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Everything posted by Angle-plex

  1. Angle-plex

    WWE Raw (6/30/2008)

    Batista will probably turn heel and challenge Punk since he did 90% of the work on Edge.
  2. Angle-plex

    WWE Raw (6/30/2008)

    Jericho is the best character in the WWE currently.
  3. Angle-plex

    WWE Raw (6/30/2008)

    Cody Rhodes might be the most homosexual acting wrestler ever.
  4. Angle-plex

    The 2008-2009 NHL Video Games Thread

    What difficulty do you guys play on? I'm on All-Star and I can't seem to score often as the goalies are impossible. In previous versions goalies and defense suck on pro though.
  5. Angle-plex

    Pictures I Like

  6. Angle-plex

    Ask Wilford Brimley

    I watched About A Boy a few years ago. I remember liking it. Does that make me gay? Also, how hard are you right now?
  7. Angle-plex

    The Youtube thread

    how to make iced tea
  8. Angle-plex

    Grand Theft Auto IV

    Anyone play online yet? I've experienced long load times and short games unfortunetly. Awesome game besides that and the driing mechanics.
  9. Angle-plex

    ChocoSocko Roundtable: The Deep South

    The south in general pisses me off. I have no real reason why, I am just smart and intuitive.
  10. Angle-plex

    Random Thoughts 3-27-08 to 5-28-08

    This rivals the HHHonk
  11. Angle-plex


    Injecting the devil rape scene from Rosemary's baby would be so terrific.
  12. Angle-plex

    PlayStation 3

    I'm gonna trade in my Xbox 360 for a PS3 when MGS4 comes out. Anyone know how much they buy them back for?
  13. Angle-plex

    South Park: Season 12

    This Week on South Park: "Super Fun Time" While the kids are on an educational field trip to a living museum, Cartman makes Butters sneak away from the class to go to the amusement center located next door.
  14. Angle-plex


    Okay, this movie is WAY too quippy. Some of the shit people say is completely over the top, which took me out of the reality that the movie otherwise tried hard to create. Also, her favorite band is The Stooges? Name-dropping those obscure horror flicks? Please. Don't insult me. No sixteen-year-old girl that attractive and that Canadian knows shit about any of that. Don't insult. And what really bothers me about this movie is that I think they shirk some of the heavier issues that would arise as part of Juno's plight--namely her growing isolation in high school. They hint at it, and they have that big scene where she bitches about it in front of Cera (who kicks ass in this by the way), but I never really remember seeing her alone and pregnant and hopeless and sad. She was always hanging out with really cool people like Bateman or that slutty, Woody Allen-loving cheerleader. So that bothered me too. All in all though it's funny and it uses The Moldy Peaches throughout, which is ALWAYS a good idea, and I think Reitman did a fantastic job, there are a lot of memorable shots. It just seems a little uneven though, like the snarky script is constantly at odds with a movie that has other, more subversive ambitions.
  15. Angle-plex

    2008 Stanley Cup playoffs - first round

    My god what a third period.
  16. Angle-plex

    Raw vs Smackdown week 2

    Foley himself admits his best match with with HBK, and HBK's matches with Austin (definetly the KOTR one) were better than any of the Austin/Taker matches (those two just never had good chemisty, plus they had that AWFUL Backlash 02 match). And HBK never got to work with Orton or Edge at a big stage like Taker did. Not a far comparison.
  17. Angle-plex

    South Park: Season 12

  18. Angle-plex

    WWE Folder sucks dick

    I would have loved to have seen people take the bait of that new Benoit thread.
  19. Angle-plex

    The Youtube Thread

    Coach makes this clip unwatchable.
  20. Angle-plex

    Raw vs Smackdown week 2

    Michaels is broken down....coming off one of the best matches of the year at Mania? I gotta go with HBK. Beating someone in 2008, clean or not, is not a "rub". Maybe it was 15 years ago. Now a rub is based off having good matches and promos, and HBK came make someone look better than Taker can any day of the week. I *hate* Shelton Benjamin, but even I took a second look at him after his match with HBK during the Gold Rush a few years ago.
  21. Angle-plex

    South Park: Season 12

    IT’S A WORLD WITHOUT THE INTERNET ON AN ALL-NEW "SOUTH PARK" ON WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16 AT 10:00 P.M. ON COMEDY CENTRAL NEW YORK, April 14, 2008 – The citizens of South Park wake up one morning and find the internet is gone, in an all-new episode of "South Park," entitled "Over Logging," premiering on Wednesday, April 16 at 10:00 p.m. (ET/PT) on COMEDY CENTRAL. No one in South Park has internet access and there’s no telling when, or even if, it will come back. Desperation sets in as the fear of the unknown spreads rapidly across the country. When Randy hears there still may be some internet out in California, he packs up his family and heads west in search of a signal.
  22. Angle-plex

    2008 Stanley Cup playoffs - first round

    Who sucked a dick to get all of these Avalanche/Wild games on Versus? I guess the games are good but I don't care for either team really.
  23. Angle-plex

    Behind The Match:Old School

    Savage was awful on commentary here as well. Bad match. Gonzalez was HUGE though....what a big guy. I can see why promoters would want him as a side attraction.
  24. Angle-plex

    The Beer Thread.

    I need to try a new beer for the hockey playoffs tonight. Someone reccomend something tasty that will get me lit.
  25. Bunch of god damn pussies.