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Everything posted by Si82

  1. Si82

    Mike Awesome dies

    Really sad news. I liked Awesome. He deserved much better treatment when he was in WCW and the WWF.
  2. The entire front row of any TNA event in Orlando should be shot. God, those people are annoying.
  3. Si82

    OAO No Way Out thread

    You call the booking "beyond horrible". Then go on to claim that if anyone think that WWE will do what you think to be the wrong thing then they are "a friggin' retard". Surely, they would do the wrong thing if the booking is so horrible?
  4. Si82

    What are you listening to right now?

    "Fear No Pain" - Willy Mason
  5. Si82

    Favorite violent TV moments

    The torture of Jack Bauer in season two of 24 was pretty brutal. In fact, that whole season has a bunch of violent torture. Also, Morris O'Brian having a drill taken to him by Abu Fayed in season six.
  6. It was an awesome angle that was very well executed. If it was done now WWE would probably have had come back after a week on a different brand with no real explanation. Sad really.
  7. Wrestlingexposed.com Yeah, like they'd take you back. They spend months bashing WWE and now they come out with this.
  8. Si82

    OAO No Way Out thread

    You know, the UFC might only heavily promote one or two big matches to sell it's PPV but they do also announce a full card before the event. Something that WWE didn't bother doing for December to Dismember.
  9. What's to devalue? I don't even remember the last time the tag team titles meant anything in WWE.
  10. Si82

    What are you listening to right now?

    "Like Eating Glass" - Bloc Party
  11. Went to see "Hot Fuzz" yesterday and it was a really good film. Perhaps not as good as "Shaun of the Dead" but it's very different film. At times the thing seems to be played really straight while other times it's just pure comedy. Anyway, the whole thing is really well done. It just reeks of the kind of film the Jerry Bruckheimer has been putting out for the last decade. It's got some great action scenes and stunts and even the editing is like your typical action film. And Timothy Dalton is awesome in it. Great stuff.
  12. Si82

    Greatest WWF Matches of the 90's Tourney

    Steve Austin vs. Bret Hart, 3/23/97, WrestleMania 13, "I Quit" match Randy Savage vs. Ultimate Warrior, 3/24/91, WrestleMania VII, Retirement match Shawn Michaels vs. Razor Ramon, 3/20/94, WrestleMania X, Ladder Match for IC Title Bret Hart vs. Steve Austin, 11/17/96, Survivor Series
  13. Si82

    Impact Spoilers

    Why can't Russo come up with any new feuds? How many times do we need to see Sting vs. Abyss, AJ Styles vs. Rhino, Chris Sabin vs. Jerry Lynn and L.A.X. vs. Team 3D? Any why do they all have to have multiple gimmick matches with stupid names?
  14. Si82

    Ideas for WWE Box Sets

    Don't forget Ric Flair winning a first blood match by pinfall while bleeding heavily and Randy Savage winning a no DQ match by DQ.
  15. I really like the third Super Crazy shirt. It's the first time in forever when I've seen one of the WWE t-shirt polls and not went with the one I feel is least crap.
  16. Si82

    OAO Against All Odds PPV Thread

    It was actually a Fight Network hat. Although the two logos do look very similar. As for the PPV, I thought it sucked. I just didn't really care about any of what was going on. It was just a massive reminder of how badly Russo is booking the promotion. Sadly, TNA seem very pleased with the ratings they've been getting recently so it looks like he'll be around for a while longer.
  17. And here it is: http://poll.wwe.com/rvd/
  18. Si82

    OAO No Way Out thread

    It does indeed make sense and I think they should have been placed in the ladder match instead of Regal/Taylor. If they were going to go through with it of course.
  19. Si82

    OAO No Way Out thread

    Why did they do that? WWE announced the match on the website, then spent time hyping it, only to yank it from the PPV. Why bother making the announcement in the first place. Surely this wasn't a snap decision. The ladder match probably would have added a bunch of buys from fans after the reaction the first one got. It just doesn't make sense.
  20. Si82

    BBC Comedies

    In that case I'd also recommend: Black Books Garth Marenghi's Darkplace Man to Man with Dean Learner Nathan Barley Spaced Again, clips/show are available on YouTube.
  21. Si82

    BBC Comedies

    Don't know about availability but I'd recommend: 15 Stories High The Day Today Look Around You The Mighty Boosh Red Dwarf Snuffbox That Mitchell and Webb Look You can, however, find clips/shows from all of these on YouTube.
  22. Si82

    Greatest WWF Matches of the 90's Tourney

    Steve Austin vs. Bret Hart, 3/23/97, WrestleMania 13, "I Quit" match Royal Rumble, 1/19/92, Royal Rumble, Winner gets WWF Title Shawn Michaels vs. Razor Ramon, 8/27/95, SummerSlam, Ladder match for IC Title Randy Savage vs. Ultimate Warrior, 3/24/91, WrestleMania VII, Retirement match Steve Austin vs. Dude Love, 5/31/98, Over the Edge, No CO/No DQ for WWF Title Shawn Michaels vs. Razor Ramon, 3/20/94, WrestleMania X, Ladder Match for IC Title Bret Hart vs. Curt Hennig, 8/26/91, SummerSlam, IC Title Bret Hart vs. Steve Austin, 11/17/96, Survivor Series
  23. Si82

    OAO 2/8 Impact Thread

    I disagree. Raw is far superior to Impact. It features actual wrestling matches for a start.
  24. Russo strikes again! And to think they blasted WWE for this kind of thing.