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Everything posted by welshjerichomark

  1. welshjerichomark

    Explain THIS TO ME

    Nah, i though Geminis were supposed to be all jumped up and insane. Don't quote me on that though.
  2. welshjerichomark

    Wanna see a Picture of Me?

    I fell really sorry for him. Imagine being that ugly.
  3. welshjerichomark

    Bush vist to the U.K.

    I don't dislike him in the slightest, he's just kinda scary. I'm not a Tony Blair supporter though.
  4. welshjerichomark

    It's Ok To Drink And Drive??

    Can ANYTHING that reduces the number of Frenchmen be a bad thing? -=Mike Dude thats really original. Isn't it odd that if made that remark about say....someone of a different race you'd be banned in a heartbeat.
  5. welshjerichomark

    English Football

    Wales 0 Russia 0. Pretty darn good. Roll on Wednesday!
  6. welshjerichomark

    Explain THIS TO ME

    Enough of this corny childish bullshit. Just tell her you like her. You couldn't possibly make any more of an ass of yourself, so what are you waiting for?
  7. welshjerichomark

    Who are the most narrow minded music fans?

    Metal and Indy fans who stop liking bands just because they have an album/single in the charts.
  8. welshjerichomark

    'Ladies Night' lands nightclub $500 fine

    <requires UK -> American English translator for this> Translation>>> Asshole.
  9. welshjerichomark

    'Ladies Night' lands nightclub $500 fine

    In what jobs are women payed less than men? Hell if i found out i was getting paid less than a dude, i would have the hugest fucking hissy fit known to man. And as for doing heavy lifting and the like, in work last week i shifted the same amount of boxes in 2 hours that my male co-worker did in a day. Its called not being a lazy tosser.
  10. welshjerichomark

    Woman finds rubber in chowder...

    Slight overeaction don't you think?
  11. welshjerichomark

    Which Enemy of the Christian Church Are You?

    Atheist for me. But the weird thing is...i'm not.
  12. welshjerichomark

    What is the funniest TV show ever?

    There's a British show called Dinnerladies which is really funny. my other favorites are Friends, The Simpsons and South park.
  13. welshjerichomark

    No mention of CRASH on RAW tonight?

    I can actually feel my brain cells dying as i read some the shite in this thread.
  14. welshjerichomark

    Celine Dion

    Soembody should go to a french message board and start the same gimmick, only in English.
  15. welshjerichomark


    Happy Birthday gurl!
  16. welshjerichomark

    Celine Dion

    J'adore Mme Dion! surtout "Beauty and the Beast" c'est vraiment magnifique.
  17. welshjerichomark

    Livejournal Wackyness

    Ma journal ownz all!?11 da link is in ma sig!
  18. welshjerichomark

    Who here is pierced

    Ears pierced, twice in each. I used to have the top of my ear pierced as well but it went all scabby and infected so i had to take it out. When i had me ears pierced the second time it hurt like a bitch.
  19. welshjerichomark

    Crash Holly passes away

    Man this is really bad. RIP Crash
  20. welshjerichomark

    David Blaine's "Dive of Death"

    I bought a David Blaine doll yesterday. Sadly i couldn't get it out of the box.
  21. welshjerichomark

    I hope Damaramu dies

    Damn this is good stuff.
  22. welshjerichomark

    Aren't I so...

    [guy mode] I'd hit it [/guy mode]
  23. welshjerichomark

    Hi, I'm new here

    Am i the only person who's starting to like this guy?
  24. welshjerichomark

    If you had a REALLY hot cousin...

    ::screams:: ::runs::
  25. welshjerichomark

    How many pairs of shoes do you own?

    I feel the need to show you all my favorite pair of shoes. I didn't think £20 could buy you style, but obviously i was wrong.