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Everything posted by Firestarter

  1. Firestarter

    Campaign 2008

    Biden did awfully well on the closing statements, and she knew it. She was rattled.
  2. Firestarter

    Campaign 2008

    ...okay, maybe Jobber wins.
  3. Firestarter

    Campaign 2008

    ... ... y2jerk wins.
  4. Firestarter

    Campaign 2008

    it did and it rocked iirc
  5. Firestarter

    Campaign 2008

    He and I are friends... he's still an ass.
  6. Firestarter

    Campaign 2008

    <interested> Really? It's true. Anyways, I'll let the thread be during the debate, which if it goes anything like the Couric interviews, should be a blast to watch. I have a bad feeling Biden will come out looking like the bad guy picking on Palin. Should be interesting to see what we hear from Biden, though, since he's been fairly forgotten about in this race by the media. agreed. Biden's an ass, but he does have brains. He can surprise you once in a while. And this is the first time Palin will be let go... I'm looking forward to seeing how she does.
  7. Firestarter

    Campaign 2008

    <smiles> I've always loved you, JotW. You're a sweetheart.
  8. Firestarter

    Campaign 2008

    <interested> Really?
  9. Firestarter

    Campaign 2008

    This isn't related to your top secret government implants, is it? Nope. Systemic DVT.
  10. Firestarter

    Campaign 2008

  11. Firestarter

    Campaign 2008

    I've been just that good for a while. <smiles> But you'll get your wish within the next 4 months. Thank you for ceasing to delete my posts.
  12. Firestarter

    Campaign 2008

    VERY sadly... I do not. Heh. I already told you to shut up. And don't delete my posts, you dumbass motherfucker.
  13. Firestarter

    Campaign 2008

    VERY sadly... I do not.
  14. Firestarter

    Campaign 2008

    Indeed. No argument. Her Couric interview was AWFUL. What you suggest she should do tonight is what she should have been doing all along.
  15. Firestarter

    Campaign 2008

    ...God in heaven as my witness, McCain is an ass.
  16. Firestarter

    Campaign 2008

    You know it's not. <cocks eyebrow> "An inferior mind?" Really?
  17. Firestarter

    Campaign 2008

    Do be quiet about that. He doesn't like Bach. No one with an education does.
  18. Firestarter

    Campaign 2008

    umm... point one... you really won't find anyone who hates McCain more than me on this whole damn board. I promise you that. If you do I will sign off permanently tomorrow. I pledge you that irrevocably. Two: you're only repeating the Obama camp's talking about Amhamahdaingnaindahajajdadnad not being the central authority in Iran to demonstrate your OH SO PRECIOUS understanding of Mohammedan culture... which is to say... rather tedious at best. The fact is that the President of Iran commands the military forces of Iran. The fact that the successor of the Ayatollah Khomeini (whom I once met, by the way) could, technically, assert his authority over the President of Iran is immaterial because Khamenei AGREES with everything Ahmedingianghahginahdjaad is doing right now. So would you kindly shut your half-educated mouth and sit in the corner over there, please? "Grow up." Dear... we could, and have had a civil conversation in the past, in private... there's no need to posture in public.
  19. Firestarter

    Campaign 2008

    Well what the heck, I'm bored... Screw you guys, I'm goin' home! Explain to me how your constituents are well-served by any socialist program when they're all, well, dead. Yeah. Everyone hates us just because we're in Iraq. Um, please tell me that not even the Democrats believe that. Nah... I just call him that to mock him. You're the ones who take it as a serious attack. About whom does that say more?
  20. Firestarter

    Campaign 2008

    do shush, dearheart. 1. All politicians do, probably, yes, but B.O. Hussein can be directly tied to THIS crook by virtue of having his first kickoff at Ayers' house. And like serving with him on the CAC board. But why am I bothering? You'll believe what you believe, I'll believe what I'll believe, and the only real poll that matters is on November 4th. 2. "Argumentum ad hominem" - In the case of the little Obama child, I'd say that's questionable. 3. "We need to talk to Iran." Really? I was thinking we could just nuke them. "No, not talk to President Ahmadinejad." Really? But Ahmawhateveradinjaadadad thinks it's his divine mission to "wipe Israel off the map." You think there's a compromise we should negotiate there? "Yes, he's because he's a nut, but also because he has no authority over foreign policy, the military, or nuclear policy." Um. He seems to be doing all right with everything else to me. And to like gay guys getting crushed under stone walls and women learning how to read and children not wanting to get married before they're 7. 4. "I don't know what you're referring to." This does not surprise me. 5. "If China's really ["weaponizing space"], it needs to be dealt with by getting Chiuna to stop, instead of adding to the danger." bwahahahahahahahaha Yeah, we should call a UN council meeting right away. ...anyway, and so on.
  21. Firestarter

    Campaign 2008

    Highland said: Yeah, the CE folder there has been compared to DailyKos. Sarah Kerrigan says (1:26 AM): DailyKos though on occasion gets yanked back in because the idiot MSM thinks they're important enough to recognize even as they're scared to death of acknowledging the fact that the get all their "news" from the website's rabid posters. TSM doesn't even rank that. Its individual posters certainly don't. Although I'm sure they'd all be lining up to suck Olbermann's asshole. (I'd say "cock," but I don't believe that toupeed shithead has one.)
  22. Firestarter

    Campaign 2008

    McCain is just the lesser evil. But he betrayed us on amnesty. stem cells. Torture. Judges. The First Amendment. The SNL guys got it absolutely right: *** ARMISEN as Senator OBAMA: "John, the fact is, the 'surge' was itself a remedy for a series of failed military policies by this Administration, policies you initially supported. As you have supported this President 90 percent of the time." HAMMOND as Senator McCAIN: "Jim, my opponent knows that's not true. I've never supported President Bush. I have undermined President Bush. Just ask any Republican. I have always been disloyal to this President, a disloyal, unreliable, untrustworthy renegade, who has abandoned my Party whenever it most needed me. The fact is, you simply can't count on John McCain." *** Yeah, well, excuse my language, but... no fucking shit? Is this supposed to be a surprise to me? McCain's an asshole who's spent most of his life looking for Newsweek or Time covers. McCain has made a career out of mocking, ridiculing, and denigrating me and other Christians, Republicans, and true conservatives. Does anyone remember amnesty for illegals? Stem cells ripped out of murdered babies? Opposition to the perfectly justified torture of Mohammedan assholes trying to fucking MURDER us all? Restricting the First Amendment with his idiotic CFR limits? Opposing drilling in ANWR to, I don't know, save the fucking mosquitoes?! Fuck a whole bunch of John McCain. I want Sarah Palin on... um... top. <blushes faintly>
  23. Firestarter

    Campaign 2008

    Rezko Ayers Wright Liberal liberal liberal Talk to Iran Dismantle our nukes No "weaponizing" space, ignoring the fact that China's doing it already Cutting back on DARPA funding Cutting back on all defense funding Being... welll... B.O. Hussein
  24. Firestarter

    Campaign 2008

  25. Firestarter

    Campaign 2008

    Ah don't quite recall, but Ah'm quite sure that whatever it was was jes' fahn with me, hon.