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Everything posted by HarleyQuinn

  1. HarleyQuinn

    Fantasy NBA League?

    Mindless Aggression's up and Mr. J's on deck
  2. HarleyQuinn

    Fantasy NBA League?

    I have quite a few players in mind but knowing my luck, they'll all get taken prior to my turn leaving me to scramble *sigh*
  3. HarleyQuinn

    Fantasy NBA League?

    If you want to kill time... www.whatifsports.com RULES! I love simming hockey matchups myself...heh
  4. HarleyQuinn

    Fantasy NBA League?

    He should pick Eric Montross or Pervis Ellison...are they still playing? Yes, I hate both cuz they were Centers for the Celts when they were being shown on the same channel as the Hartford Whalers.
  5. HarleyQuinn

    Fantasy NBA League?

    Nope, we're waiting on Marvin is it? He's got 1st pick correct?
  6. HarleyQuinn

    Fantasy NBA League?

    *Glimpse inside the Harlequins War Room where Harley is busy shuffling papers and talking with...uh...Poison Ivy about their draft choices. A board is shown listing 10 names before the camera pans out* Eh..located in Gotham so I figured go all the way here. Harley = GM, Ivy = Coach or something like that...blah
  7. HarleyQuinn

    Fantasy NBA League?

    Holy Shit, Conine robs San Fran of a 2 Run HR...anyways so we don't have to bold & underline the players as well? Coolz. And is the time related to the board clock cause that's like 8 minutes or so faster then the clocks in my room
  8. HarleyQuinn

    Fantasy NBA League?

    I would hope so Al
  9. HarleyQuinn

    If you could relive one year of your life...

    Same here Rob, although I might go back to 6th grade(1997 IIRC). I would try harder in class and not slack off as much since that's been my ultimate downfall in terms of me being me(Although I am doing great Senior Year) and I wouldn't join that damned e-fed which helped cause my procrastination. And I would've tried to befriend a girl I like now but didn't know till 8th grade.
  10. HarleyQuinn

    Fantasy NBA League?

    Since I won't be here Monday/Early to Mid Tuesday(I'll most likely be getting in around 10 PM ET) should I PM any possible picks to ya Flik?
  11. HarleyQuinn

    Fantasy NBA League?

    Cool by me but erm, so there'll be a separate thread for each round? A-Hem...*pulls out the wooden mallet and smashes it against Flik's face* I'm male I tells ya! Crap..wasted post #1500 away...*whacks Flik in the face again to redeem the wasted post*
  12. HarleyQuinn

    Fantasy NBA League?

    I'll accept, I'll get two first rounders back to back which'll be nice if there are any quality Centers left. I could always pick up a great PF with the #14 or something too
  13. HarleyQuinn

    Fantasy NBA League?

    Hey Raz, I'll trade ya my 3rd Round #14 Pick for your 5th Round #7 Pick
  14. HarleyQuinn

    Grady's lost it...

    Here's hoping Lowe does well at Fenway and Lilly gives up a lot of hits off the Green Monster
  15. I'm almost an hour in and it's a surprisingly good movie. From DirecTV... "After fleeing Communist Hungary in the 1950's, a couple reunites with their daughter after years of separation." Note: A lot of the movie is in subtitles
  16. HarleyQuinn

    Fantasy NBA League?

    I believe so Cartman, if so we should make like an official draft thread or something
  17. HarleyQuinn

    Fantasy NBA League?

    Cool by me LF
  18. HarleyQuinn

    Fantasy NBA League?

    Wednesday's cool(October 8th) cept I got a haircut at 3:30 ET(Should take like an hour or so including driving). Anytime next week's fine cept Monday & Tuesday since I'll be in PA and not have access to a comp.
  19. HarleyQuinn

    Fantasy NBA League?

    As said, cool by me. Let's wait for the others to speak up jic.
  20. HarleyQuinn

    Fantasy NBA League?

    Just joined as the Gotham Harlequins...first time I haven't used Boston Rattlesnakes as my team name so feel honored
  21. HarleyQuinn

    Fantasy NBA League?

    Sunday's cool by me, hope ya catch a HR Ball from the Sox Cartman
  22. HarleyQuinn

    Fantasy NBA League?

    fine by me
  23. HarleyQuinn

    Fantasy NBA League?

    I say keep the Injury List at like 2
  24. HarleyQuinn

    Popular Songs for WWE Stars

    I kind of would like seeing Mankind(96 persona) come out to the Suspiria Theme by the Goblins. Sable - Every You, Every Me by Placebo
  25. HarleyQuinn

    Fantasy NBA League?

    I say daily since I always forget to change them if they're weekly(And if a guy gets injured, it screws up your week)