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Art Sandusky

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Everything posted by Art Sandusky

  1. Art Sandusky

    Marney Secretly In Love with CWM?

    This reminded me of how different Marney is on AIM as opposed to the fire-breathing, spike-covered elitist juggernaut she is here. Much more agreeable and friendly. Never thought I'd say this, but I kinda miss talking to her. (hell freezes over)
  2. Art Sandusky

    Your top 10 posters?

    Back when I would actually post often, people liked me. (fades back into shadows)
  3. Art Sandusky

    Two questions about Austin

    Oh yeah, one match totally made not having a red-hot program that would have probably lasted up to the Invasion worth it.
  4. Art Sandusky

    What's the Point?

    Can't we all just have a rumble? (oh, and marks out for a rare MiB post)
  5. Art Sandusky

    I'm back...

    I didn't like The Drake.
  6. Art Sandusky

    Attention Tim Cooke

    This is what I get for not coming here for two weeks, missing out on a legit new moderator thread. Zack's life is complete now, it's all downhill from here, mofo. TSM moderator is truly the greatest thing going for you... (remembers hot Greek bitch) ... fucker.
  7. Art Sandusky

    One and Only Slam Your Face

    Head: kjkjk Dick: b ggh
  8. Art Sandusky

    TSM Poster Tournament II: Round IV

    Quite conveniently, I don't like you very much either.
  9. Art Sandusky

    TSM Poster Tournament II: Round IV

    What the fuck is this? How am I getting dragged so badly? Whose corn flakes did I piss in? (waits for some of the people who have been here longer to show up)
  10. Art Sandusky

    What songs have you been diggin' lately?

    YES. And, although it isn't new by any means, "Party All The Time" has gotten heavy rotation on the computer and in the car in the last few days. I've also been on a big Byrds kick for the last few weeks, and "Eight Miles High" has been most-played.
  11. Art Sandusky

    Name Change Please

    QUOTE (Sigmund Freud @ Sep 28 2003, 06:58 PM) Also, can a mod change my member title to "Mother Fucker"? HAH! Sorry, I just found this to be an absolute riot.
  12. Art Sandusky

    Top 3

    1. Punch-Drunk Love 2. Animal House 3. Gone in 60 Seconds Crazy people loving each other, college hedonism, and a Shelby GT500. I don't ask for much more.
  13. Art Sandusky

    Stupid Question I have

    I would have to agree 100%. the state was a genius idea that ended when kotz's hubris got the best of him. ever since then, there have been glimpses of the state but the whole "i love kylie" thing is just... *sighs*... hey kotz, do you still have the little red riding hood kylie pic? And I seriously thought people were getting bored with it. And yes, I do still have the picture:
  14. Art Sandusky

    TSM Poster Tournament II: Round IV

    Incandenza (Inc and I in the finals, you know you want it) Kotzenjunge (hey, it's me) Downhome Youth N Asia (NO VOTE, both voted for Ripper) Zack Malibu (Larry David falls to the ZACK ATTACK~!) Ripper, just another flash in the pan fad poster. NO ONE KNOWS WHO YOU ARE! GO AWAY! </Eagan>
  15. Art Sandusky

    Damn you Stephanie!

    So what? It's a stupid gimmick anyway. Almost ever wrestler in WWE is boring. They need to build characters. And enough with the Steph bashing. (What did i get myself into? ) Um, that was building a character. They're all so boring because they aren't allowed to be entertaining on their own.
  16. Art Sandusky

    Stupid Question I have

    You're still scarred from that bout of post whoring several months back. You're just kinda coasting, now. I couldn't believe they had accumulated so quickly. It just kinda happened, one day I was at 10,000 and I just said "holy shit! How did I do that?" It makes me wonder if post whores are really aware of what they're doing.
  17. Art Sandusky

    Stupid Question I have

    It'd be even cooler if you screamed that along with saying "NO DUDEZ BORN OF WOMENZ MAY BEAT ME~," then The New MacDuff shows up. I'd say I was washed up, but I still think I'm doing okay.
  18. Art Sandusky

    People who's avatars

    It's an acquired taste though. Some people don't understand.
  19. Art Sandusky

    People who's avatars

    Nor can you with Larry David stuff, but for different reasons.
  20. Art Sandusky

    TSM Poster Tournament II: Round III

    The moment these gimmick posters make posts that actually have to do with threads, it's over. Besides, he voted for AS. It's clear he's lost his ability to be fresh and entertaining.
  21. Art Sandusky

    People who's avatars

    My avatar rules. Kylie acting all secretive and innocent = Ratings, baybee.
  22. Art Sandusky

    TSM Poster Tournament II: Round III

    Is this what's going to set me loose and cause me to go raving and drag racing and glowstick waving and whatnot? Because if so, I've been doing it wrong. And as for your whole rant on my Angle rants, at least I drop that in the real people world. Hell, no one I know knows I still watch wrestling. You, on the other hand, wear Sgt. Pepper coats in public. What the hell are you talking about? Sgt. Pepper coats? Drinking leading to drag racing and raving? Is this what you're reduced to when you don't have anything of substance to say? Baseless remarks are kinda fun, I guess. So... saying I like the La Resistance outfit means I wear that very outfit in public. Interesting. Seriously, come on, you're better than this.
  23. Art Sandusky

    Banner Request

    Random pictures just ain't doing it for me, so here's what I'd like, and anyone who can fix this up will get mad propz and a phone call from DA SPOON~ himself personally thanking them and commenting on their tremendous sexual prowess. This is the centerpiece. This will be the left flank of the centerpiece, try and get it to cover up the text on the center picture. This is the right flank of the banner, once again covering up the cutoff on the center picture if at all possible. You can probably have the two logos fading into each other somehow behind the Kylie picture. And finally, "Kotzenjunge" in silver Corvette font, as seen here. If you can find it on a graphics site, great. I'm sure Corvette font is out there somewhere. Thanks to whoever can pick this up.
  24. Art Sandusky

    Tucker Carlson gives wrong # on Crossfire

    That was pretty funny. I still hold that the best ever was when the White House's phone number was given in a Doonesbury strip in 1987 by Ronald Regan's Max Hedroom equivalent saying it was a number for "rock-solid information on safe sex!" The reprisal for that one was all calls being forwarded to Gary Trudeau's publisher. Both parties got zinged I suppose, and the only thing that hints resentmnet is the quotation marks around "personality."
  25. Art Sandusky

    Daily Defamation - with Chris Eagan

    Which could have very well been Alina making a name up, or Barry making Alina up. All I know is that this bitch was crazy enough to IM me with some name she'd previously tried to harass me on a few months ago, this time acting as if the screen name was that of her boyfriend. I don't know how I can verbalize my hatred for making posts without punctuation. Makes Barron's usual "follow people around and offer a very quick and thus annoying correction" posts even more irking.