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Everything posted by Si82

  1. Si82

    HHH plans after WM XX

    Good God. It seems the Triple H's ego is totally out of control. I mean first he wants Benoit over from Smackdown in order to crush him and make him look stupid and now he wants to do the same to Edge. Not only that but's he planning it before he's even back so he can destory any hope of Edge ever getting over.
  2. Si82

    It's Over.

    Why do film companys want to constantly fuck with franchises? I really don't get. What the hell is wrong with Brosnan as Bond? Did "Die Another Day" not make enough cash or something? I thought it was the highest grossing Bond movie ever. I really don't get. As for Ashton Kutcher, please God no.
  3. Si82

    Kevin Kelly's two cents

    I thought that was a really good read. Well done Kevin. I don't care if he's bitter or not, I enjoy it and look forward to more from the man once dubbed "Hermie" by The Rock.
  4. Si82

    Louie Spicolli

    He was indeed. Around late '95 he was teamed with Skip as a "Body Donna in training".
  5. Si82

    No Way Out Poll

    It has to be 2001. It was just an awesome show from top to bottom. Raven vs. Big Show, Chris Jericho vs. Chris Benoit vs. Eddie Guerrero vs. X-Pac, Steve Austin vs. Triple H and Kurt Angle vs. The Rock. How can you go wrong?
  6. Si82

    Favorite ECW show

    November To Remember 1995 That show was great. The return of Sabu, the debut of the Blue Meanie, Rey vs. Psicosis in a mexican death match, Taz turning heel, Mikey Whipwreck beating Steve Austin and Tommy Dreamer & Terry Funk vs. Raven & Cactus Jack in a wild brawl that was supposed to be Funk's last ever match. Man that was a great show and my first look at ECW. Brilliant!
  7. Si82

    Assuming its Angle/Eddie

    Dear God. I'm begging you, please don't give them ideas.
  8. Si82

    Bret Hart or Hulk Hogan

    Bret Hart. Like BionicRedneck said, Hogan has made so many combacks that it don't mean shit when he does it anymore. Hart on the other hand hasn't made too many apperances at all recently and therefore would be the better choice in my opinion. Plus, I'm a big Bret Hart mark and I would personally love to see him at Wrestlemania XX anyway. So I would certainly pick him over Hogan anyday.
  9. Si82

    Why Michaels is in WM XX ME...

    Complete with J.R. commentary: "BY GOD! THAT BASTARD TRIPLE H JUST ROBBED SHAWN MICHAELS OF HIS BOYHOOD DREAM!" While totally ignoring Chris Benoit. ...or maybe I'm just cynical.
  10. Si82

    Cena DVD Specs

    Early May in the UK so probably about a month earlier in the U.S.
  11. Si82

    I miss WCW

    I miss WCW. From around 1996-1998 it was great. Mind you I also liked from 1999 to 2001 as well. At least we have WCW classics every week here in the UK so I can relieve the early 90's of WCW.
  12. Si82

    40 Man WWF Battle Royal (1992)

    I love that battle royale. I just love the fact that Sean Mooney and Lord Alfred Hayes rip into all of the jobbers during the entrances and the match itself. Plus, Headbanger Thrasher almost won it. And he had hair too!
  13. I don't see what you people have against this guy. I mean he has been right a few times now. With this Lesnar/Guerrero match happening I don't see why you shouldn't take him as a credible source. I'll admit at first I was sceptical about it but seeing as he has been right then I don't really doubt him.
  14. Si82

    WWE Notes: Steiner, Triple H/HBK, Rumble

    If you mean the Orton/Steiner bit, at the Rumble, they literally were rolling around on each other for several minutes, which would seem like they were...doing some naughty things. What the hell was all of that about? I just stopped watching the rest of the match and had my jaw drop while they rolled around on the mat. I mean Steiner even pulled Orton down again once he had gotten up. As for Triple H/HBK. The match was fought in slow-motion and they wanted more time? What for? To bore the shit out people even more? Christ when almost every over match is around 4-6 minutes and they get 20+ and pull off a shit fest like that, and want more time, they turely do have their heads up their asses.
  15. Si82

    More Survivor Series 97

    I believe it came out of his own pocket.
  16. Si82

    Dustin Rhodes interview recap

    Wasn't the "Platinum" thing supposed to be his gimmick when he first returned to WCW or when Vince Russo came to power? Do you think he is going to use this as his new gimmick? He was supposed to come in as Seven the child abducter. I know that but I'm sure I heard something about "Platinum" somewhere. Thanks for the help anyway.
  17. Si82

    Dustin Rhodes interview recap

    From the interview Wasn't the "Platinum" thing supposed to be his gimmick when he first returned to WCW or when Vince Russo came to power? Do you think he is going to use this as his new gimmick?
  18. Si82

    More Survivor Series 97

    Indeed he did. He had to pay $150,000 to buy out of his contract on which he still had three years.
  19. Si82

    40 Man WWF Battle Royal (1992)

    I love that battle royale. I just love the fact that Sean Mooney and Lord Alfred Hayes rip into all of the jobbers during the entrances and the match itself.
  20. Si82

    Hogan, Jimmy Hart to start new fed

    I thought Bagwell had potential when he first joined the nWo and became "Buff".
  21. Si82

    F the PWI Awards

    Surely the Dudley Boyz should win that award.
  22. Si82

    Best Teen Movie EVER

    It has to be "The Breakfast Club" for me. I fucking love that film, just plain awesome. I usually watch it on days before I have an exam. God knows why, it's just become a bit of a thing I do.
  23. Si82

    Are they trying to make HHH vs HBK

    What about Rock/Mankind? I didn't like Rock interupting the BRUTAL match with his renedition of "Heartbreak Hotel"... I much prefered "bells will be ringing..."
  24. Another quality review Dames. I really do enjoy your writing style. Always entertaing, informative and funny too! Top notch. I pretty much agree with the praise for the Royal Rumble match itself and I did indeed mark like crazy when Benoit won. Look forward to the next part of the Flair DVD review.
  25. Si82

    Blockbuster Sued for Porn on PG Tape

    The question is...WHY?