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The Tino Standard

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Everything posted by The Tino Standard

  1. The Tino Standard

    The Rock's Return Has RAW Tickets Going Fast

    Note to self: If I'm ever promoting a sporting or entertainment event of any kind, do not hold it in Atlanta. The Braves don't draw. The Hawks are only a rumor right now. WWE was on the verge of needing to go to Office Depot to cover the amount of paper it would take to fill up the arena for Raw. Outside of Michael Vick (the most electrifying one-man show in sports), is there ANYTHING that draws in that town?
  2. The Tino Standard

    Stern Taken Off Radio in Six Cities

    Well, he does have his TV show on E! last time I checked. Of course, its censored, but I'm just saying. He was doing those things long before he was on E!
  3. The Tino Standard

    Def Jam Vendetta

    Career mode is pretty weak, but if you're looking for a game where you can just have some exhibition matches with swank gameplay and crazy moves, it's a lot of fun. I'm completely clueless when it comes to rap and I still enjoyed the characters anyway.
  4. The Tino Standard

    More on the battle over Edge

    I'd rather see Edge just stay with SmackDown. Too much flipping of wrestlers back and forth between the brands right now. Hopefully things settle down after Wrestlemania.
  5. The Tino Standard

    Stern Taken Off Radio in Six Cities

    I never quite understood the point of Stern having pornstars, strippers, lesbians and other women naked in the studio. He's on the radio... What exactly are LISTENERS getting out of it? Anyway, it's his show and people obviously love it (Hey, I loved his movie a few years back, and while I'm not a regular listener, I'll listen to his show now and then). This censorship stuff is just too much. Someone needs to hit the Common Sense Button very soon.
  6. The Tino Standard

    New WWE logo debuting at Wrestlemania?

    They should have a watermark of the WrestleMania logo on the mat, like they did at WM12. I thought that looked awesome.
  7. The Tino Standard

    New WWE logo debuting at Wrestlemania?

    Why wouldn't they just do the same thing that they did for Survivor Series 02? Cole & Tazz and the Spanish team were at ringside, while JR and King were where they'd normally be - out of the way at the end of the arena near the makeshift stage (I think Saliva played that night because they did the theme song, plus, that's where Rey Mysterio did his jumping entrance).
  8. The Tino Standard

    Average price for good tickets

    It was $75 for a club seat at InVasion (that's the mid-level on the sidelines at Gund Arena). I'm pretty sure all the ringside seats at PPVs are $200 or more now because you get the souvenir chair.
  9. The Tino Standard

    Ra's Al-Ghul cast

    OK, I'm confused... We already have a thread in here that links to an article that says Neeson is playing Ra's Al Ghul. Now, this says it will be Ken Watanabe. But we're also saying Neeson is still in the movie. Huh?
  10. The Tino Standard

    6th grader suspended for bring swimsuit SI

    this is why, IMO, zero tolerance policies should be outright banned. They encourage NON-THINKING solutions, and just kind of throw a blanket over every situation. Don't get me wrong, I think it was total bullshit that the kid got suspended, and if this ends up having any serious effect on his grades, I think his family could have a lawsuit on its hands. But while I certainly don't think it's a problem to bring the swimsuit issue to school, I do have to ask: Where exactly do you draw the line? Swimsuit issue? Fine. But if a kid shows up and starts showing off a copy of Hustler in homeroom, then you've got a bit of a problem on your hands.
  11. The Tino Standard

    New WWE logo debuting at Wrestlemania?

    Anybody here good at searching through the US Patent and Trademark Office website? You might be able to dig up a prototype of the new logo there. I tried a couple searches, but couldn't come up with anything.
  12. The Tino Standard

    The OAO Raw Thread, 2/23/04

    Umm... Hello? Who was the guy that sent Goldberg to No Way Out in the first place? You know... That PPV where Lesnar lost the belt.. the title that means EVERYTHING to him? Goldberg interfered, Lesnar lost. Goldberg was sent by Austin. Lesnar, therefore, was pissed at Austin. Seems like motivation enough for me.
  13. The Tino Standard

    The OAO Raw Thread, 2/23/04

    Please, no more management/ownership/announcer/non-wrestler angles. LOL Like that'll come to pass. Hey, a fool can dream, right?
  14. The Tino Standard

    The OAO Raw Thread, 2/23/04

    Please, no more management/ownership/announcer/non-wrestler angles.
  15. The Tino Standard

    Jim Ross questions

    JR was fired a couple of times in the mid-90s, coming and going before finally coming back for good in 96. After the WWE lost Hall and Nash to WCW, WWE ran an angle where JR would come out and say he was bringing "Razor Ramon" and "Diesel." They ended up being replacements that bombed horribly and the bitter JR angle died along with the replacements. JR went out after suffering a Bells Palsy attack in Dec. 98, leaving Michael Cole to pull play by play duties for Raw and PPVs. JR returned to call the main event of WMXV (Austin-Rock I), but Cole still worked the next few Raws. JR started appearing on Raw, demanding his job back, including one episode where he set up his own announce table at ringside in front of the regular one (JR is RAW). He started talking over Michael Cole (including my favorite line from JR to Cole: "If you don't shut up, I'm going to stick my cowboy boot right up your Yankee ass"). Finally in late April, JR got his regular announcing gig back and mercifully, the angle was dropped.
  16. The Tino Standard

    The Rock's hillarious interview.....

    No Rock segment will EVER beat his heel promo in Toronto... "YAY! Hooray!! He said Toronto! YAY! That's where WE live! WE LIVE in Toronto! YAY!!!... SHUT UP." "Stronger than a bear, faster than a buck... Best thing to hit Toronto because the Maple Leafs SUCK." (Yeah, the locals LOVED that one... A guy in the front row wearing a Leafs jersey jumped out of his seat and looked like he was ready to pull a gun) "Last year, 68,000 of you mother canuckers booed the Rock out of the building!" "If you smellllllll... what the Rock... is... whoa, whoa, whoa! Time out! Whoa! Since you were the first to boo the Rock, you're the first to lose sing-along privileges. No more!" (Crowd boos, then chants 'Asshole!').... "Are you done? Now, know your roles, shut your mouths and take all your boos and stick them straight up your maple syrup-sucking candy asses." CLASSIC.
  17. The Tino Standard

    Best venues for a show

    I personally will always have a soft spot in my heart for Gund Arena because it's my hometown building and I've seen many events there... But on a more objective basis, I'd have to say MSG. Nothing beats it. Can't wait to watch WMXX and see the Garden looking pimped out once again.
  18. The Tino Standard

    The One and Only

    Watching Jessie get fired made my day. She pulled a pretty asshole-ish move the week before, so it was a nice stroke of karma for her to get sent packing. And I cannot believe that Omarosa could not do any work because of her "headache", then go play basketball on the sidewalk with some random kids, with NOBODY noticing. She is really, really lucky her team won last week, or she'd have been screwed.
  19. The Tino Standard

    Wrestlemania Start Time?

    March 15 is the "Ides of March." Not really anything special as far as getting a day off goes.
  20. The Tino Standard

    Wrestlemania Start Time?

    It's a five-hour show beginning at 7 p.m. Typically the last few years, WM has been a 4-hr show, starting at 8 and running until around 11:45. They'll be ending at the same time this year, only with an hour earlier starting time. I think the five-hour show is over-kill. They've struggled to maintain heat for the main event the last two years just going four hours. Good luck keeping the crowd hot for five. And if they think they can make it go for six by adding on an hour of Heat at the beginning, well, God help them.
  21. The Tino Standard

    Brock Lesnar

    Shit on that philosophy all you like, but it didn't turn out too bad for the Rock.
  22. The Tino Standard

    The McMahon involvement at WMXX

    And you have Austin's stubbornness to thank for that.
  23. The Tino Standard

    New School Question Thread

    Here it is: Do you have the rest of this? I'd be curious to hear about some of those Hogan/Flair stories.
  24. The Tino Standard

    *Another* Benoit Question

    Giving away that match on free TV this Monday would seem to cast a shadow of doubt over the possibility that they'll have a Benoit-Michaels match at Backlash, which was a popular theory being thrown around.
  25. The Tino Standard

    Vince as announcer

    I encourage you to STAND BACK... and reconsider that stance.