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Art Sandusky

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Everything posted by Art Sandusky

  1. Art Sandusky

    The College Football Championship Week Thread

    Naw man, that's why I like the current, post-dynastic NFL era. No one is completely unstoppable anymore. I want competition and unpredictability.
  2. Art Sandusky

    Official College Football thread

    Redemption for that embarassment would have been a better bowl this year or killing Maryland in whatever bowl we ended up playing. At least the people of Big Orange country (like myself) know that this Peach Bowl season was not due to an underperforming team decimated by injuries (10-15 starters out at any given time), but was due to some BS (not BCS) bowl politics.
  3. Art Sandusky

    One Trick Pony wants to know if he got banned

    Should I feel bad about laughing at this? It's kinda cute in a "something a four year old would do" way.
  4. Art Sandusky

    Explain THIS TO ME

    Man, back up off the man. I would have embellished a little if I were in such a good mood also. Imagining Foley as the dude doing all of this makes it so much more inspiring. Just don't push anything this Saturday. Let her dictate how intimate it gets. You've come too far to be overzealous. I should like to add that the best part of the whole thing is how you didn't let the boyfriend line deter you and kept pressing. I think she didn't have a boyfriend in the first place, but that's just me speaking as the guy who always gets "I have a boyfriend" as the excuse and never presses the issue despite later conversations with them not mentioning the boyfriend at all or never giving a name or anything about them.
  5. Art Sandusky

    Found something funny

    I thought I was the only person on these forums who was a Neurotically Yours mark. I wish I could meet a real-life equivalent of Germaine one day.
  6. Art Sandusky

    Butt ugly cars

    Nevermind that those Mustang pictures are showing a still partially-camoflaged car and have current-era Bullitt rims painted black so as not to give the car away so much when it's covered up more to be moved other places. Of course, we all know that Rant did that just to piss me off, which it did handily. Here's why they "fucked up" the current Mustang. IT'S ON THE SAME PLATFORM AS THE 1979 WAS. The interior is the same design as the one that came out in 1994. The GTO needs a more affordable competitor in the musclecar class. That's what dealers were sent about a month ago. It's the V6 edition with a GT front license plate, or so other leaked information has said. Compare it with the concept: What makes me much more excited are these numbers (and yet another reason I favor a 2005 over a 2004): 2004 GT: 260hp, 302 ft/lb 2005 GT: 330 hp (based on reports that it's putting 280 down at the tires), 330 ft/lb Oh, and whoever said they didn't like the C3 Corvettes, get out of this thread and never come back. Any later GM F-body has to take "most uncomfortable" honors. I sat in a 2000 Firebird the other day and I felt like I was sitting on leather-clad hard plastic. No give whatsoever. A PT Turbo would be nice to have, I think. I'd customize the fuck out of it too, go Woody 2k3 on it. Ugliest car currently in production is probably the Element (since the Aztek was discontinued I think), and the Element isn't even that offensive to the eye. Cars as a whole look the best they have in a long time. The RX-8 gives me goosebumps. I just wish they'd make a twin turbo version already.
  7. Art Sandusky

    The College Football Championship Week Thread

    I hate when such an overwhelming team comes about. Takes all the fun out of everything. 2000 Miami was the same way.
  8. Art Sandusky

    Official College Football thread

    (lacks the vocabulary to emote how incredibly upsetting this news is to him) Tennessee: 7th in rankings, 9th in BCS. Florida: 16th in rankings, 14th in BCS. Tennessee: 10-2. Florida: 8-4. Tennessee: biggest victory is against Miami, ranked 6th at the time. Florida: biggest victory is against Georgia, ranked 4th at the time. Both are co-holders of the SEC East title... BUT-- September 20th, 2003: Tennessee: 24 Florida: 10 Tennessee fans would go to Kazakhstan to see their team play, so this "they wouldn't travel as well" stuff is bull. Florida is pretty damned close to the Peach Bowl site also, it wouldn't have been a problem. Tennessee beat Florida, it's that simple, and so they should go to a better bowl not even because of that but because every ranking system agrees that they're better than Florida. There are two bright spots in all of this: We get an all-orange Georgia Dome, and I get to harass both Clemson and Carolina fans in the same season. Truly, Tennessee will own our entire state and not just the Gamecock-sympathizing areas finally. (hatches plans to raise a UT flag over the state capitol building)
  9. Art Sandusky

    Official College Football thread

    Ooh, I'm feeling a Clemson/Florida game for some reason. If Clemson wasn't hot as all fuck right now I'd give the game to Florida easily, but Clemson's 63-17 ANAL RAPE of USC (South Carolina), a team that would have beaten Florida had it not been for a complete brainfuck decision by Holtz to have that fake punt... I say Clemson beats Florida in a sound manner. Not a blowout, but it'll be by 10-20 points.
  10. Art Sandusky

    The College Football Championship Week Thread

    In 2001, Tennessee, the #4 team in the country, was expected to lose by anywhere between 14-17 points (depending on whose line you looked at), at #2 Florida. We all know how that ended. If that isn't some unjust dismissal, I don't know what is. LSU is only giving three points to Georgia, according to the oddsmakers. (wistfully sighs and remembers the GOTY runner-up for 2001)
  11. Art Sandusky

    Im sick of this bullshit xenophobia

    I believe the proper title of this thread should have been "I'm sick of this bullshit nationalism." They aren't actively discriminating against the foreigner (as xenophobia would be), but rather pushing their own country over others.
  12. Art Sandusky

    Explain THIS TO ME

    "She said 'we should just be friends' and SHOOK MY HAND~! I am SO in there!"
  13. Art Sandusky

    Movies or TV Shows that made you cry

    Where the Red Fern Grows was a secret government project to make massive numbers of children kill themselves. Come on, who DIDN'T feel like complete shit after reading that? Saving Private Ryan is absolutely impossible for me to get through without crying because of how much it reminds me of my grandfather. Rudy goes without saying. I'd have to say that any film or show with a real swelling, triumphant moment will make me tear up more than a sad one of some kind. Hell, that hard-fucking-core captain dude in The Matrix Revolutions had me a little misty because he was just so fucking cool, what with the constant yelling and shit. I just wanted to stand up and yell "FUCK YEAH!"
  14. Art Sandusky

    WiLd NiGHt ouT

    My (not very thrilling) weekend can be read about through the first link in my sig.
  15. Art Sandusky

    The College Football Championship Week Thread

    Go Oregon State! (wants to see LSU [sEC REPRESENT!] against Oklahoma, as well as the outside chance of Tennessee getting moved up to #6 in the BCS somehow) Some talking head on ESPN made the assertion that USC would beat LSU by three touchdowns if they played. Yeah fucking right.
  16. Art Sandusky

    Official Name Change Request Thread

    And for you Josh, a truckload of hippies, far more than you could ever hope to fight off by yourself! Delivered SPEEDILY~!
  17. Art Sandusky

    Quote of the Year! thread

    Philistine. The second post of this thread is a very strong contender.
  18. Art Sandusky

    Official Name Change Request Thread

    Thanks, Dr. Tom! You'll have a special package at your doorstep soon!
  19. Art Sandusky

    Explain THIS TO ME

    Why do you insist on destroying my last pleasant memory of childhood? Because we have our little quasi-feud going at all times, remember? Sheesh, am I the one who's going to have to pick up the antagonistic slack now?
  20. Art Sandusky

    American troops shoot Iraqi child

    I think this is more of a "look at what some of these crazy bastards will still do" story than a "feel sorry for the people under our oppressive thumb" story. I see it as more of the former, anyway.
  21. Art Sandusky

    Bush Secretly Visits To Iraq

    I will admit, I was surprised to see the news of this, but I'm sort of glad he went over there. I always feel that whenever any leader of any country has their forces invade another, common courtesy says to show up and look around six months or so after major hostilities have ended. And that seriously wasn't sarcastic, I was legitimately wondering when he'd finally go over there. When was the last time a US President was in Iraq, or is this the first time?
  22. Art Sandusky

    Official College Football thread

    Jimmy, where'd that avatar come from? I must see whatever larger work it came from. Oh, and I would have watched the Bayou Classic, but Tennessee/Kentucky was on at the same time and was (unfortunately) a close game until the final Tennessee touchdown, so it's not because I'm a southern white bastard.
  23. Art Sandusky

    Explain THIS TO ME

    I liked the trolley, but puppet land needed to be wiped out by a puppet fireball or something.