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Everything posted by Soja

  1. Soja


    It's bare-bones. Just an extra French dub and the original theatrical trailer.
  2. Soja

    The Subservient Chicken

    "Piss off". "Go to hell." "Ninja." "Eat more chicken." "Fire." He'll also do different things sometimes via the same command.
  3. Soja

    Help me identfy more movies

    That's what I thought as well, but Deacon says these punks in this horror movie of his aren't really vamps. Plus the description doesn't mesh, 'lest something's really off about his memory. The Near Dark guys did snag folks off the road with that trailer-home of theirs, but nobody wearing an American flag that I can remember.
  4. Soja

    The OAO Resident Evil Outbreak Thread

    Only REmake, Zero, and RE4 are considered to be Gamecube-exclusive (for the time being anyway). It was only about a year ago that the PS2 got their latest RE-verse game, Dead Aim. It's another of those Guncon-supported shooters. I've never caught the online gaming bug, so I'm not too worried about picking up Sony's new HD. Game's looking pretty good though.
  5. Soja

    Regarding Name Changes

    I'd like a name change to Soja, if it's not too late. Thanks.
  6. Soja

    Who will be the Mystery Guest Entrant(s)

    1997's were all announced. Cibernetico & Pierroth even tagged a few times on Superstars before the Rumble to build them up versus Mascaras.
  7. Soja

    The OAO Return of The King thread

    Spoiler (Highlight to Read): The whole buildup is that Frodo is the only one who can bring the ring to Mordor to be destroyed. He's the chosen one, and we see the effects the ring has on him during the journey. He sees what it did to Gollum, he sees how it made him turn against Sam, he understands how evil it is. But when it comes time to throw it into the lava, he decides to keep it! He doesn't even willfully throw it in. He & Gollum fight over who gets to keep it, and only as part of the struggle does Gollum fall into the lava w/ the ring. Spoiler (Highlight to Read): So does Gollum not gnaw off one of Frodo's fingers in the movie? I haven't had the chance to see it just yet.
  8. Soja

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Considering the WB hyped their little Buffy two-night event a few years back with the promise of Willow, Angel, Xander or Giles turning during "Surprise/Innocence" I'd have to say picking Angel to go bad was a fairly safe bet. They just happened to ACE the Angelus follow-thru.
  9. Soja

    Who was the first Warren Robot?

    The role of Warren's girl-bot was originally meant for Britney Spears, if I remember the gossip from that year correctly. Marti Noxon even made an official announcement about it. The deal fell thru though, for whatever reason.
  10. Soja

    Who was the first Warren Robot?

    Shonda Farr's her name. She's yet to do anything incredibly interesting as far as Hollywood goes, 'lest Jack Frost 2: Revenge of the Mutant Killer Snowman is your ideal of quality film. Here's her IMDB filmography, in case you're interested.
  11. Soja

    Horror Movie Tourney

    Evil Dead vs. Dawn of the Dead The Exorcist vs. The Omen Friday the 13th (choice) vs. From Dusk Til Dawn Halloween (choice) vs. Evil Dead 2 Night of the Living Dead (1968) vs. Suspiria Nightmare on Elm Street (choice) vs. The Shining Psycho (1960) vs. An American Werewolf in London Texas Chainsaw Massacre vs. Alien
  12. Soja

    SmartMarks Horror Movie Tourney

    Second Round Matches: Alien vs. Dead Alive Rosemary's Baby vs. An American Werewolf in London Friday the 13th (choice) vs. Army of Darkness Suspiria vs. Black Christmas Blair Witch Project vs. The Omen Night of the Living Dead (1968) vs. Fright Night Psycho (1960) vs. The Fly (1986) Dawn of the Dead vs. Child's Play The Exorcist vs. Creepshow Evil Dead vs. Lost Boys Evil Dead 2 vs. Return of the Living Dead Halloween (choice) vs. Carrie Nightmare on Elm Street (choice) vs. The Thing Texas Chainsaw Massacre vs. Day of the Dead Scream vs. From Dusk Til Dawn The Shining vs. Phantasm
  13. Don't like it either. The joy of the Evil Dead films (ED2 and AoD, in any case) is seeing Ash bluster with his overly developed sense of machismo or scream like a little girl before *and* after getting the bitch-slapping of a lifetime. And he almost ALWAYS brings it all on himself. I like Ash too, but you're giving him WAAAYYYYYY too much credit at the expense of the other characters. Both the Jason & Freddy camps would - quite rightfully - hate it, as they put up almost as much resistance here as one of the friggin' prop skeletons of part three.
  14. Soja

    LOTR: TTT Extended Ed. DVD Details...

    Spoiler (Highlight to Read): Don't forget about Shelob & the betrayal of Gollum. But why should Sauron be a physical presence in the movie? His underlings (Saruman included) have carried the first two films. And the final battle over Middle-earth & Frodo's choice at Mt. Doom should finish the film nicely. Besides, Saruman himself doesn't get very much in the way of screentime either. I'm sure there will be, since it's listed in the DVD supplements. There's also a short documentary dedicated to Gollum & the motion-capture process on the standard edition's bonus disc.
  15. CURSES!! I thought maybe Dellamorte Dellamore (aka Cemetary Man) was finally going to be available on Region 1 DVD...
  16. Soja

    Aqua Teen Hunger Force

    The set's actually the first 16 eps of the series. I'll buy it if the "Rabbot" pilot episode is uncut. Hell, I'll probably buy it anyway.
  17. Soja

    What a fucking moron

    Meh, Lazarus was probably thinking of China, which has a population count of over a billion (1,286,975,468). So I'll just assume the point is moot, lest someone wants to talk about how predomitively POPULAR death metal is over there.
  18. Soja

    Original DragonBall dub now on in Canada

    Don't be so quick to correct something that isn't an error. During the '80s Harmony Gold dubbed several episodes and two of the DB movies, only to have them tank spectacularly. Still, they're the first American company to ever try, beating out FUNi by *several* years. But this isn't the dub you're talking about, Doc. While the music is pretty much the same, the names of almost all the characters have been changed (Goku=Zero, Bulma=Lena, etc.). This version's also never been seen on CN. But if you're curious, you can hear clips from this lost dub and learn a bit more about it here. FUNi acquired the rights to the show in '95 and Ocean Studios (the same folks who dubbed DBZ all the way to early-Freeza) recorded it in English. Things didn't pan out as planned this go-round ether, so after thirteen episodes and a movie they dumped it in favor of DBZ, which they thought might have more potential since it was heavier on action than comedy. Hell, Dragonball Z itself wasn't that big of a deal until Cartoon Network began airing it in reruns five years ago; Saban had abandoned it after its initial run. Does it talk about how you gotta get ahold of those Dragonballs, "those marvelous balls someone devised"? If it is you're watching the old FUNi dub from 1995, before the company revamped it a few years later. You can pick this up on DVD too from Kidmark (you've probably seen it). Kidmark still has the eps under license from FUNi, which is why they were skipped on the DVD sets. Once that license runs out FUNi'll make them available as well.
  19. Not gonna happen, if this rumor's true anyway. Looks like Dimension's looking to do their own versus flick... Michael Myers Vs. Pinhead.
  20. Soja

    Freddy vs. Jason

    Spoiler (Highlight to Read): I think it was kind of like the Japanese version of Godzilla vs. King Kong, where Kong wins but there's a hint Godzilla's still there. And who woulda thought jason wins by killing Freddy with his own arm! Spoiler (Highlight to Read): Jason only impales him. The girl's the one who technically "offs" him. Though Freddy ain't dead. He's just a head.
  21. I didn't even get a "Bill Me" option on the little Book-of-the-Month club. Directed me straight to a screen asking for CC information without any other way out. So I closed the window without ever following thru on the membership. Has this happened to anybody else?
  22. Crud. Looking back "Lie to Me" wasn't even nominated. That's borderline heresy right there. *sulks*
  23. "Chosen" made it this far? Ugh... Becoming, Part II Passion