TO A DUEL~! ::slaps Kotz across the face with glove:: (stabs Zack in the eye with the last glowstick he has)
  10. Art Sandusky

    The *Real* TSM

    Hey, don't no-sell my post! I thought we had something! ::cries:: "She was mine before she was yours! WHOO!" (struts)
  11. Art Sandusky

    The 2003 Smark Awards~!

    "Murder on the Dance Floor" really is a Sophie Ellis-Bextor song. Otherwise that was so subtle that I didn't realize it was a joke until I saw Brujo's post. I mean, I don't know metal all that well yet.
  12. Art Sandusky

    Irvin Favre dies

    And if he has to, Favre will play all the positions on the team to keep winning the rest of the season now. No way he's going to let his father down, at least not tonight anyway.
  13. Art Sandusky

    Explain THIS TO ME

    The last one was a bit more believeable, but I could seriously do without the long-windedness of it. I can almost see Mick Foley (thanks to that avatar of yours) looking in a Thesaurus as he's posting.
  14. Art Sandusky

    Urban Gaming Myths.....

    I just wanted to note how awesome it is that, even with all the tremendously visual and generally superior (sensually) games today, the one that touched the current gaming mania all off is the one being discussed the most. I'd say some patriotic pro-Nintendo thing now, but I'm an X-Box guy these days, so meh. (Still might get a Gamecube now that they're so cheap...)
  15. Art Sandusky

    TNA deal with WGN very likely

    You have to spend money to make money... ... but we don't get WGN here anymore, haven't for about five years. Guess any shot (or remote want) I had to continue following TNA is over.
  16. Art Sandusky

    I actually think the brand extension..

    GASP! The split worked and failed at the same time. After the first few months of shoddy jumps to and from shows and things were stabilized with the GMs and then exclusive PPVs, it worked well from a television perspective. It has also really given a feeling of two different promotions, which was the idea in the first place. Competition is breeding between the crews to be better (although they seem to go backwards most of the time to get ahead), and partisanship has evolved with the fans (see the usual "Smackdown is better" versus "Raw is better" comments). Now then, it failed because, as RRR pointed out, no one wants to go to house shows to see half of the people they see every week on TV. Things have bottomed and leveled out at this point, or so the year-to-year numbers suggest, but they need to find a way to actually motivate people to go see that half of the people on TV. Showing footage from house shows and such is a good first step, but they could probably do something more. I don't know what they could do myself outside of changing a major title at a house show more than once and making it stick on TV for a while.
  17. Art Sandusky

    Polite Request to the Recappers/Mods...

    You're kidding, right? TSM is EASILY one of the top three message boards, and you're trying to insinuate that people actually are attracted to some REVIEWS? Reviews, which every site seems to have, as though many people who frequent the sites for all the information/rumors don't actually WATCH the shows, and need a damned recap?? Just look at how many members are on here, and how long many people have been hanging in here. Bet you that most of them didn't come to see a damned recap... I know this isn't the Hardcore folder, but as a writer for the site (whenever I can do stuff on time), I ask you to kindly eat my asshole. Have you seen the numbers of hits that we get, and the number of views each piece on the site recieves? Look at those numbers, and then compare to the number of active posters on the board. We might be up to 4000+ posters now as far as registration numbers go, but that includes various bannings, people who don't post here anymore, and those who only registered and lurk for whatever reason. When I got feedback from people about my TE III recaps and Raw works, NOT A SINGLE PERSON who wrote to me was a forum user. I know, because I asked all of them who they were on the board, holding the same misconception you do, that being that the only readers of the site are forum users also. Granted, encouraging these people to join the board brought us Yuna, but you take the bad with the good. To talk in such a disdainful manner towards the reviews is disrespecting the work those writers do each and every week so you don't have to read fucking Scott Keith or some other boring-ass reviewer. TSM has the best crew of writers in the IWC, and I challenge anyone to prove me wrong. To call these works simple "damned recaps" is a disservice to the works, their writers, the owner of this site, and it speaks volumes of why the WWE folder and its posters are regarded as a joke. You are correct though, this is a very good board, and the great people are what have kept me around for as long as I've been here, which is nearing two years. In regards to the actual topic, I say give each pinned recap thread (which are there for more immediate feedback since you'll get more board response than E-mail, not to get people to read them) absolutely no more than a week atop the WWE folder.
  18. Art Sandusky

    The 2003 Smark Awards~!

    I didn't win anything either. I cry foul. Surely I get SOMETHING for making AoO into a hopeless pop fan.
  19. Art Sandusky

    Why ALL guys should (and WANT) go to NYU

    Was this why all guys should want to go to NYU?
  20. Art Sandusky

    Favorite Metal Albums of 2003

    This place is haunted.
  21. Art Sandusky

    Favorite Metal Albums of 2003

    Stop at Nothing was something I figured I'd hate, but once I started reading along with the lyrics, they actually weren't about chopping up your neighbor and putting him in your family's soup. It was more like biting nihilistic commentary about god, money, and government. These metalheads I know are warping me somewhat. Dying Fetus is still nothing I'd sit down and listen to for the sake of it, but I can now tolerate it when its on.
  22. Art Sandusky

    One and Only NFL Week 16 Thread

    I forgot all about the Saturday games. Has it been the Bucs making too many mistakes or the Falcons playing well?
  23. Art Sandusky

    Something I just remembered about Judgment Day and

    That was easily the best Triple Threat match I've seen in WWE/F. (that includes Benoit/Jericho/Angle from Wrestlemania XVI, I couldn't get into that for some reason thanks to the retarded "European Title goes second" stipulation)
  24. Art Sandusky

    Kylie + Queer Eye = Ummmm...WTF?!

    You... bastard. It's infected me. I can't stop listening to this stuff. I didn't expect it to actually be good. *Goes to check Hell* Yep... frozen. Good one. Anyone else care to take the Impossible Princess test? Come on, if I managed to cure an inconsolable death metal fan, there's hope for everyone~! (and the plot to overtake the board with Kylie markdom begins...)
  25. Art Sandusky

    Be polite to Mr Saddam

    I didn't say be nice, I was just showing what their reasoning might be.