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Everything posted by Si82

  1. Si82

    Hulk Hogan must be at WM XX

    You are being sarcastic...right? I really think he should be at Wrestlemania XX, the last part is obviously me being sarcastic. I can't think of a good way to have him on the PPV though. OK then. I can see why you think Hogan should be there but I don't think he should. I really don't see the point.
  2. Si82

    Hulk Hogan must be at WM XX

    You are being sarcastic...right?
  3. Si82

    How far can Vince go?

    I vote pervert. I mean not only did he sneak a peek at his own daughters silcone enhanced chest but you got to be twisted to have Trish Stratus strip and bark like a dog on Raw. I mean what the fuck was that shit all about anyway? It was just fucking tasteless. Not only that but then on Smackdown (following Raw) he was sticking his tounge down her throat in front of his wife! Pervert all the way.
  4. I totally agree. I mean he tried to kill an innocent woman in order to have sex with her corpse. Whatever way you look at it he's seriously fucked up.
  5. Si82

    I need some feedback

    I really like the Taker/Kane one and the second one is kinda cool too! However, that third one is just plain weird!
  6. Si82

    I can't visit my girlfriend

    My Dad is a piece of shit. A failed criminal (drug smuggling to be exact) many times over who cost my family our house and has never contributed to the upbringing of me of or my brother. I hope the fucker dies a painful death and burns in hell.
  7. Si82

    Which sig should it be?!?

    I'm going with the Wrestlemania XX one. Very cool.
  8. Si82


    I don't know. I've never watched it. I've never wanted to. However, the subject of Flair's hair is something I have talked with other people about. In fact it was my girlfriend who noticed it and she agreed that the short spikey hair looks better.
  9. Si82

    Ra's Al-Ghul cast

    I didn't think that Scarecrow was in this movie. Watanabe, eh? Well, that's unexpected, and a very interesting choice. But on paper there doesn't seem to be any casting misfires, so I'm guessing that this is no different. Now, who's gonna play Talia? I'd heard a bunch of rumors about it, but maybe he's playing someone else.. Yeah, what's happened with Cillian Murphy and Christopher Eccelston. I was really looking forward to seeing both of those guys in the movie.
  10. Si82


    I agree. I don't know what it is but Flair's hair looks terrible these days. Really it does. He used to have really thick hair but now it seems all thin and stringy. He should go back to the short and spikey look he had in WCW in 2001. It was much better.
  11. Today: Intolerable Cruelty (7/10) And last night I watched: Matchstick Men (8/10)
  12. Si82

    WCW Classics

    I don't they skipped any this week but in the past few weeks they have. The question is...why?
  13. Si82

    Vince as announcer

    The thing I remember about the commentary on that event is from the main event between Undertaker and Bret Hart. I remember Taker having a special mask on, from an angle where King Mable crushed the Undertakers face, and Vince didn't call it a mask. Oh, no. That's too simple for Vinnie. Instead he spent about half an hour calling it a "facial appliance". I mean it's a mask for crying out loud. It's like the Undertakers cross...sorry "symbol".
  14. Si82

    WCW Classics

    It is on cable here in the UK. I've got cable and it's on Sky Sport 1 (7:00am and 5:00pm) and Sky Sports Extra (10:00pm).
  15. Si82

    Stuff that was so bad

    That is classic. I've loved Piper as a commentator back in the early 90's. I loved how he ripped into the Ultimate Warrior during his steel cage match with Rick Rude at Summerslam 1990.
  16. Here in the UK we got all of the In Your House events released as complete events, as apposed to chopped up, as well as One Night Only which I believe was chopped. As for Souled Out and Spring Stampede 1998 we got both of those as well. They were only avaliable via mail order though. In fact you could get WCW PPV's from Uncensored 1997 to Starrcade 1998 in the UK except for the Halloween Havoc events which didn't get releases.
  17. Si82

    Edge confirmed for RAW

    I'm just going on the basis of the reports that have been floating around about how Triple H wants Edge to come to Raw to feud with him. And I didn't say that Edge wasn't over I said he had a good fan base, which he does. Mind you, RVD has once hot but Triple H changed that. Then again I do hate Triple H and I agree with the rest of your opinions.
  18. Si82

    Monday Night Wars DVD

    I know this has been asked before, but there was no reply, are there any easter eggs hidden on the DVD?
  19. Si82

    It's Over.

    Now that I would like to see. I think he'd be good as a more serious Bond. Kinda like Tim Dalton was. Mind you, I'd probably rate Dalton as one of the best, if not the best, Bond.
  20. Si82

    HHH plans after WM XX

    I agree. I think that yearly drafts between the brands would help to freshen things up a bit. Getting different matches and feuds. Plus, Triple H can squash a bunch a bunch of new guys too!
  21. Si82

    Edge confirmed for RAW

    Fantastic! Triple H gets to squash another young wrestler who had a change at becoming a star. Marvelous! I may not be a huge Edge fan but at least he is a decent worker with a good fan base and does at least deserve a shot at the top of the card in the future. Alas, he now looks to join the likes of Rob Van Dam over on Raw.
  22. Si82

    HHH plans after WM XX

    Thanks dude! Still, it's kinda sad when your father-in-law has to order the guys who work for him to go to your batchelor party.
  23. Si82

    HHH plans after WM XX

    Weren't workers ordered to be there or something? Or was that his Stag/Bachelor party? Or am I just plain wrong?
  24. Si82

    Summerslam '94

    Creepy shit! Must be the power of the phenom.
  25. Si82

    Summerslam '94

    Power Slam. It was in an article about wrestlings biggestest mistakes (aprt two actually). A smart wrestling magazine over here in the UK. I don't really have any great reason to doubt it either. Power Slam is a reliable magazine and considering the whole Undertaker death angle that happend at the Royal Rumble that year then it doesn't seem to be to out there.