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Everything posted by Si82

  1. Why? I mean after his previous failed attempts at getting over they still think they can do it? What do they see in A-Train anyway? I feel for Chris Jericho, who will probably only get his heat back to see it crushed, and Shawn Michaels if they are going to have to deal with this guy. Why not just keep him on Smackdown in the crusierweight division then move him to form a "comedy" tag team. If they want to go for real laughs why not team him up with Eugine. Why move him to Smackdown if they aren't going to even attempt to push the guy. It seems odd to move RVD from one show to another only to have him team up with Booker T again. Yay! More friggin' table matches. Look forward to jobbing Booker. Poor Rico. He only gets moved because so his talentless valet and "compete" in bikin contests. The whole thing to me seems kinda depressing for the future state of WWE.
  2. Si82

    The Tony Schiavone thread

    Here's some Schiavone quotes: "Back in Jacksonville with four words, I want a Nitro Girl." - WCW Nitro (07/09/99) "This is a first time ever in pro wrestling, in any type of wrestling, that a man has been told that he will wrestle, not one, not two, but three times in one night." - WCW Nitro (12/27/99) "Tank Abbott can dance, I don't think there's any question about that." - WCW Nitro (07/18/00) "Every fan around the world wants to see the Harris Twins go up against KroniK" - WCW Nitro (09/04/00) "Do you believe everything you see on this program?" - WCW Nitro (09/18/00)
  3. Si82

    A few funny WCW pictures

  4. Si82

    "Shaun of the dead" trailer

    Here the link to the official website: Shaun of the Dead
  5. Si82

    Who does better promos?

    I went for Flair. Just awesome in the 80's. Where's the vote for Raven?
  6. Si82

    Favorite heel acts

    Shawn Michaels superkicking Marty Jannetty through the Barber Shop window in '92.
  7. Si82

    Wrestlemania MOTN

    The Triple Threat Match! Who voted for "Brock Lesnar vs Goldberg"?
  8. "The World's Crapiest Feud!" What the fuck would be in point in a Hardy/Henry feud anyway? I mean both guys are heels to start with but other than that what has Matt done to deserve this? Mark Henry! In the almost 8 years he has been with the WWE he still hasn't learned to wrestle or show any potiental what so ever. Why in the hell did Vince sing the guy to a 10 year contract?
  9. Ferris Bueller's Day Off (7/10) 8-Mile (4/10)
  10. Si82

    What are you listening to right now?

    "A Rush of Blood to the Head" - Coldplay
  11. Si82

    What should I do?

    I only ever buy original tapes off e-Bay (in the UK). I make sure they have a picture or something in the description about them being boxed originals before I bid. So I'll drop them an e-mail. So far I haven't had any bother with it. I once got the wrong tape but it was all sorted in a couple of days and I have since bought from the guy again. The only time I've ever been burned was some time a person was advertising copies of event on SKYText's wrestling pages for a £1 each. So I order two but never got them. Mind you I only lost £2 so it wasn't that bad really.
  12. Si82

    Foley vs Orton

    Sounds like a pretty good idea to me. Although I want to see a Rock/Flair program after the match at Wrestlemania.
  13. Si82

    Seinfeld vs Curb Your Enthusiam

    I remember him as a guy working in a booth when George goes to buy a pack of gum and is dressed as a king (can't remember which).
  14. Si82

    Wrestlemania Trivia!

    Chris Jericho EDIT: TheOriginalOrangeGoblin beat me to it!
  15. Si82

    Seinfeld vs Curb Your Enthusiam

    Well I love both shows. However, I'd give the edge to Seinfeld. Maybe it's becuase it's one of those shows that I can always watch and it will cheer me up or maybe because it's original. I don't know. I do enjoy Crub though although we have only had the first two season so far here in the UK. Maybe I'll prefere it as time goes on. It certainly had more of an edge than Seinfeld but Seinfeld is still one of my favourite shows ever. I don't know if I could pick between George and Larry though!
  16. Si82

    Crowd Questions

    I was just wondering if anyone could give me some info on wrestling crowd numbers? I would like to know: - The largest indoor/outdoor crowds. - The largest and smallest crowd for a WWF/E, WCW and ECW PPV - The largest and smallest crowd for Raw and Nitro. Can anyone help?
  17. Si82

    WWE News: Goldberg's Future, Edge, SD!, Stern

    What remark was that? During "This Is Your Life, Mick" last Monay, when the book/movie critic said that "Walking Tall" was a "walking piece of crap", Lawler said that the critic must work for one of the dirt sheets. Thanks for the info man, I missed the last 45 minutes of the show.
  18. Undertaker made him look like shit at Unforgiven and both No Mercys. He would have made him look like shit after Wrestlemania too. And the whole "Deadman" gimmick would have made things worse with even less selling than before.
  19. Si82

    Vince Russo

    Can anyone tell me what PPV's that have been entirely booked by Vince Russo?
  20. Si82

    WWE News: Goldberg's Future, Edge, SD!, Stern

    What remark was that?
  21. Si82

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Wasn't there a Giles spinoff called "Ripper" in the works? I'd love to see that. They are trying to work out the copyright issues so they can use my name. Wasn't it only going to be on the BBC over in the UK as well? Which frightens me given the crappy quality of most British shows.. ie: visually - the film stock or videotape, not the actual shows. I live in the UK and knew about the BBC thing. I was just wondering if the project was still alive. What's wrong with UK programs anyway? I don't think the look is crappy.
  22. Si82

    Wrestlemania XX DVD

    I know I asked the question but I think you have the two mixed up. I'm sure Ric Flair was presenting "WrestleMania's 10 Greatest Matches" which was on Spike TV on Tuesday. Actually, I've just found out from http://www.wrestlemania.com/ that "The Mania of WrestleMania" IS the movie shot at last year's WrestleMania. It's on UPN tonight (March 12) at 8/7 CT. Thanks for the help though.
  23. Si82

    Wrestlemania XX DVD

    Is this is the Wrestlemania Movie that was being filmed at Wrestlemania XIX last year?