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Everything posted by ryankeast

  1. ryankeast

    HUGE *spoiler*

    Its too late to give him the Title for a match over 11 months ago. After that standing ovation they should have run with a Beniot feud to the World Title then. I'm not saying don't do a feud with Lesnar or even don't give him the title - I just think he won't draw - which is what Vince only cares about.
  2. ECW Sandman Raven Tommy Dreamer Tazz Sabu Terry Funk Shane Douglas RVD Cactus Jack Mike Awesome
  3. Thats a tricky one about Sting - I think I'd go Crow Sting as It's more marketable but I was a huge mark for surfer Sting.
  4. ryankeast

    HUGE *spoiler*

    [Remember when they were saying this about Eddie? ] Yes but Eddie has always had charisma, something that Beniot does somewhat lack. If Eddie is still over the way he was a month ago he should be pushed to the Main Event and even get the title - he deserves it.
  5. ryankeast

    HUGE *spoiler*

    [benoit as Champ will NOT draw] As much as it pains me to say it I have to agree. What a fucking shame that is too.
  6. WCW (NWA) Hall and Nash (The NWO Was huge) Ric Flair Dusty Rhodes Sting Vader Hulk Hogan Harley Race Ricky Steamboat Lex Luger
  7. ryankeast

    HUGE *spoiler*

    This feud like already stated would kick ass - in the ring. Not sure how they would write the feud as neither is gold on the mic - and the fans may loose intrest.
  8. Will Goldberg even still be around come Wrestlemania?????
  9. [bobby Heenan is a WWF Staple. He was one of the most influential managers in the company, possibly only second to "Classy" Freddie Blassie in that respect. ] Of Course Chris no dout I was just interested as to why he picked him above people like say Savage or Andre? <NOTE> I didn't choose Savage but he was close
  10. The Gobbledygooker Doink The Clown Giant Gonzalez Beaver Cleavrage Duke The Dumpster Drosse King Mabel Kamala Saba Simba Butch and Luke From The Bushwackers but seriously, Buddy Rogers Bruno Sammartino Superstar Graham Bob Backlund Andre The Giant Hulk Hogan Bret Hart The Undertaker (Deadman Gimmick) Steve Austin The Rock Downhome - interested why you would pick Bobby Heenan???
  11. ryankeast

    Alien vs. Predator teaser trailer!

    Is Old Sigourney Weaver in this. Should be interesting.
  12. ryankeast

    Elix Skipper in WWE dark match

    How's come he hasn't been on TNA recently ??? As a matter of fact where is Lo-Ki and Amazing Red?
  13. ryankeast

    One and Only 10/29/03 TNA Thread

    I didn't relise Ole Hacksaw still wrestled??? What have the two turdburgers been doing since the last time we saw them. i.e Where they been wrestling?
  14. ryankeast

    Romance Music?

    Joe Cooker - You Are So Beautiful Joan Armantrading - Love And Affection Extreme - More Than Words And if you get lucky - Play the Goldtrapp album - great fucking music.
  15. ryankeast

    Kings of Leon

    Kings Of Leon are are great bread of new of bands coming through. The album is a real grower. It depends what your into really. But I like U2 and Coldplay too so there you go .
  16. ryankeast

    The Darkness

    [This record is pure genius: huge hooks, hilarious lyrics and that f'n castrada! Great stuff. ] Couldn't say it better myself. I think The Darkness ar fantastic. They are fun and are unbelivable live. Fingers crossed they will get the Christmas Number One and not the Pop Idols who apparently are going to cover John Lennon's Classic - Happy Xmas (War Is Over) He'll be turning in his grave.
  17. ryankeast

    Recent purchases

    Brought the following the other day The Indiana Jone Trilogy Platoon Robocop Forrest Gump Stand By Me Gangs Of New York
  18. ryankeast

    The shining scarier than the exorcist?

    I agree 100% that The Shining is more scarier than the Exorcist and is a far more superior film. Kuberick's direction is flawless and is filmed in a far more spookier - errier way. The twins scare the shit out of me as does the boy saying REDRUM over and over. Nicholson and Shirly Duvall (also in that classic Surburban Commando) are fantastic. I saw The Exorcist for the first time when it was re-released a few years ago - and time has not been good on it. I also experienced others laughing in the cinema in the infamous - 'head-spinning' scene and the bed rocking. Linda Blairs performance is also rather shite. I don't think its any wonder it caused such a stir in 1973 as it was very ahead of its time. Excorist is more shocking than scary (the masturbation with the crucifix isn't too pleasant if your religious) Jaws at number 3 I can deal with - although not truely scary now it is a classic. The Head scene hasn't aged well - reminds me of the scare in Carrie which also is rather wank when watching it today.
  19. ryankeast

    The 4.0 NWA:TNA Diary

    Watts Cooking - Great name for a chat show. Me thinks Styles will regain next week with Vince Russo as the Special ef. Wheres Raven??? I thought a feud with his former lakeys Punk and Dinero would be hot and help the former get over. Keep up the good work.
  20. ryankeast

    The 4.0 NWA:TNA Diary

    Thought I'd leave some feedback - Good Read. Styles/Dlo and Douglas/Jarratt Feuds are being booked great. Shame that you have so many injuries in The Netwrork as I think that Stable could be awsome. Where does the love for Emko come from????