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Everything posted by Angle-plex

  1. Angle-plex

    Save Wrestlemania

    Add Hogan vs Austin to the current card would probably save it, as that could fill the "big match" void WrestleMania is lacking this year. WWE Title Cena vs RVD World Title Kurt Angle vs Undertaker vs Orton (Rey's done for at this point) Triple H vs Shelton Benjamin or Big Show HBK vs Vince Foley vs Edge Hogan vs Austin Benoit/Regal vs JBL/Finlay US Title Rey vs Booker T
  2. Angle-plex

    THE OAO Raw thread for 2/20/06

    Just cause I'm curious, how much did Austin make the company on merchandise sales alone? I don't have exact numbers, but Meltzer said that Austin made the company a lot more money than Hogan did and that the original "Austin 3:16" t-shirt was the only shirt that outsold the original "Hulk Rules" t-shirt. Does Meltzer take into account that Austin was working 12 PPVs a year while Hogan was working four maximum or any other related factors.
  3. Angle-plex

    THE OAO Raw thread for 2/20/06

    Triple H has also been in the main storyline on RAW three of the last four years, and probably again this year. That's comparable to Austin (and if he main events this year, he'll be ahead of Austin), the guy that made more money than anyone in the company's history.
  4. Angle-plex

    THE OAO Raw thread for 2/20/06

    Triple H in RAW's title match at WrestleMania would be real fresh. Hogan didn't even get four consecutive WrestleMania title matches in his prime.
  5. Angle-plex

    Wrestlers better then Finlay right now

    If he's so good than why isn't he World Heavyweight Champion?
  6. Angle-plex

    Foley is Blog

    How many nights has Foley cried himself to sleep thinking of what Ric Flair thinks of him?
  7. Angle-plex

    Awesome video

    Weak kid. Grow a dick and a pair of balls, pussy.
  8. Angle-plex

    One and Only Thursday Night RAW Thread 2-16-06

    I hope Trish is watching right now.
  9. Angle-plex

    One and Only Thursday Night RAW Thread 2-16-06

    Broad needs to shut her trap.
  10. Angle-plex


    Hey Nooooooooooooooow!
  11. Angle-plex

    Happy Singles Awareness Day!

    I'm drunk and I feel like shit, although not for any reason related to Valentines day reallly.
  12. Angle-plex

    Happy Singles Awareness Day!

    I'm gonna get drunk tonight.
  13. Angle-plex

    The Office, Season Two

    I liked the UK version better before season 2 started, but since I've watched the UK eps and I have to say I at least like them equally, if not the US one a little more.
  14. Angle-plex

    College Major

    Major: Business Administration Minor: Philosophy
  15. Angle-plex

    Happy Black History Month.

    Wassup NIGGAS?!
  16. Angle-plex

    WWE announces 2006 DVDs

    A Steve Austin: The Definitive Collection would have been a better idea.
  17. Angle-plex

    Number one contender tournament on RAW

    HHH, Show, Carlito and Masters advance so we can finally see the epic Carlito vs Masters match that the fans have been screaming for.
  18. Angle-plex

    What was your first film experience

    Ghostbuster 2; Vigo scared the SHIT out of me.
  19. Angle-plex

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    RVD vs Cena would be sorta interesting, if only for the crowd reaction.
  20. Angle-plex

    Sirius, Stern ask FCC for Piracy Help

    I got sirius mainly for Stern, although I realize the show's been going downhill for about 10 years now.
  21. Angle-plex

    Michael Cole & Tazz Get Radio Show On Sirius

    I'm turning this off; Earl and The Office are on, and they keep talking about Cole's wife's "panty situation". Ugh. I'd love to hear a negative caller get on and talk bad about WWE though.
  22. Angle-plex

    Michael Cole & Tazz Get Radio Show On Sirius

    Hahahaha Cole just went off on a caller and called him a "fucking asshole" and a "fucking idiot". He was obviously overreacting to try to make for entertaining radio but still. Cole's wife was AWFUL.
  23. Angle-plex

    Michael Cole & Tazz Get Radio Show On Sirius

    This is a trainwreck so far. They keep trying to talk over each other and aren't really saying anything interesting. Maybe they're just nervous....
  24. Angle-plex

    Stephanie Tanner a Junkie!!

    Nothing like a drug addiction to get washed up actors back in the spot light.
  25. Angle-plex

    Michael Cole & Tazz Get Radio Show On Sirius

    It's on....*shudders*