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Everything posted by Si82

  1. Si82

    News: New DVD's

    Yes it is... I have both "Mick Foley's Greatest Hits and Misses" and "From The Vault: Shawn Michaels". It's on both. I didn't know that because I've never seen the Michaels DVD.
  2. Si82

    News: New DVD's

    The Michaels/Foley match from Mind Games has been on DVD twice now. Both on Mick Foley DVD's. Those being Hard Knocks & Cheap Pops and Greatest Hits & Misses.
  3. Si82

    Most non-sensical promos ever

    "Who?" PURE GOLD!
  4. Si82

    Most non-sensical promos ever

    Although his Royal Rumble '90 promo was off the planet I'm gonna go with the one before Wrestlemania VI because of the way he treats Sean Mooney. "Ahhhhh You are nothing but a normal, you don't deserve to breathe the same air that I and Hulk Hogan do." Classic!
  5. Si82

    What do you miss in wrestling

    I was going to say that. Those pre-rumble promos were always great fun. The last time they did those was '97 with the Bulldog's awesome "because I'm bizzare!" promo.
  6. Si82

    Recent purchases

    The Big One A Knight's Tale The Living Daylights Mick Foley: Greatest Hits & Misses The Monday Night War Phoenix Nights - The Complete Series 2 Star Trek: First Contact
  7. Today: Shaun of the Dead (9/10) A fantastic British comedy take on the classic zombie movie with a dash of romance and lots of blood. The cast is great, the jokes fantastic and it all rockets along at a great pace. See it!
  8. Si82

    Top 5 Favorite Movies Ever

    OK, I'll do it again... 1. The Shawshank Redemption 2. The Lord of the Rings Trilogy 3. The Usual Suspects 4. Memento 5. American Beauty
  9. Yesterday: Die Hard With a Vengeance (8/10) Better than "Die Hard 2" and almost as good as "Die Hard". The three leads are great and the action is top notch.
  10. Si82

    Top 5 Favorite Movies Ever

    My Top 5 Movies: 1. The Shawshank Redemption 2. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King 3. The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers 4. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring 5. The Usual Suspects Yes, I am a big Lord of the Rings fan.
  11. Over the last few days I have watched: Welcome to the Jungle (The Rundown) (8/10) A great action/adventure film with pleanty of great fights and comedy. The Rock is really becoming a start, Sean William Scott manages to be inoffencesive for most of the film and Christopher Walkens hams it up as the bad guy. A Time to Kill (8/10) A bit long and the score is a bit OTT at times but this is still a good drama with a bunch of great performances from a good cast. Face (7/10) A good little, gritty British crime drama with a quality cast of British actors.
  12. Si82

    Google your user name

  13. Yesterday: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003) (6/10)
  14. Si82

    If you could choose the bookers...

    I'd bring back Chris Kreski.
  15. Si82

    Is the sig limit out the window now?

    I'd have to agree. I hate it when sigs strech the screen size. It make it difficult to read posts. Mind you, I have noticed the amount of large sigs recently with a number of posters using PPV posters.
  16. Si82

    Best Triple Threat Matches?

    I'm going with the Triple H/Michaels/Benoit match from Wrestlemania XX. Very well paced, executed and it had the right ending. Fantastic!
  17. Si82

    Which was better any why

    I'd got with the HIAC match. I thought the other one was a bit boring.
  18. Si82

    Worst WrestleMania ever?

    Wrestlemania IX Sheer shit from top to bottom.
  19. I'd probably got with In Your House: Canadian Stampede. It might have only had four matches but they were all great matches.
  20. Si82

    How long have you watched wrestling?

    Well... Back in 1991 the schedule for the WWF in the UK was as follows: TUESDAYS: WWF Superstars on Eurosport FRIDAYS: WWF Prime Time Wrestling on Eurosport WWF Wrestling Challenge on Sky One SATURDAYS: WWF Wrestling Challenge on Sky One WWF Superstars on Sky One SUNDAYS: WWF Superstars on Sky One Sky One also showed Saturday Night's Main Event and Sky Movies showed all the PPV's and UK events. Hope that helps.
  21. Si82

    How long have you watched wrestling?

    I first started watching when I was 7 back in 1990. I went over my cousins house and watched Royal Rumble 1990. After that I was hooked. My favourite wrestler was Hulk Hogan. I wacthed it soild until about 1993 when I cooled off a bit, watched it a bit in 1994 before finally getting right back into it in 1995 with Summerslam.
  22. Si82

    Good/bad vignettes

    Sean O'Haire promos were great... ...then it all went downhill.
  23. Si82

    Shoot Comments

    Was that a shoot? I loved the way Vince holds Shawn back at the commentaty table: "No, no, no"