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Golgo 13

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Everything posted by Golgo 13

  1. Golgo 13

    Members of the nWo...

    Earlier in the thread... Eddie kept making offers, and Rey kept turning them down. Rey eventually lost a stip match to Eddie, the stipulation being that Rey had to join the lWo (so Rey was a member, even if he was forced into it). Eddie forced Rey to wear an oversized lWo shirt as a joke for the remainder of the lWo's lifespan, in addition to regular beatings for insurgence. Anyway, Eddie was attacked offscreen by the returning Wolfpac (this was around the time of Eddie's real life car accident). For their own safety Ric Flair talked the lWo into disbanding, but Rey kept wearing the shirt, which lead to Konnan and Rey's feud with the Wolfpac (and Rey losing his mask). By the way, according to an old DDTDigest recap, Ciclope (currently known as Halloween) was also lWo.
  2. Golgo 13

    Model United Nations

    I'll grab Iceland.
  3. Golgo 13

    Google your user name

    I got this douchebag. It isn't me, before anyone asks. I also did King of Old School, and it was a pic of the Christopher Street Connection from one of Dames' ROH reviews.
  4. Golgo 13

    Members of the nWo...

    Louie Spicolli was nWo, and was set to face Larry Z. just before his death. Although I believe he was seen as a lackey, if only because there were so many people around the nWo all the time. I can't say for sure though, since I wasn't really watching at the time of his death. nWo Hollywood also included Bryan Adams, Stevie Ray and Horace. Disco Inferno was an nWo Wolfpac lackey (post-Fingerpoke of Doom). I don't think nWo 2000 (aka Silver and Black, as it were) and the version with just Jarrett and the Harris Bros. should be separate. I believe the Harrisses joined before the group was decimated by injuries and such. That's to say nothing of even more nWo extracirriculars, like Elizabeth, Dennis Rodman, Dusty Rhodes, Nick Patrick (referee in the nWo's pocket) and Mark Johnson (same). And although they were never affiliated with the nWo in any way, here's the lWo's roster: Eddie G. Rey Mysterio Jr. Juvi Guerrera La Parka El Dandy Psicosis Silver King Damien I also have vague memories of a couple Villanos running around, but I'm not sure.
  5. Golgo 13


    I like it. It's gritty and practical, apparently without the frills that came later on, fitting Nolan's vision for the film. It also makes sense that Bruce wouldn't necessarily get it 'right' the first time around.
  6. Golgo 13

    Add another to the "swallowed by megacompany" file

    G4's forums are horrible. It may be a stretch, but they're much, much worse than GameFAQs' boards. I gave up on them a long time ago.
  7. Golgo 13

    3 guys being brought up...

    I think that would rock. Give them a silly super team name, have Rosie be their backup and set them lose on the tag divison. Freudian slip? Edited for further accuracy. For Sovereign- Sakoda is Ryan 'Keiji' Sakoda, who I think competed mainly in the So Cal area (UPW, etc) and was on Velocity here and there in the year leading up to his signing. After he debuted, he was of course, paired up with Tajiri and Akio (aka Jimmy Yang). Kenzo Suzuki was signed sometime after Sakoda, and from the start was pegged as another potential member for the Kyo Dai stable. A hoss who by all accounts sucks, he made his name mainly in Japan.
  8. Golgo 13

    Where can I get a good kazaa lite?

    That's the type of corrupted file I'm referring to.
  9. Golgo 13

    Favorite WWE/WWF/Real Fed Moment...

    Jericho's WWF debut. Jericho's phantom WWF Title win. Benoit, Guerrero, Saturn and Malenko's WWF debut. Foley winning the belt for the first time. DDP revealed as the stalker. Eric Bischoff's WWE debut. The Kurt Angle moonsault from the top of the cage during the Angle/Benoit Raw cage match in 2001. Benoit making HHH tap to win the belt. And though it's a more simplisting thing I've noticed recently, and I'm doing it along with the live crowd just the same, I love how everyone in the arena goes crazy just for the Flair Flop.
  10. Golgo 13

    Add another to the "swallowed by megacompany" file

    It strikes me that they should keep the Tech TV name. It'd be better suited to this channel. I suppose Pulse and Tech Live will be melded into some sort of hideous mutant now. Also, G4 has much stricter standards than Tech TV, so say goodbye to Unscrewed and possibly Martin (though him and his show are really hit and miss). Ehh, as long as Morgan's job is safe, and to a lesser extent Adam's and the crew of Screen Savers.
  11. Golgo 13

    Where can I get a good kazaa lite?

    I don't know what version of Kazaa Lite you've been downloading, since no version I know of has adware/spyware. The regular Kazaa on the other hand has all that crap bundled with it, so maybe you're confused as to which one you got. Aside from sharing the same network, Kazaa and Kazaa Lite are two different things. I can say I've never gotten a corrupted file. KL's built-in IP Blocker works pretty well for that, blocking the IP addresses controlled by you know who, those who distribute the corrupted files in the first place. It's true that the Kazaa network is 'dead' though, what with the RIAA pressuring Kazaa, and Kazaa in turn pressuring the makers of Kazaa Lite (thus forcing them to go the lesser known Kazaa Lite Resurrection route).
  12. Golgo 13

    KJ = Moving Away

    The scandal in SLC over him being outed was too much to bear.
  13. Golgo 13

    Inappropriate sig

    It's true. Keep in mind I'm saying that on behalf of myself as well. I feel dumber for discussing at length what shouldn't even be an issue in the first place. The basic point of everything I've said: get some common sense and grow some balls, everyone.
  14. Golgo 13

    Inappropriate sig

    I can understand not hearing of AC, but even if you didn't know the band, I'd think the absurdity of the lyrics would be enough to tip anyone off. Ehh. While it's true that AC's intent is to offend, people are offended by everything these days. While a lot of 12 (not that 12 y/o sign-ups are allowed, I don't think) and 13 year olds are impressionable, they're not so impressionable that they take any of this to heart. If they do, or even worse act on it and think it's a serious message, they're messed up to begin with. Besides which, everyone of that age I know of on this board is better than that. Either way, I think I'd tell the parents to stick it. You know, not letting the internet/television/radio police your kids and such. Even if it came down to such extreme actions as a lawsuit or request for a shut down, they wouldn't have a case. Even if the sig is removed, where does it end? Do we start going after flaming? After curse words? After revealing pictures of women? Do we eventually lose our casual nature, afraid of offending everyone? It's not like people don't already see or hear any of this on the playground or primetime. God forbid someone see it on a message board in a corner of the internet.
  15. Golgo 13

    Inappropriate sig

    I find the blood in TMO's avatar offensive. Can we get that removed as well? Seriously, this is dumb. One, Anal Cunt is a complete joke band: they're not advocating anything of the sort. Two, I think that people who read the forums at work have enough common sense to turn sigs and avatars off. Or if a poster has knowledge that their superior has such tight restrictions as to go over everything in the logs, they should be smart enough to not visit from work in the first place. /me heads off to do drugs and beat children.
  16. Golgo 13

    What is your most hated song ever?

    I'm late to the party. Though neither are my most hated of all time... nothing currently makes my blood boil more than "I Hate Everything About You" by Three Days Grace and "Still Frame" by Trapt (or hell, anything by Trapt). Both of these songs are wretched shit.
  17. There's nothing I can add to this.
  18. Golgo 13

    Calling X-Box fanboys

    How do I know which controller is which? I have rather large hands so I can hold it fine. It's kinda thick though. Older, bigger: Newer, smaller:
  19. Golgo 13

    Im glad I don't live in Lexington Nebraska

    Everyone should be happy they don't live in Lexington, Nebraska. Or Nebraska, for that matter. This story only confirms it.
  20. Golgo 13

    "Interesting Board"

    I'm on as punkd00d, but I won't be able to post until morning. Yes, I know it's morning right now, but you know what I mean. Hopefully things will pick up by then. For anyone that joins in on the stimulating discussions -not an invasion- about music, remember not to reveal where we're from, so that the fun isn't ruined like the SweetCherrie thing.
  21. Golgo 13

    Favorite Genre of Games?

    For the record. I consider action to be going around with the sole purpose of beating up bad guys and a simpler goal in mind, like just getting to the end of the level. Meanwhile adventure has more exploration elements than the former, along with perhaps, multi-tiered goals that you have to get through. I think older platformers like the original Mario games more often fall into action, while many of the recent ones like Jak and Daxter or Ratchet and Clank are adventure. Anyway, it came down to fighting and sports for me, so I just chose sports. My list would probably go something like... Sports. Fighting. Racing. Puzzle. FPS. Action. Adventure. (platformers or otherwise, since I don't consider beat-em-ups a totally separate genre) RPG. Strategy. Like I said, I prefer sports and fighting. Racing, puzzlers, FPS, action and adventure are lumped in together since I enjoy all pretty equally. Far and away my least favorite genres are strategy and RPGs, though I'm a little more willing to play RPGs.
  22. Golgo 13

    Longest you've ever stayed awake.

    The longest I've gone was a bit past two days. I don't remember exact numbers, but it was 50-52 hours. Like C Dubya, by the end my mind was playing tricks on me. The headache and chills thing happens to me on occasion. I'm guessing it just has to do with drastically changing what you're used to rather than easing into it.
  23. Golgo 13

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    I liked the episode. Not as stellar as last week, but pretty good regardless. For some reason, the performances hit home with me this week more than they usually do. Alexis (Wesley) was on, as usual, as was J. August (Gunn) and Jonathan Woodward (Knox). The cast of Angel is continually better than they have any right to be.
  24. Golgo 13

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Alyson has been performing in the live theatre version of the movie.
  25. Golgo 13

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Oh man. This episode rocked, it had me gripped all the way through. BAD ASS WES, devoted to Fred and finding a cure for her, whipping out the pistol and shooting the guy. The Conduit laying an ass beating on Gunn/Gunn's fight with himself, the realization that he was the one to set things in motion, before finally losing it on Knox. Knox and the swerve. Spike/Angel putting things aside when the chips were down. The 'hole in the world' realization, further pounding it into your head that it's an uphill battle to fight evil. It was one of the greatest Buffy/Angel episodes ever. I really can't add anything that hasn't already been said. They nailed everything, even if the thought of Fred serving as host to Illyria is a little too similar to last year's Cordy/Jasmine thing. Aside from the caveman/astronaut argument being hysterical in itself, it served as the metaphor for the episode and the problems surrounding Angel as well (in typical Joss fashion of doing stuff like that). Aside from the caveman besting the astronaut in Illyria carrying out its plan (which they didn't even need to point out), Angel insisting on the astronaut and everyone else picking the caveman serves to say that Angel lost sight of the fact that the down and dirty 'old way' was the proper way to fight the good fight. All the technology and resources in the world can't replace heart, courage, taking things to the people, etc. I don't really think this has been a lackluster or disappointing season at all. Sure, there've been misses (Why We Fight, the initial episodes needed for setting everything up, including the werewolf ep). They've taken a while to get the big apocalyptic battle in gear, but you can say that things have been in motion from the start of this season. The apocalyptic battle has been taking place this entire time. All in all, I say this season will be like the great Buffy season 5, where the sum will be greater than its parts and nearly everything, no matter how much of a throw away it seemed at the time, will play a role.