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Art Sandusky

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Everything posted by Art Sandusky

  1. Art Sandusky

    WWE Raw - February 23, 2009

    Rematch! Whoo! WTF Big Show
  2. Art Sandusky

    WWE Raw - February 23, 2009

    I've never been so happy to see John Cena. I dig his goofball corny promo style.
  3. Art Sandusky

    What would your biography be called?

    An Ounce of Goodwill Makes a Pound of Headaches.
  4. Art Sandusky

    Pictures I Like

    Shit like that helps remind me that mud-caked bullshit political spite has been around for longer than anyone cares to remember. (John F. Kennedy/Barack H. Obama) pals around with (communists/terrorists)!
  5. Art Sandusky

    Personal Attacks on Jingus.

    The funny part is that you think that's a positive for someone. Boy, I'd better not insult Jingus anymore, this mouth-breathing, waste of carbon (and the other five SPONCH elements) is taking issue with it! If I don't stop he might drool all over me, or maybe do a line of coke off of my fallen e-corpse. Man, fuck you.
  6. Art Sandusky

    Personal Attacks on Jingus.

    Do I have to look at the shadows? I read it sober earlier, and now high (last day I can do drugs for a while!), and it doesn't work still.
  7. Art Sandusky

    Great Unsolved Crimes or Events

    So we're talking legit mysteries here and not questions about accepted theories on events/perpetrators, right?
  8. Art Sandusky

    Personal Attacks on Jingus.

    I don't get it. What was that DVDVR thread supposed to show? I just read an awful lot of discussion of goddamn Joss Whedon work, there had better be a point.
  9. Art Sandusky

    Personal Attacks on Jingus.

    He's chosen not to post in this thread. Probably the smart thing to do, I might give him the what-for if he did.
  10. Art Sandusky


    What the fuck happened here?
  11. Art Sandusky

    I'm enlisting in the Army.

    This will NOT be a career. When I'm done, I'm out. Period. Maybe a year or two in the Reserve or Guard, maybe.
  12. Art Sandusky

    You'll never guess my secret identity

    Does razazteca still post, or did his brain cavity implode?
  13. Art Sandusky

    What Now, TSM?

    Venkman prays for the board's life every night before he goes to bed.
  14. Art Sandusky


    Oh lord, the W!! thing.
  15. Art Sandusky

    What Now, TSM?

    The board will survive, nurtured by anticipation and discussion of wrestling shows, offensive pictures, and how the latest geekfest movie is an abomination/orgasm of entertainment.
  16. Art Sandusky

    I'm enlisting in the Army.

    I'm still more than two years from a degree and can't get back in until I pay off my student loans. I mean, I could get readmitted, but paying for it is another story. If I could go into officer school I would have been all over that instead, believe me. Right now I'd be satisfied to go in a PFC and come out of my training as a Specialist/Corporal and plan to bust my ass to make it happen.
  17. Art Sandusky

    Personal Attacks on Jingus.

    There aren't basements in Texas? Does misrepresenting exactly which backwards piece of shit Southern state that's only made worse by Jingus's residence invalidate anything else I said? I'm surprised that a combination of being Canadian and, well, you, allows you to tell any of our states apart.
  18. Art Sandusky

    I'm enlisting in the Army.

    Got my scores back, sort of, over the phone. I'll see the full readout whenever I go to the recruiter's office again, but I got a 95 overall and over 100 on all of my line scores (whatever those are) on the ASVAB. Being an MP has a lot to do with my uncle being one when he was in from the late 60s to the early 80s. He's told me so many stories that it sounded pretty fun. That and a guy I work with and talk to a lot on a regular basis was a Marine MP, so there's some influence there too. I won't be allowed to do it, but I checked on the fields I mentioned and none of them will need clearances so it's looking pretty good. Depends on what they need/want now, I know that I'm not guaranteed anything until I sign that contract.
  19. Art Sandusky

    The US Economy and Current Financial Crisis

    We have a winner! It took New Orleans being annhilated, but that's what got the country to wake up and see what the rest of the world was seeing for years.
  20. Art Sandusky

    Personal Attacks on Jingus.

    Because he's too busy swilling cough syrup and ogling barely legal (and sometimes not!) wimminz that just aren't available in the glamour apex that is his mother's basement in Tennessee. (waits for Jingus post trying to make him feel inferior for not knowing every excruciating detail of the life of this sad fuckin' sack that makes me feel better as a human being, nay, denizen of the universe)
  21. Art Sandusky

    So I guess this is my goodby for a good while.

    I shoulda come down to GC more often before a week ago. If you see this at some point Ripper, all the best! You were one of the good ones.
  22. Art Sandusky

    Personal Attacks on Jingus.

    Self respecting pussy? Nah, Jingus doesn't respect himself.
  23. Art Sandusky


    Warn me more, baby. It hurts so good.
  24. Art Sandusky

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    I had no idea X was even nominated for Best Dance Album. I'm falling out of the loop. Shoulda won, but I'm biased.