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Everything posted by Si82

  1. Si82

    Vince McMahon Speaks On WM, The Rock, WCW, More

    That picture looks a little off colour. He looks like The Joker for God's sake.
  2. Didn't Piper get fired for this kind of shit?
  3. Si82

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Wasn't there a Giles spinoff called "Ripper" in the works? I'd love to see that.
  4. Si82

    WWE News: Goldberg's Future, Edge, SD!, Stern

    I agree. I mean what is wrong with the people in the WWE locker room. Why are they so sad and petty about stupid things. Oh we don't like Brock becuase he has a private jet. Get over it people. And God forbid you don't shake Droz's hand. A man who got his job with the WWE because he puked in trash can for Vince McMahon.
  5. I remember that was in the "Battle of the Titans" feature in the July 1991 issue of WWF Magazine. Hogan was elimated by Tugboat! HA!
  6. Si82

    Bret Hart and WrestleMania

    He could always be a booker. But that's extremely unlikely. I love to see how Bret would do as a booker. In fact wasn't that part of the massive deal he signed with the WWF when he came back in 1996. That he would be employed as a wrestler for a few more years before becoming a booker or an agent or something?
  7. Xanta Klaws? Bet me to it! As the questions that were first posted... I don't think that they will or should end the brand split. Sure I don't like it but at least it gives things a little bit of variety and Triple H isn't squashing people on both shows. Mind you some people have brought up the rather scary idea of Triple H being used as some kind of saviour once Brock goes. I mean it could happen. I think if they build up guys like John Cena and Edge they could be groomed to take the spot left by Brock Lesnar. That seems the way to go. Not only that but I think they should also try to groom some new guys for the top to avoid the potential gap left by Lesnar without feeding them to vetrans like Undertaker first so they don't become heatless.
  8. That sucks to hear. I like Lord Alfred Hayes. Who could forget the power house commentary team of Hayes and Mooney on all of those classic CV tapes. Plus he was a Repo Man fan too! Hope he gets well soon.
  9. Si82

    I have just been scouted!

    Good for you and good luck dude!
  10. Hey it is a good picture, I like it. I was just curious that's all. I didn't know it was so late over there it's about 11:20am here in the UK.
  11. I like it, it's kinda cool. Particually the old school "WWE" logo. However, where the hell is Chris Benoit? Or Kane for that matter?
  12. Si82

    Meltzer Ratings

    I was wondering if anyone knew where I could get or could provide me with any of Dave Meltzer's pay-per-view match ratings. Anyone able to help?
  13. Si82


    Don't get me wrong here I loved it. In fact there is another similar clip that was shown on "TV Offal". I did have the sound file for it but lost it. Anyway, I was just confirming the fact is was a piss take, that's all!
  14. Si82

    Recent purchases

    24 - The Complete 2nd Season
  15. Si82


    That was great. I loved "Rainbow" as a kid and that was just so odd it was great. I remember seeing clips of that on a show called "TV Offal". frowned is right about it being a piss take as Geoffrey himself explains:
  16. Si82

    RAW Spoiler for next week

    What, no "Rock" Concert?
  17. Si82

    RAW Spoiler for next week

    I totally agree. I hate that segment with a passion and will never understand how it did such a hig rating when it was just a long, boring piece of mindless crap with The Rock insulting a bunch of people nobody gave a shit about? I mean, what was that segment supposed to achieve?
  18. Si82

    Meltzer Ratings

    Thanks for the info!
  19. Si82

    WCW Questions

    Does anybody remember "Starblazer" who wrestled in WCW in the early 1990's? I remember seeing him on WCW Classics sometime ago and was wondering if anyone had any info? Also does anybody have any info on the WCW Bruise Cruise that took place in the early 1990's?
  20. Si82

    WCW Questions

    I believe Starblazer was some local indy guy who they brought in and jobbed to Mike Rotundo at a Clash. That was the last anybody heard of him. And c/o Lee Relph from 1wrestling.com.... "[The WCW Bruise Cruise was] an opportunity for the fans to mingle with the WCW wrestlers on an ocean liner for a few days. The WWF tried it a couple of times in the late 90's, calling theirs...wait for it...The Wrestle Vessel!" Thanks for the info man!
  21. Si82

    What are you listening to right now?

    "Fallen" - Evanescence
  22. "Chasing Amy" perhaps?
  23. Si82

    10 worst WWF/E buyrates of all time

    Joe, where do you get your buyrate info?
  24. Saturday: Along Came Polly (6/10) Resident Evil (7/10) Sunday: Welcome To Collinwood (8/10) And probably Confidential later today...