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Everything posted by Angle-plex

  1. Angle-plex

    Who Gets The Final Money In The Bank Spot?

    That was a joke, right? Yes Eddie's obviously going to jump out of the casket right before Mark Henry is about to end Undertaker's streak.
  2. Angle-plex


    Fat Mandesa better not win.
  3. Angle-plex


    The old painkillers with a hint of liquor combo eh?
  4. Angle-plex

    2006 NFL Off-Season

    When Lawyer Milloy left, everyone I know was pissed at the Pats and thought they made a huge mistake. Nobody I know hates Milloy.
  5. Angle-plex


    So was Paula wasted or high or what?
  6. Angle-plex


    McPhee looks bigger and bigger every week. She better watch herself. Her face is real pretty but she should hit a gym.
  7. Angle-plex

    The OAO RAW Thread for March 20, 2006

    I'm starting to despise Shelton.
  8. Angle-plex

    The OAO RAW Thread for March 20, 2006

    After that shitty rating on Saturday they open the show with the spirit squad?
  9. Angle-plex

    The OAO RAW Thread for March 20, 2006

    Will Bowflex be on? I bet Cena looks invincible in the main event and points at Triple H while holding the belt in the air tonight.
  10. Angle-plex

    The Super pre-SNME Thread

    The opening match was awful because instead of using the time to try to get the audience connected to wrestlers that need it (Cena, Orton), they went out there and did the same things they always do, using the wrestling as filler in between the big spots and finishers. How RedJed is possibly interested in Edge/Foley after the same old same old segment yesterday alludes me, and how Booker/Boogeyman "worked" I'll never be able to figure out. I do think the screwjob finish kind of fits in this feud somewhere, but it's been used so many times in the past 9 years that it doesn't even matter anymore.
  11. Angle-plex

    Was SNME a flop??? Ratings are in...

    Saturday Night Main Event was a great concept....back in the 80s when there were 2 PPVs and they didn't have the top guys fighting each other every other day. This show was just a RAW/cross-brand PPV. It was meaningless.
  12. Angle-plex

    The Super pre-SNME Thread

    It was painful watching JBL on the mic last night, especially since he and Austin were trying WAY too hard to make their segment a "classic" while ultimately failing while JBL oversells getting beer thrown at him. I did, however, like the spot where Hunter pedigreed Cena, dragged Orton on top of him, then beat down Rey after he broke up the pin. That guy can dominate.
  13. Angle-plex

    The Super pre-SNME Thread

    But can the former multiple time champion beat the sixty year old man with bad knees? Should I buy WrestleMania to find out?
  14. Angle-plex

    The Super pre-SNME Thread

    And judging from the video package, the Vince/Shawn feud exists because Shawn is happier than Vince, so Vince wants Shawn to die. Although seeing the McMahons get the best of Shawn week after week after week is getting unintentionally hilarious.
  15. Angle-plex

    The Super pre-SNME Thread

    This is the first period of time ever in wrestling that I don't have at least one guy that I want to see each show. Not one. Maybe RVD, but he's been the same since arriving in '01.
  16. Angle-plex

    Coolest person ever?

    I nominate everyone that nominates a wrestler.
  17. Angle-plex

    The Super pre-SNME Thread

    This was shitty. The Boogeyman thing was embarassing. Triple H dominates: predictable. McMahons dominate: predictable. Foley's opponent calls him "soft" and Mick has "transformed" into a hardcore badass. Have we seen any of this before? Shitty shitty shitty.
  18. Angle-plex


    They may not be adults, but at least they can talk to women, niskie.
  19. Angle-plex

    V for Vendetta

    Wikipedia can tell a great deal of the differences between the movie and graphic novel. They include
  20. Angle-plex

    V for Vendetta

    Watched it today and enjoyed it. I haven't read the comic in YEARS. Anyone care to fill me in as to what they added in just for the movie?
  21. Angle-plex

    Been a long time, had some drinks...

    Move this thread to TSM Classics.
  22. Angle-plex

    The Office, Season Two

    The last two episodes (Dwight's Speech and last night) have seemed kind of weak to me. Hopefully the show pick up in the last few episodes.
  23. Dama is ready to riot over this.
  24. This will be a huge blackbuster.