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Art Sandusky

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Everything posted by Art Sandusky

  1. Art Sandusky

    Explain THIS TO ME

    "Guys, today I finally did it! I passed her a note asking 'Do you like me?' with a Yes and No on it, and told her to circle one of them! She said she'd give it back to me with her answer tomorrow! Whee!"
  2. Art Sandusky

    The descriptor for this folder is wrong

    They balance out aloof, sloppy gents like myself.
  3. Art Sandusky

    Look what I found

    Dude, that's Metal Ed's yearbook picture. They took his image, he didn't take theirs. NONBELIEVERS~!
  4. Art Sandusky

    Official College Football thread

    Okay, so much for Miami. There's one wrong so far. EDIT: Jefferson Pilot had the score misprinted while I was watching Florida/South Carolina. Neeeevermind. 1 for 1 today!
  5. Art Sandusky

    Official College Football thread

    Admittedly, Mississippi State can't stop anyone with their defense, but 49-7 with 7:45 left in the third quarter speaks more for the Tennessee offense waking up than the impotent MSU defense. Clausen's already thrown for 312 yards. Meanwhile, my picks are all correct so far, with some deviations on how close I thought the games would be. Iowa is making a statement to the various bowls out there with their game today. Meanwhile, Oklahoma is already up 14-0 halfway through the first quarter...
  6. Art Sandusky

    Official College Football thread

    Don't ask.
  7. Art Sandusky

    Barry Bonds wants more money

    I haven't liked Bonds since he played for Pittsburgh anyway. He's only doing this because he expects to break the all-time homer record in several years. Speaking of which, after he's busted (and he WILL be, too many people dislike him to cover up the test results), they shouldn't do that asterisk next to the guy's name thing, they should strip him of all of the records he held and take him off of all-time lists. Show these players that they can't do that shit.
  8. Art Sandusky

    Official Name Change Request Thread

    I'll get you back somehow. You'll see. (good thing my name isn't Patrick Reubens)
  9. Art Sandusky

    Official College Football thread

    Man, this "TCU doesn't deserve a BCS bowl" talk on the pregame shows is really pissing me off. What irked me the most was when Kirk Herbstreit said "If you aren't coming from a BCS conference, you have to win big in order to get into a BCS bowl," as if, say, Northern Illinois had won all of their games by 27 points, only THEN would they be equal with a Big XII or SEC team that had one or two losses. THERE ARE GOOD FOOTBALL TEAMS FROM NON-MAJOR CONFERENCES, GODDAMMIT. Also, I believe that if Ohio State can make it through Michigan State (already done), Purdue, and Michigan, they deserve to play in the Sugar Bowl after those three gradually harder and harder games.
  10. Art Sandusky

    The Zack Malibu Birthday Wish List

    Fuck all of you, December 6th is the greatest day of the year.
  11. Art Sandusky

    Official Name Change Request Thread

    Okay, someone's gonna fuckin' die. Okay, I don't mind the name so much, but did you really have to change my sig? Ugh. I'll leave it up for a while so people can see what I'm so pissed about...
  12. Art Sandusky

    Explain THIS TO ME

    Being a 19 year old college student going to a college that's a ten minute drive away, I sure am.
  13. Art Sandusky

    Official College Football thread

    Ah, I forgot about the drubbing in 2002. I remembered the close one at least. It'll be interesting to see if they can break that streak of losses at Lincoln.
  14. Art Sandusky

    Explain THIS TO ME

    Are you nuts? I somehow managed to blow half of my house up just getting out of bed this morning. If that isn't complicated, I don't know what is. I won't even get into the tragedy that was making breakfast...
  15. Art Sandusky

    Official College Football thread

    My picks for this weekend (games with ranked teams only for now): Miami over Syracuse. They're pissed, that's the only reason I need to say they'll win. Iowa over Minnesota. Minnesota might have loads of momentum right now, but Iowa won't go quietly. It'll be close. Tennessee over Mississippi State. Tennessee is feeling a Rocky Top high right now and MSU is just plain awful this season. Virginia Tech over Temple. Virginia Tech will win out the rest of its games this season, but the damage is already done. TCU over Cincinnati. Unless the kibosh has been put on TCU and their BCS bowl hopes, they'll roll. Boise State over UTEP. I know nothing about either team, but Boise State must be ranked for a reason, I suppose. Michigan over Northwestern. Northwestern will give them a hell of a game I think, and Michigan might be caught looking ahead to Ohio State, but they'll snap out of it to win. Washington State over Arizona State. Wazzou is still good, despite being dragged by USC two weeks ago. They've still got some BCS hopes to play for. Nebraska over Kansas State. Neither team impresses me all that much (especially K-State), but I think that K-State has only beaten Nebraska once since their near-Fiesta Bowl season in 1998. I could be wrong though. Texas over Texas Tech. BJ Symons says "I just wanna fly..." and Texas says "get the fuck back down here." I'll never think Texas is as good as the media wants them to be every year, but they win here. Symons will put up 842 yards or some other astronomical amount of passing in a loss. Alabama over LSU. This is going out on a limb, but Alabama isn't that bad and can play with anyone in the nation when they work to the best of their abilities. I'm really have no idea how they have a losing record. LSU might be looking ahead to the Ole Miss game as well. It'll be a squeaker, but I think Alabama can do it. Wisconsin over Michigan State. The Badgers will continue to be an enigma wrapped in a riddle and play well this week against what I think is an overrated Michigan State team. They will then lose to Iowa, but at least they'll go to a bowl somewhere. Florida over South Carolina. Florida is hot as FUCK right now and I'll love every highlight of them beating the living shit out of USC. God, I hate South Carolina. BAYLOR DEFEATS OKLAHOMA!!! Come now, do I even need to make a prediction with any OU game? Toledo over Northern Illinois. NIU has nothing left to play for since the MAC title game is already set I believe and bowls are still avoiding mid-majors like the plague. Toledo isn't bad anyway, and they're undefeated at home. PURDUE KNOCKS OFF OHIO STATE. Yes, that's a real prediction. Game of the week to be sure, but Purdue WILL go into the horseshoe and beat THE Ohio State University. They've got Big Ten title hopes still (slim as they are), and you KNOW Ohio State is looking ahead to the Michigan game, since I think they're afraid of the Wolverines. I'm serious. Auburn over Georgia. This isn't just the Tennessee fan in me talking, I really think that Auburn can go between the hedge groves and beat the Bulldogs. Georgia is no LSU, and thus the Cadillac will be running all over the Bulldogs. Auburn is too good to be unranked, I believe. Give them #25 or something. Florida State over North Carolina State. If this were played at NC State, I would pick the Wolfpack. However, FSU is at home and cheesed about losing to Clemson and potentially losing the conference title for the second time in three years. NC State gives FSU a game like Georgia Tech did, but I foresee some grave mistake or turnover being made that will give FSU the win late in the game. Fuckin' Seminoles. USC over Arizona. Remember when Arizona was good several years ago? Yeah, that was fun. West Virginia over Pittsburgh. WV is playing for at least a share of the Big East title and are at home in one of the loudest atmospheres in college football this season. Did you HEAR that place during the Virginia Tech game? Pittsburgh is still worried about Miami later down the road, but West Virginia knows this is their final test of the season. They'll win big. And that's me.
  16. Art Sandusky

    Is it Me

    I don't know why, but this put me on the floor.
  17. Art Sandusky

    Who in the hell is Sandro?

    Isn't it strange how the rest of us know about this Sandro fellow, yet DrTom and Marney both dened it first, with Tom (or some other moderator) going back and changing the link to Sandro's profile? A moderator I can see joking around about it, but a little odd that Marney would just pop in out of nowhere and start saying there was no Sandro.
  18. Art Sandusky

    OMG~! I actually reviewed Raw.

    There's just nothing that seperates it from any other Raw piece I see other than the very good idea of the Notable Spots and Verdict sections after each match. It feels like I'm reading one of the non-SK 411 reports where the guys do indeed do a good job of telling you what happened, but do it with the flash and sizzle of a tweed brown suit.
  19. Art Sandusky

    10/23/2000 Benoit Raw Promo

    I was going through some unlabeled tapes of mine and discovered a tape of October 2000 Raws and Smackdowns that I never recorded over for whatever reason. One of these Raws was the night after No Mercy, where HHH defeated Chris Benoit and Angle won his first title and all that. Benoit came out to cut a promo on his loss the previous evening, and what he had to say strikes me now, three years later, as odd (credit CRZ for the transcript): "Since beeing in the WWF, I've noticed that there are many different ways to succeed and achieve success. I've noticed that talent...is pointless. I've noticed that sheer will and determination...are useless. And being the best damn technical wrestler in the entire industry today does not mean one damn thing. You see, here in the WWF, success is not gagued by your 'wrestling' ability. A perfect example of that would be...Triple H. So he got a win last night. So WHAT. So he walks away with another victory. So what. Triple H, YOU did not BEAT me. The only Game that one last night was you getting help from your bitch of a wife! You did not prove me wrong - you pissed me off, and that's just the way it is! So tonight, before I set an example, before I set a new standard with your friend Road Dogg, let me let you in on a little secret. Starting tonight, things will be a hell of a lot different. Starting tonight, NO ONE and NOTHING will stop me, because my time - MY time - *MY* TIME IS NOW - PROVE ME WRONG!" Obviously, nothing is really different now, but do you think we'd hear anyone say something along these lines today? Sure we get the same "I'm the best real wrestler" talk, but I seriously doubt straight up saying that talent isn't needed to be successful would go over well. Anyone else have any thoughts on this strangely foreshadowing piece of microphone work?
  20. Art Sandusky

    Scott Kieth looking for love

    Danni is actually hotter, but I think Kylie is more beautiful.
  21. Art Sandusky

    OMG~! I actually reviewed Raw.

    c'mon Rant, you've seen Raw. and what does it say about Raw when you ask the entire board to recap Raw and no one will do it? I've sent in a sample and posted a link to my Underground Recap every week since!! I'm more than happy to do it because I'm getting a kick out of doing it. Ehh, your stuff lacks something, I don't know what. It just feels pedestrian while I'm reading it.
  22. Art Sandusky

    Scott Kieth looking for love

    Yes, congratulations on finding something funny someone else said. Smartass? Thank you... thank you... thank you... See now, my Thank you's were sincere, your just being rude *rides high horse out of thread* What about my Just Being Rude? He doesn't like you talking about him. OMG NITPICKZ~
  23. Art Sandusky

    Fashion Police

    That's why he rules, you can sense that he's about to die in a really cool fashion, like having a heartattack before he was supposed to dive into the pool of beer and hot dogs and just kinda flopping in instead. Or he'll explode.
  24. Art Sandusky

    Fashion Police

    That dude in the first picture RULES.
  25. Art Sandusky

    Scott Kieth looking for love

    Yes, congratulations on finding something funny someone else said. Smartass? Thank you... thank you... thank you...