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Art Sandusky

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Everything posted by Art Sandusky

  1. Art Sandusky

    Why this folder sucks in '03

    IM I just got: WWEGoldbergB: You! You are next! Kotzenjunge: Excuse me? WWEGoldbergB: You! You're Next! Kotzenjunge: Um, spear me mofo? WWEGoldbergB: Not unless you accept Prime. WWEGoldbergB: j/k WWEGoldbergB: I'm not Prime. I'm Goldberg. WWEGoldbergB: Bill.. Goldberg Kotzenjunge: Okay. Kotzenjunge: So spear me. WWEGoldbergB: ::laughs:: WWEGoldbergB: That's going into my sig Kotzenjunge: Why have you chosen to IM me a mere two minutes into your time online? Had to make up a different name, Primey> Kotzenjunge: ? WWEGoldbergB: I'm not Prime WWEGoldbergB: I just thought it'd be funny to use this name Kotzenjunge: Sure. WWEGoldbergB: Arg! Cause I'm Goldberg WWEGoldbergB: WDI for life. Kotzenjunge: I'm waiting for my spear. Kotzenjunge: I do not fear it. Previous message was not received by WWEGoldbergB because of error: User WWEGoldbergB is not available. Kotzenjunge: Odd. Previous message was not received by WWEGoldbergB because of error: User WWEGoldbergB is not available.
  2. Art Sandusky

    Triple H vs. The Rock at JD 2000

    ::summons translator:: I don't know whether that's your way of insulting me or declaring "My name is Matt, and I'm a retard." "Hi Matt~!"
  3. Art Sandusky

    Triple H vs. The Rock at JD 2000

    I saw the match in my pre-Internet Smark days, and even then I was pissed that there had to be run-ins at the end, especially since HHH sent everyone to the back, saying he wanted to do it himself, which gave it that "Oh SNAP, this is going to be awesome" quality.
  4. Art Sandusky

    Explain THIS TO ME

    Yes, I will now refer to hitting on women as "DEILIVERING!" Okay, so that was funnier to me than anyone else.
  5. Art Sandusky

    Fuck America

    Abobo fears no one of this earth.
  6. Art Sandusky

    Why this folder sucks in '03

    How did I know I'd be bolded in that list?
  7. Art Sandusky

    One and Only Bitch about Black Friday!

    It's gonna be bad, but just be thankful you're not in electronics. That'd be even worse. Toys at least people can just grab off the shelf and go. Worst thing you'll have to do is clean up the warzone. Fancy shiny things have all those cumbersome glass cases in the way. ... I was told today that I'll be in electronics instead. I blame you. DAMN YOU, MACPHISTO! Since I have to enter through the same door the mob will be, except before them naturally, I have a small speech prepared where I tell them all that I am merely human and have a family that would be really sad if I were gone.
  8. Art Sandusky

    One and Only Bitch about Black Friday!

    I'm working at a Target. I will be there at 6am. I am working in my department by myself. I am working in the toy department. Pray for me.
  9. Art Sandusky

    Official College Football thread

    I just want two teams above Tennessee to lose in the BCS so they get an automatic bid to one of the big four.
  10. Art Sandusky

    One and Only NFL Week 12 Thread

    GO TEXANS!!!!!
  11. Art Sandusky

    Official College Football thread

    I want to see Clemson in the Gator Bowl.
  12. Art Sandusky

    One and Only NFL Week 12 Thread

    Fucking Vikings. They play in the HHH dome... coincedence? I think not.
  13. Art Sandusky

    Presidents Cup ends in a tie

    There's a reason no one ever posts about golf on here: IT BLOWS. My local paper has been devoting absurd amounts of space to it every day in the sports section though, due to the high yuppie quotient around here.
  14. Art Sandusky

    One and Only NFL Week 12 Thread

    Go Houston! Oh, and go Packers. We've gotta win this week since the Vikings get the creampuff Lions, but the Vikings can't even put the Lions away because they're THAT DAMN AWFUL. The Pack had better not ruin that lead they had...
  15. Ehh, that Stennick thread lost its magic with me a while ago. EDIT: Nevermind, I just got to where Barron is trying to get Stardust to post a picture of her chest. Barron making advances on any female by itself makes any thread classic.
  16. Art Sandusky

    Wish MrZsasz Well!

    "PHILISTINES!" (Zsasz throws a smoke bomb down and attempts to escape into the rafters with a grappling hook from his utility belt, but the firing mechanism malfunctons and blows his arm off)
  17. Art Sandusky

    Official College Football thread

    I don't want a playoff, and here's why: As much as I might bitch and moan about the little guys never getting a chance, I get a secret enjoyment out of the very aristocratic structure of college football. I like the phrase "bowl eligible." If I want playoff talk, I can watch professional sports. Right now, losing a game is equivalent to death if you want a national championship. It takes a lot of the motivation out if you know you can drop one or two and still make some playoff system.
  18. Art Sandusky

    Christian Radio

    How did they re-create this, exactly? Who volunteered to get blasted in the head?
  19. Art Sandusky

    Wish MrZsasz Well!

    Not all theatre kids are stuck up, but damned if I get along with any of them beyond superfluous everyday chit-chat. Not to mention how all of the ones I know are totally interchangeable and, despite being a fairly uninhibited bunch, keep telling me "you're WHITE!" every time I start talking about rap or tell them about the virtues of Thuganomics.
  20. Art Sandusky

    *scratches head and leaves*

    Abobo is close yet far from being as great as Metal Ed was. Also, Metal Ed was all-original.
  21. Art Sandusky

    Whoever said I can eat Vaseline is a fucking liar.

    Aww, no more Kaufman for Marvin again.
  22. Art Sandusky

    Official College Football thread

    I didn't think Miami was far and away the best team last year. In the 2001 season, well, they were just fucking insane that year. Here's a fun dream match for us all: 2001 Miami against Oklahoma today.
  23. Art Sandusky

    Official College Football thread

    Has K-State even made it to one of the BCS bowls since the inception of the system?
  24. Art Sandusky

    I think RVDmark is...

    I think Treble Charged has been responsible for the gimmick poster "Anglesault." BAN~!
  25. Art Sandusky

    Official College Football thread

    Yes but do we need three of them in the same day? I'm not going to win you over since your an SEC fan and believe me I'd rather have the SEC champ over Florida State which might be the other alternative in the Rose Bowl. Personally I think they should move the Outback Bowl off January 1st as it doesn't have the same tradition as the other games that day and again you already get a more prestigious SEC/Big Ten match-up in the bowl formerly known as the Citrus Bowl. Look at it this way: with the additions to the ACC next year, they'll take some of these matchup spots. There are too many teams in the new ACC that would be lucrative to a bowl commission. Let's just pray they don't create any more.