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Art Sandusky

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Everything posted by Art Sandusky

  1. Art Sandusky

    I hope Damaramu dies

    My guess is a really hideous girl.
  2. Art Sandusky

    I hope Damaramu dies

    This new name of mine is fun.
  3. Art Sandusky

    I hope Damaramu dies

    I would have been gone a while ago too with the boring and lazy rule.
  4. Art Sandusky

    I hope Damaramu dies

    Booooooooooring.... booooooooooooooring... It's a messageboooooooooooard... Seriously, this is like the time someone called someone else out over some dumb crap in a video game thread, wrote out a looooooong-assed post, and all I could say was "dude, that's just sad." Seriously, making an NHB thread about this crap is pathetic. If you've won your argument as you say you have (with his lack of response), then stop at that instead of making a thread about it. Ehh, I was never fond of you and your stand-offish antisocial attitude anyway.
  5. Art Sandusky

    Quick Question

    "Jesus shit?" Hmm, I need to use that.
  6. Art Sandusky

    Early Smackdown News

    Just quietly have Cena facing heels instead of faces over time, and keep the act the same. Once he starts rapping like a face would (complete with dumb insults of the heel wrestler, ie. "Shave yoru back" crap), it's all over.
  7. Art Sandusky


    Where is he? Look in a mirror, it's YOU~! It was Banky all along!
  8. Art Sandusky

    Anything appealing at SurSer?

    I'm actually pretty amped about Survivor Series this year, more than I was for last year's event. I'm just a big ol' mark for elimination matches.
  9. Art Sandusky


    Damn straight.
  10. Art Sandusky


    But where IDRM has failed to change his name to something silly, I have succeeded! HAH!
  11. Art Sandusky

    Whatever happened to...

    OMG LOOSE CANNON POSTZ~ Inc being AICC would make sense, sort of. Still, I doubt Inc had the resolve to make THAT many posts as a gimmick. I love him to death, but he can be a lazy bastard.
  12. Art Sandusky

    Official Name Change Request Thread

    Rawk. EDIT: (sees other stuff done to his posts) Triple Rawk.
  13. Art Sandusky

    Official Name Change Request Thread

    So far, Mr. Macarena has been the best. It's still all up to Zack. Come on, man. Gimme something gooooood.
  14. Art Sandusky

    Official Name Change Request Thread

    Zack, I trust you to change my name to something good. I want my name changed for 24 hours to something of your choosing. Make it as funny/fitting as possible.
  15. Art Sandusky

    This site sucks

    Yes, he's disturbingly similar. Probably 13 also. It never ceases to amaze me how some people speak of messageboards as some grand power structure where lives are made and broken and people have actual status.
  16. Art Sandusky

    Official College Football thread

    Way to make the Cotton Bowl seem important again, putting it on January 2nd. Same with the Peach, although the Peach Bowl was never that important... Tennessee in the Outback Bowl? Fuck that noise. We're Citrus or bust, BAYBEE!
  17. Art Sandusky

    Hi, I'm new here

    Remember Kotz? He's back! In P.O.G. form! I'll let myself out. Man, if I had consciously made that joke instead of by pure dumb luck...
  18. Art Sandusky

    Hi, I'm new here

    Mr. Gullible, that's my name. Patrick Oblivior Gullible.
  19. Art Sandusky

    Hi, I'm new here

    Hello, Christopher BuFu Eagan.
  20. Art Sandusky

    Final Raw for Jericho

    I've screwed with him so many times out of boredom I don't even remember. All I can remember right now is his saying how he jacks off thinking about plant life.
  21. Art Sandusky

    Crucifixio Jones question

    Nah, I feel their advertising for it has been perfectly understated and tasteful. I almost forgot about its existence for a couple of seconds.
  22. Art Sandusky

    Something I've always wondered...

    Outside of his (hit-and-miss as well) stand-up, that was the only funny thing that Norm MacDonald has ever said.
  23. Art Sandusky

    Crucifixio Jones question

    Somewhat with a shed of integrity and free will...not a mindless follower. No no no, you don't put someone with free will in charge of something. There's too much chance for them to REBEL~ and overthrow whatever you're in charge of that gave you the power to empower them. Vicious cycles, these things.
  24. Art Sandusky

    Crucifixio Jones question

    But who will police the police?