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The Tino Standard

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Everything posted by The Tino Standard

  1. The Tino Standard

    The Most Underrated Match of 2003

    I was drunk off my ass when I watched the Steiner-HHH Rumble match the first time and thought it was absolutely horrible. The next day, I watched it again. That time, I had sobered up, but the match still blew. And as for my pick for an underrated match, I didn't think the Hogan-McMahon match at WM was THAT horrible. Certainly wasn't a good WRESTLING match, but as a sports entertainment segment, it was 10x more entertaining than I thought it would be.
  2. The Tino Standard

    BCS still screwing teams off in video games

    Well, for those of you who like to throw realism out the window in your NCAA Football, here's one for you... I got rochambeau'd by my buddy, who beat me a little while ago using an absolutely ridiculous play. Put your fastest player in at quarterback. Run a Hail Mary play. Then, use the QB to sneak around the end. It is virtually impossible to defend because the receivers take everybody 30 yards downfield before the AI realizes it's a run. Try to contain him on one side, he goes to the other. I even tried the "blitz all" goal line play, but watched as his RB floated a pass to a wide-open wide receiver before getting destroyed. One of the most ridiculous plays I've ever seen. He should've been ashamed of himself.
  3. The Tino Standard

    Seinfeld DVD news

    First of all, I think this will eventually get resolved so no need for anyone to jump off the deep end. Second, I, for one, am not all that concerned with extras. Yeah, I'd like to have them, but I'll buy the DVD no matter what. The episodes alone are enough of a selling point for me.
  4. The Tino Standard

    BCS still screwing teams off in video games

    OK, what offenses do you guys use on 2004? This is killing me. I've got Ohio State and I'm loaded at every position (also, I'm playing on All-American level). My defense leads the nation in every vital statistic (something like 175 total yards allowed per game, had a string of 11 straight shut-out quarters). My special teams are DOMINANT, with Gamble getting me about 23 yards per punt return. But my offense is just ANEMIC. I've tried the offenses of Ohio State, Oklahoma, Florida and even the Run 'n Gun. Nothing has had any longterm success. Ideas?
  5. The Tino Standard

    It's official: Royal Rumble will suck

    Well, traditionally the Rumble has been a PPV I've ordered or at least found somewhere to watch no matter what. Last year, I invited a bunch of people over for a Rumble pool (always a favorite). This year, I was torn on whether to watch the Rumble or go the Linkin Park/POD/Hoobastank/Story of the Year show in Columbus. Thank you, WWE. You have made my decision easy. (Gets in car and drives to buy concert tickets)
  6. The Tino Standard

    So Who's Left To Sign?

    Forget about bringing in more new faces. They need to worry about developing the talent they already have.
  7. The Tino Standard

    The OAO WWE RAW 12-15-03 Thread

    Exactly. The booking makes perfect sense even though it pisses everyone off tonight. I think this has something to do with how Austin was talking about his idea for a return was awesome. I seriously hope so because everything they've done with Austin's supposedly "awesome" return angle has severely sucked. I've lost pretty much all faith in Austin's judgment of entertainment since he went back to being a face in Nov. 2001 as he's done nothing interesting since. I really hope this whole thing with Foley tonight leads to something because right now, they've certainly dug a hole for themselves.
  8. The Tino Standard

    Urban Gaming Myths.....

    Well, since I still haven't seen it myself, I can't really say a whole lot about the Minus Level. The trick with bouncing the Koopa, tho, IS legit. I remember being able to do that. It was kinda difficult, but it could be done. Also, IIRC, I think when you kept bouncing the koopa off the brick to earn extra lives, it eventually got to a point where the screen that showed how many lives you had left would quit using numbers to show your lives and just use symbols instead.
  9. The Tino Standard

    What will Triple H be wearing tonight at the PPV?

    What a shame... no manly lavender boots.
  10. The Tino Standard

    Urban Gaming Myths.....

    Well, ho-leee shit, apparently, the Minus Level is both real and NOT pointless... After doing some digging, check out what I found... Here is the link to the website where I found this: Second Minus World Level
  11. The Tino Standard

    Urban Gaming Myths.....

    I want someone to explain how in the blue fuck the Minus 1 Level in the original Super Mario Bros. was actually legit? If that's the case, then I've spent the last 15 years living a lie.
  12. The Tino Standard

    How J-Lo Hurt Ben's Career

    I thought Affleck was solid in Boiler Room. Hey, he's never been the greatest actor ever, but until the last year or so, he was pretty harmless. His biggest downfall was getting himself linked with J-Lo (read: "primadonna"). Maybe he can salvage some of his professional pride now that he's cut his ties from that albatross he called a fiance.
  13. The Tino Standard

    Intersting Wrestlemania facts

    It was actually Yokozuna. Well, according to Officially Accepted WWF Revisionist History, the main event was REALLY Yokozuna vs. Hulk Hogan, with the face going over. I guess the proper way to phrase it then would be to say that in 2000, HHH became the first heel to walk out of WM as the champion. Everybody happy now?
  14. The Tino Standard

    How J-Lo Hurt Ben's Career

    Can somebody explain to me with celebrities' obsessions over getting freebies? I mean, come on, if anybody can actually afford that shit, it's them.
  15. The Tino Standard

    Punk'd cancelled

    Which Tom Green Show are you referring to? If you meant the second, I completely forgot about that one. Is it even still on the air? If not, when did it go off?
  16. The Tino Standard

    Jim Ross Interview

    Unfortunately, it appears JR left out the part of the Nathan Jones story where he found out Jones quit once the Smackdown crew returned to the States... "Damn you, Arn Anderson and Johnny Ace! Damn your blackened souls to Hell! How could you let that hoss get away, bah gawd?!"
  17. The Tino Standard

    Intersting Wrestlemania facts

    Yeah, for as good a match as it was, I think predictability hurt the Austin-Rock match at WM17 too. Everyone knew Rock was going to Hollywood and that the only way he was retaining was through some ridiculous finish. Instead the only surprise we got there was the bizarre Austin heel turn.
  18. The Tino Standard

    The Spike VGAs

    I didn't see a thread, so is anyone else watching this right now? I'm confused... within the first 30 seconds, they announced the winner of the top award (Madden 04 gets Game of the Year)? Weird.
  19. The Tino Standard

    Announcers Ignoring Fans

    Pick just about any Goldberg appearance during his first 6 to 8 weeks in WWE.
  20. The Tino Standard

    NCAA March Madness '04 vs. ESPN College Hoops

    Actually, I thought that was completely NOT the case last year... I got the ESPN College Basketball game and it played way different from the NBA version. Lots of zone defense and a slower, half-court style game. Much more team-oriented instead of the mostly one-on-one NBA game. I liked the concept, but there were still other things that bugged me about it. Count me in on those curious to know what March Madness is like this year.
  21. The Tino Standard

    One thing I miss about Russo...

    Sure, every week was a must-see, but as a company, they were trying a hell of a lot harder because they had actual competition.
  22. The Tino Standard

    Are these WCW quickies any good?

    I'm sorry but every time I hear about the White Castle of Fear, I picture one of the fast food places getting taken over by evil wrestlers.
  23. The Tino Standard

    Ric Flair in WWF 1993...

    I could never picture DiBiase or Flair being each other's lackey.
  24. The Tino Standard

    The Spike VGAs

    I kinda liked the set, especially the screen parallel to the ground where they revealed the winners, but other than that, yeah, it sucked. I didn't realize the WWE matches were taking place there at the MGM... I thought they were being taped at SmackDown? Oh well, who cares... And did anybody else get REALLY REALLY annoyed by how someone would win an award and that would magically segue into the next segment involving that person? The example that comes to mind right off the top of my head was the WWE game winning -> then they go straight into the match. What an AMAZING coincidence. OK, one more thing for the road... Pretty much everybody shit all over this. Then again, I didn't see the G-4 awards show, but I heard that was atrocious as well. For anyone who has seen both, which was worse?
  25. The Tino Standard

    The Spike VGAs

    So if David Spade is the host, then why is Funkmaster Flex introducing 90 percent of the segments?