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Everything posted by Angle-plex

  1. Angle-plex

    Admit It...

    Was a huge Luger, Surfer Sting, Diesel, Razor Ramon and HBK mark.
  2. Angle-plex

    OAO Monday Night Raw Thread-1/29/2007

    I'd much rather have Cena end the streak than Batista, but that's not happening anyways. Cena/Undertaker appeals to me more than anything else they could put together at this point though.
  3. Angle-plex

    OAO 2007 Royal Rumble Thread.

    Since when is the Rumble about elevating young talent? Most rumbles just have a monster that does eliminations, a young star that looks ok (like Punk this year) and the main eventers at the end. I can't think of a young talent that has won that wasn't a main eventer beforehand (Brock is probably the closest, maybe Batista, but he didn't need it either by that point). Plus, despite the fact the the final two could have been the final two in the rumble thirteen years ago, they are millions of times better than any of the bland "young stars" WWE tries to sell us on.
  4. Angle-plex

    Predict-a-card: Wrestlemania 23

    Heels Vince and Rock vs face Trump and Cena would be incredible. Might be the only match that would make me buy this PPV.
  5. Angle-plex

    A pic of Trish's husband

    Looks like a shithead.
  6. Angle-plex

    WON News + Notes, January 22nd Issue

    Ahmed Johnson should slam Kahli after Hogan and Cena fail.
  7. Angle-plex

    The Office, Season 3

    Wow. What happened to the greatness of season 2?
  8. Angle-plex

    Tales of Laziness.

    Also, if I take a shit and I know I'll be taking a shower within a respectable amount of time, I usually don't bother wiping.
  9. Angle-plex

    Tales of Laziness.

    I've pissed, shit, threw up AND jacked off while taking a shower. I consider that multi-tasking more than laziness however.
  10. Angle-plex

    *OFFICIAL* TSM Owner bashing thread

    you ever suck cocks for drugs.
  11. Angle-plex

    OAO TNA Turning Point Thread

    Out of the 20 PPVS of the past 5 weeks, this one sounds like the best.....
  12. Angle-plex

    The Office, Season 3

    It's the same thing that happened to Curb Your Enthusiasm; after a great season 2, things started acting more like a sitcom than a mocumentary (Dwight's farm thing, Michael becoming really stupid with no genuine moments like he had in season 2). I can pick where the laugh track would be in most of these recent episodes because the humor is subtle anymore. Here is hoping things get better as more of the Stanford people leave.
  13. Angle-plex

    The Office, Season 3

    Wow season three is so much worse than season 2. Michael's prison thing was beyond awful television. Not funny at all. What happened to the subtle funny from last season? It's like they changed writers after last season.
  14. Angle-plex

    The Office, Season 3

    Thank god the Jim/Pam/Karen stuff was kept suttle. That situation along with Roy not being a complete asshole is making things interesting when I thought they had already blown their load. The Dwight/Andy stuff was funny but something just didn't feel right with this episode. I almost feel like this season has all been an epilogue to the real season that is just now starting with everyone coming together. Edit: And Stanley's "look" at the other black guy was the most hilarious thing I've seen in a while.
  15. Angle-plex

    OAO Primetime Debut Thread

    Xtian putting Rhino is a straight jacket? I don't know if I'm too old for this stuff now or it's just getting more and more absurd. Tried giving it another chance but not getting into this at all.
  16. There are really no interesting programs to start after the current feuds end unless another big name is brought in from indys/ECW/Smackdown or a bunch of people turn heel/face.
  17. Angle-plex

    Why the hell is it so hard to meet people...

    Whoa whoa whoa, slow down there. Wow he's a lady's man huh.
  18. Angle-plex

    Your all-time favorite album.

  19. Angle-plex

    How To Spice Up Smackdown...

    I hate fantasy booking.
  20. Angle-plex

    Astronomers say Pluto is not a planet

    Why does all the power go to a certain group of people to decide what is a planet? I for one am upset that we did not all get to vote on this as I went to bed happily at night knowing Pluto was orbiting the sun as an officially recognized planet. All of these years I was taught of nine planets.....WHAT ELSE WHERE THE TEACHERS LYING ABOUT DAMMIT!!!
  21. Angle-plex

    The Youtube Thread

    THAT heel Vince is awesome.
  22. "waaaahhh I have two penises call the waaaaaaaaaahmbulance"
  23. Angle-plex

    OAO Impact Thread - August/17th/2006.

    This was decent. The Christian/Rhino "backstage exclusive" was SOOOOO horrible. Everything about it was half-assed like they didn't actually expect to use it but then they did. The Christian promo after was awesome though. The cool thing about it is you can kind of see where he is coming from because it looks like he helped Sting a LOT in those clips and Sting just couldn't finish it. I'm wondering how Rhino will respond since he seems to be brought up a few times so far.