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Everything posted by Firestarter

  1. Firestarter

    Marney: RIP

    You're a twit. My Leelee is about a hundred layers... classifications... categories... well... damn near anything compared to your ass. You will never touch anything like her.
  2. Firestarter

    Marney: RIP

    I'll answer this in a PM or on Messenger... your choice. I don't want to be hurtful.
  3. Firestarter

    Marney: RIP

    I freely admit this. I am less attractive than Ginger and my Leelee. No arguments whatsoever. I would put Leelee at an 8.5 at least. Only in your book, son.
  4. Firestarter

    Marney: RIP

    No, Ginger is just nicer than Leelee. The reason you get along with all of us, son (accepting the premise) is that you are not threatening. That's not something you should brag about.
  5. Firestarter

    Marney: RIP

    Firestarter says (23:00): I'm really starting to see my Leelee's point... X says (23:01): concerning TSM's misogyny? Firestarter says (23:03): Yeah. She's right. They're just scared of girls. Beauty isn't the point. My Leelee is at least a 9 out of 10. I'm a 7 out 10. Ginger is an 8 out of 10 at least. It's not that we're ugly. It's that they know they can't have us. And they hate us for that.
  6. Firestarter

    Marney: RIP

    And because I always win.
  7. Firestarter

    Marney: RIP

    Because you have always loved me.
  8. Firestarter

    State of the Folder

    That's not the point, Al.
  9. Firestarter


    Indeed. I would simply like to know whether TSM policy distinguishes between threats of death and threats of rape.
  10. Firestarter

    Marney: RIP

    Please reconsider the use of your plurals.
  11. Firestarter

    Marney: RIP

    Yes, and you're welcome.
  12. Firestarter

    Marney: RIP

    Then I shall wait for you to return and prove your assertions once you feel you're up to it.
  13. Firestarter

    Marney: RIP

    Please show your work and attach testimonials. ... Could someone kindly tell him that this is not out of the bounds of plausibility? I'd be tempted to demonstrate but this new guy is just so... inconsequential. It'd be like setting wildpegasus or MarvinisaLunatic on fire with a flamethrower. Or shooting a cockroach with my .50 sidearm.
  14. Firestarter

    Gas Price Check...

    I can walk to my living room alone. With a cane. Nah. I usually have a bulletproof Lincoln. Mine's a little slow to start up because you need the IR refractors to start up before the engine.
  15. Firestarter

    Marney: RIP

    But without justification or even plausibility? Why? So you feel that blacks are genetically inclined to rape and brutalize white women for the crime of holding certain opinions? And I'm the racist?
  16. Firestarter

    Marney: RIP

    1. "Cuntface" I'm actually not bad-looking. There's more than one person on this board who's seen my picture, as well as more than one person who has met me face-to-face, and I think they would all agree that I am at least a 7 out of 10. 2. "Whore" I have never exchanged sex for money. I defy you to present evidence that I have. Conclusion: your attempt to insult me was ineffectual. Please try again. It is mildly entertaining to observe.
  17. Firestarter

    State of the Folder

    Well, this seems to be a call to eliminate the NHB folder.
  18. Firestarter

    State of the Folder

    I knew there was a reason I loved you.
  19. Firestarter

    State of the Folder

    Also, Marvin, you're an idiot. Yes, I realize that added nothing.
  20. Firestarter

    Marney: RIP

    <politely offers to exchange a shovel for the baseball bat> I believe this will be of more use to you.
  21. Firestarter

    State of the Folder

    Make it NSFW. The use of the words "nigger" or "spic" or any number of other racial/sexual/gender-based slurs could be relevant in a political discussion, as could region-based slurs, and/or slurs referring to social classes, regardless of whether they're being used ironically or not. Even so, I recognize that with our PC culture people can get into trouble if they view this site at the office and the computer records a history which includes slurs such as those referenced above. So designate it NSFW and let people make their own decisions. That way no one can say she wasn't warned. As for the eugenics crap, I don't agree with one iota of it, but don't censor it. The best way to demolish bullshit is to bring it out into the open and let it be torn to shreds. It's so easy to do. I honestly don't understand why anyone's afraid of neo-Nazis or Afrocentrists. They can be eviscerated with ease; they have been, and they will be in the future. Let them spout their tripe. Then rip them apart.
  22. Firestarter

    Gas Price Check...

    I only walk from my bed to my computer chair. And sometimes down the stairs. After that, I have a car. Also, I can order my driver to exceed speed limits, go on the shoulder, and use any HOV lanes available. And my office pays for my travel expenses so I don't really care how much oil costs. And, like most sensible people, I stopped using bicycles for anything other than recreation the moment I grew up.
  23. Firestarter

    Marney: RIP

    Really? I don't recall Jesus ever saying anything of the sort. Nor does it say so anywhere in the Old Testament. Ever picked up a Bible?
  24. Firestarter

    Marney: RIP

    Um. Because suicide is a sin?
  25. Firestarter

    Campaign 2008

    I meant Y2J. <sniffs> There's only one weak-kneed pansy-ass pacifist lefty traitor for me.