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Everything posted by Si82

  1. Si82

    SAW IV

    And you can watch it here: http://saw4.com/
  2. Si82

    WWE announces 2007 DVDs

    Nope, I'd like that too. I suppose I'm just a nerdy completest.
  3. Si82

    WWE General Discussion for August 2007

    Sid vs. Khali. BOOK.IT.NOW.
  4. Si82

    What are you listening to right now?

    "Next Year" - Foo Fighters
  5. Si82


  6. Si82

    OAO ECW on Sci-Fi 8/28

    No good can come of this.
  7. Si82

    TNA Impact spoilers

    Boy, do those spoilers suck.
  8. Si82

    Sunny days are here again?

    Wow. She looks awesome. Good for her.
  9. Si82

    What are you listening to right now?

    "Hard Hand to Hold" - Willy Mason
  10. Easier and safer to go to TNApics.com and look in Hard Justice. The look is there. It's not going to get over at all but it's actually got a nice little Japanese flair to it that I like. Like something The Great Muta might have been wearing. You are usually tempting fate when you do a google image search anyway. Isn't the jacket/top he's wearing now the same one he was sporting back in 2005?
  11. Si82

    Enter the Dragon

    http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/6951185.stm I gotta say, I've got mixed feelings on this one. I love the original movie but it is being written and directed by Kurt Sutter with gives me some hope. I just hope they manage to make it different enough from the original to warrent remaking it.
  12. Si82

    WWE General Discussion for August 2007

    Damn, that's a shame.
  13. Why does Robert Roode keep getting pushed? I just think he's a boring mid-carder, who's never ending feud with Eric Young seems totally pointless.
  14. Si82

    OAO TNA: Hard Justice PPV Thread

    Nice imagination but no. He was doing his happy guru thing. Why would he be all happy clappy after a guy just got the shit beaten out of him? Sonjay was cracking up and I don't blame him. The question I have is who is Black Reign going to appeal to exactly?
  15. Si82

    WWE 24/7 Discussion Thread - August 2007

    They choose to edit off any footage featuring Benoit, they don't have to. Frankly, I feel that removing Benoit from WWE history is retarded.
  16. Si82

    Impact spoilers

    Damn is that Samoa Joe an ungrateful bastard. Damn him for having those awesome matches and getting over with the crowd. It's all his fault that TNA totally dropped the ball on a guy that had the potential to be huge. But hey, they made him a "household name" so he can just keep on jobbing, re-sign, job a bit more and shut his mouth if he has an opinion on TNA's uber shitty booking. The swine!
  17. Si82

    Brian "Crush" Adams found dead

    I was a Crush mark back in '92. The sad news just never seems to stop in wrestling. R.I.P. Brian Adams.
  18. Si82

    Favourite fight scenes?

    That movie doesn't get nearly enough love. Not Friedken's best movie, but a damn fine action movie. Agreed. A very underrated film in my opinion.
  19. Si82

    OAO SmackDown Spoilers for 8/10

    You know retiring would mean that he wouldn't wrestle anymore. However, wrestling isn't one to take retirement seriously is it?
  20. Si82

    WWE General Discussion for August 2007

    Now that would be an awesome poster.
  21. Si82


    Wrestlescale - Results You are a moderate wrestling traditionalist. You reject the idea of sports-entertainment but you believe that charisma still has a part to play in character development. However you also know that wrestling ability must always take priority. Most similar booker: Jim Cornette Most similar promotion: ROH 2005 Got any feedback on the poll? We would love to hear it so we can improve the Wrestlescale project. Click here
  22. Si82

    WWE General Discussion for August 2007

    Why would you email them about this, seriously?
  23. Si82

    TNA in talks with Lita

    Because they gave her such a classy send off last year didn't they?
  24. Si82

    What are you listening to right now?

    "Bones" - The Killers