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Everything posted by Angle-plex

  1. Angle-plex

    How do you prefer to die?

    A parachute not opening... that's a way to die...... Getting caught in the gears of a combine... having your nuts bit off by a Laplander, that's the way I wanna go.
  2. Angle-plex

    South Park: Season 12

    The penis and the mouse singing in the moonlight saved this episode.
  3. Angle-plex

    Who Are the Legends of the Wrestling Industry?

    Everyone *hearts* Flair now after the past few weeks, but non-fans don't really know him all that well. No way he deserves to be above Macho or Warrior in that sense.
  4. Angle-plex

    The board died last night

    Can we make a pic with Batman putting flowers on the board's grave?
  5. Angle-plex

    South Park: Season 12

    TITLE: "EEK, A PENIS!" Episode #1205/Air date: April 9, 2008 While Ms. Garrison is off trying to find a way to become the man he was always intended to be, Cartman is put in charge of the classroom.
  6. Mania 25 is in Houston, and I just read hot newz that Austin could Wrestle on last match there. What do you guys think? He never got the final "big match" but I can't imagine a more fitting end to his career than his match with Rock at Mania XIX. Plus, Flair just did the last match thing this year and it just wouldn't touch that IMO. Cena I guess would be the best match for him and I'm sure the heat would be off the charts for that.
  7. I think that if someone beat Taker at Mania, there would only be a huge backlash against the guy and he'd end up being a huge flop. Taker and his streak are too attached to people and people who legit hate the guy that the company forced him to lose to. It would be one of those moments were people would stop thinking in kayfabe while watching the show and just think about the shitty booking they just saw.
  8. Angle-plex

    South Park: Season 12

    They probably don't want to risk burning Randy out as well
  9. Angle-plex

    Wrestlemania XXIV Discussion Thread

    You're comparing 1999 Steve Austin beating the Rock for the title to Undertaker winning the title for Wrestlemania for the third time, twice in two years to close the show?
  10. Angle-plex

    Wrestlemania XXIV Discussion Thread

    Worse then 13 and 15? I didn't think it was that great, but come on Besides Flair/Shawn, this was all "Been there, done that". Taker wins the title? Seen it. Orton as champ? Seen it. Neither of the title matches were special at this show. 13 at least had Taker's first Mania main event and 15 had the big Rock/Austin match.
  11. Angle-plex

    Wrestlemania XXIV Discussion Thread

    I hated this show tonight except for Flair vs Shawn, which was excellent. Probably the worst WrestleMania I've ever watched live (watched them all since X). The Cole and Coach were AWFUL in the main event. Seriously brutal. Coach in particular. Flair vs HBK was worth the money for me though. Most satisfying match I've seen since WM XIX Rock vs Austin.
  12. Angle-plex

    South Park: Season 12

    Not an especially funny episode but it was memorable.
  13. Angle-plex

    What did you eat today?

    Morning: Spagetti/Meatballs Snack: Honey Oat Cereal Lunch: Turkey sandwhich Snack: Grilled Chicken Filet Dinner: Grilled Chicken w/rice Grilled chicken can taste a billion different ways.
  14. Angle-plex

    Fast Food Promotions..

    I was obsessed with Land Before Time Hand puppets at Pizza Hut when I was five or so.
  15. Angle-plex

    If TSM had a pro sports team...

    I always thought the faggots would be a good name for a team.
  16. Angle-plex


    Took it once and got addicted for a while. Feels great but it's dangerous and your body get used to it real quick. Don't drink when your on it either or you'll tear the goddamn town apart.
  17. Angle-plex

    Ultimate TSM

    Wow Matt actually looked better WITHOUT the small amount of muscle he put on.
  18. Angle-plex

    WWE Folder sucks dick

    The new fantasy booking thread is an abortion.
  19. Everyone here would still watch no matter what and come here to complain.
  20. Angle-plex

    Please Pray For My Little Sister

    Everyone here has to pray for my Grandma too. She is as important. A long prayer would be best.
  21. Angle-plex

    WWE General Discussion - February 2008

    They should build up Ghost Owen for a comeback and then job him to Orton.
  22. Angle-plex

    WWE General Discussion - February 2008

    Ghosts didn't exist until 1999.
  23. Angle-plex

    WWE Folder sucks dick

  24. Angle-plex

    WWE Folder sucks dick

    The best single season/Pro-Patriots/anti-Patriots shit in the sports folder is far worse than anything I've seen in the WWE folder for months. People are actually insulting each other because they other's person's favorite team is not as good, as if they play for the team. Sports folder may very well be the worst on this board. The worst thing about WWE folder is they'll be a topic being discussed and some shit-head will go on for two paragraphs with fantasy booking of what he would do in the situation. This happens usually once a thread and is always horrendous and a bore to read. Whenever I see something beginning with "This is what you do...." or "They should do this..." I immediatly scroll down to the next post or exit altogether.