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Art Sandusky

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Everything posted by Art Sandusky

  1. Art Sandusky

    Lets talk about cars

    Yeah, I only messed with the idle on my Caprice because it was carbureted and I had the hexagonal screwdriver heads to adjust it with. It wasn't for the hell of it though, it was so the engine wouldn't shut off at intersections since the fuel lines were so clogged with varnish from gas sitting in them for a year. I could drive around without touching the gas pedal, my top speed idling was 40.
  2. Art Sandusky

    Lets talk about cars

    Have someone really qualified do it.
  3. Art Sandusky

    Lets talk about cars

    The Miata and new Beetle are girl cars, end of story. Now then, I'm starting to get really pissed off that we get these little sprinklings of rain every fucking day since I've had the GT, so I ALWAYS have these water spots ALL OVER it. It's getting really annoying. What's worse is when it happens at work and then the guy comes by to blow all the debris out of the parking lot and blows crap onto the already-wet car. Grr...
  4. Art Sandusky

    I had a dream with you guys

    I don't like the idea of being trapped in a maze with Bob.
  5. Art Sandusky

    I need to vent some heat

    Actually, I find the idea of becoming a firefighter just so you can have a sticker on your car to be absolutely hilarious.
  6. Art Sandusky

    Would You?

    I've decided to simply go the Flair route and talk about Space Mountain a lot. Thanks for all of the suggestions, unfortunately most of them wouldn't work since I don't walk around calling myself my screen name.
  7. Art Sandusky

    I need to vent some heat

    I wear my seat belt at all times and drive normally. Just about the only thing I do that might be considered dodging the police is putting my brights on late at night on empty straightaways so I can see if there are any waiting on the side of the road with no lights on, who might be bored and just want to pull someone over to break the tedium. If I see one, I go even slower, like 10 under the limit. You know, I get an amazing number of weird looks being a young guy in a GT. People expect me to be rocketing through traffic, weaving in and out of lanes, shit like that. Either that or they think I have some monster modifications under the hood and I'm just trying to bait people into racing.
  8. Art Sandusky

    Lets talk about cars

    The Cobra isn't listed with the Mustangs on Ford's site, but it's still a Mustang. Anyways, yeah, an NSX-R would be simply beyond sweet. I've kinda always wanted a Zinc Yellow NSX like the one I have in Sega GT 2002.
  9. Art Sandusky

    I need to vent some heat

    I will admit, even though I drive the speed limit (and often 5 or so under it), how quickly I get up to that speed is another thing altogether.
  10. Art Sandusky

    Lets talk about cars

    Well, since you were present for the dyno test, were the front or rear wheels the ones they had the dyno actually on?
  11. Art Sandusky

    Lets talk about cars

    Well, that explains a lot. Are the Type Rs RWD or FWD? And how the heck did your friend get a hold of one? Don't they only import 500 or so real ones a year?
  12. Art Sandusky

    I need to vent some heat

    Like I said in the cars thread, I've been driving like an old man in my GT so far. Going fast prevents me from seeing people watch it and wish it was theirs. I mean, come on, like my father told me: "Any dumb fucker can go fast, but it takes skill to look good," and if you're tooling around in an Escalade, you don't need to go fast. Absorb the nonverbal envy from everyone around you, sheesh.
  13. Art Sandusky

    Lets talk about cars

    What does your friend have? 304 at the wheels is damn good.
  14. Art Sandusky

    Lets talk about cars

    I wouldn't have done it if they hadn't called my car a piece of shit and told me was a Domestic-driving asshole.
  15. Art Sandusky

    Lets talk about cars

    A bunch of ricers pursued me like a swarm of angry bees tonight downtown after I passed their little lineup and revved my engine at them. It was pretty funny to see me take off from all of them as we got out of town and on open road.
  16. Art Sandusky

    Lets talk about cars

    I liked the originals better. And the GLHS was a Shelby product, thus making it the shit automatically. I won't even TOUCH that Cobra remark, you know better.
  17. Art Sandusky

    Lets talk about cars

    But... it's a Neon.
  18. Art Sandusky

    Lets talk about cars

    Must've been a 1999 or 2001 Cobra (no 2000 or 2002s were made), because there's no way they'd give the monster 2003s for police use. And I can only imagine how cool an Impreza police car would look. Some departments in this state have BMWs for whatever reason. They're in the real rural areas too.
  19. Art Sandusky

    Brief Defense on my Banning..

    Ehh, nWoScorpion was pretty annoying anyway, and his reviews of stuff were so sterile and middle of the road you could have set your clock to them. Oh, and he was listed as one of Zacalex's friends back in the day. That's never a good sign.
  20. Art Sandusky

    Lets talk about cars

    You have unmarked COBRA police cars around there? Any idea what year they are? We've got GT interceptors around here now, which baffles me because we had newer Z28s before, and those are much more powerful, especially if they've been modified for police use. (and I can only imagine how short that chase might have been...)
  21. Art Sandusky

    Brief Defense on my Banning..

    Are you sure you aren't just misreading the accidental banning of 75% of us as a banning on you specifically, or did something else happen that I have no idea about?
  22. Art Sandusky

    Lets talk about cars

    Naw HBK, that's one of the 2001 Bullitt edition GTs. No spoiler, either green or black, special rims (which come on Premium GTs now), red brake calipers, and special interior amenities (which came with mine as part of the interior upgrade package; racing pedals, painted aluminum center panel, etc). When I get a picture of mine, it'll be my sig, trust me.
  23. Art Sandusky

    The One & Only Cock Shots Thread

    Thanks Kotz. Please...flash your cock on the way through next time. I honestly have no functional camera at the moment that I could use to put pictures on here. My webcam crapped out on me about a month ago for some reason, and my digital has been useless since I lose the USB cable a year and seven months ago. Otherwise, trust me, I'd be taking pictures like a mofo of my car and my wee willie winkle.
  24. Art Sandusky

    The One & Only Cock Shots Thread

    And me without my camera. This thread is hilarious.