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Golgo 13

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Everything posted by Golgo 13

  1. Golgo 13

    Pictures I Like

    Extreme_Public_Pissing24 The video. Just a bunch of girls pissing, is all.
  2. Golgo 13

    May shows availability thread

    I'll come back at that 2nd show.
  3. Golgo 13

    NBA Playoffs 2008 - Round 1

    And now the fun of seeing who takes the blame.
  4. Golgo 13

    What kinda weapons do you own?

    A gimmicky, mass production ninjato type which came with a bunch of other crap packed into the scabbard. I've wanted to get more swords of better quality and authenticity, various throwing knives and daggers, some for practical use, some axes, maces, etc., but it can get expensive.
  5. Golgo 13

    Real World Awards

    I think I saw that one. I can't remember the details though. I've watched them all except for Date My Mom, which is such a dumb concept that I couldn't bother. To laugh at how corny and fake they are or because of the occasional cute girl are the only real reasons to watch. Those are really some of the worst offenders. What really brought this on was watching a lot of MTV recently and catching A Shot at Love. I've never even heard of Tila before this second season of her shitty show and am left wondering what the hell she did to get famous in the first place or what's so appealing about her, since she's nothing much. The best and funniest part was a Jersey guido faggot pushing with and threatening to knock out a jew or something. The absolute worst was the very beginning where five minutes were spent showing the retards shouting and hollering while Tila posed. Terrible. Even after all this time the best shows in production are True Life and Made.
  6. Golgo 13

    NBA Playoffs 2008 - Round 1

    As a Denver fan I want them to take one or two with their backs against the wall and save a little face. There's also the realization that they've basically given up and such a scenario against a far superior Lakers team would ultimately be for naught, only raising false hopes and prolonging the final humiliation for a few days more. No matter what they do now, it wouldn't change what they need to do in the offseason, but I also fear that coming back in the series would derail those changes and cause them to stand pat.
  7. Golgo 13

    OAO Anime/Manga Thread

    Yeah, it was alright, but Bosch again? Blah. I don't recall him ever doing psychotic, though, so I wonder how well he can pull that off.
  8. Golgo 13

    Real World Awards

    You know, as bad as the Real World is these days, I would gladly take it over 95% of MTV's other programming.
  9. Golgo 13

    WWE Backlash 2008

    I hate it not because it's Triple H, but because Orton has been killing it in every respect and could've kept the Age of Orton going for a while yet.
  10. Golgo 13

    Pictures I Like

    Here. Here. It's seemingly not available in non-WS resolutions, though.
  11. Golgo 13

    OAO Anime/Manga Thread

    FYI Code Geass premieres tonight on Adult Swim at 130.
  12. Golgo 13

    The NBA Offseason Thread

    ESPN has a more complete list. JR Smith is due up, but he looks to be coming back. Jones could be very good off the bench, the problem is playing time. Carter and Diawara are good for bricking shots and if there's any hope for Diawara to improve, it's not here. Najera is the only important piece, but I'm not sure the Nuggets can pay and Kleiza basically fits the same mold. It's come to the point where we should trade Camby, Nene or Martin, if a good deal can be had and Camby would bring the best one. Provided we don't re-sign Green or Carter, we'd need another point who can hopefully defend or is, at least, a better threat offensively, another inside enforcer, and a quality center if we trade Camby. I know AI wants to stay, but if he does opt out and we can't piece together a back court that would keep us competitive, we should probably deal Camby and re-stock. And there's the George Karl, who should, should, should be gone if the Nuggets don't show against LA. Truthfully, I've long wanted Andersen and Boykins to find their way back, but that's doubtful.
  13. Golgo 13

    The Sonics' Pending Move

    Oh, I didn't mean to imply that it's one of their colors and absolutely no one else can use it, just that it's definitely a part of both. I would hate for more red and silver/white/black combinations to become the next trend anyway, there's already enough of that as it is. If not the Rockets, it would surely evoke any of the other... I'm guessing six or so teams where red already plays a strong part. Yes, with silver and red it would inevitably lead to red as a dominant in some form, only making things worse. I wouldn't want any of that after the influx of blue or even worse trends like turquoise and teal in the 90s.
  14. Golgo 13

    The Sonics' Pending Move

    I think what people are arguing is that it's not a dominant or primary color, but that doesn't matter. If it's in the logo and uniform, it's one of their colors, and in the case of the Rockets road uniform it does play a strong part. It isn't white. It's silver. Silver. Not white.
  15. Golgo 13

    Airbag/How Am I Driving?

    I seriously thought the Gulag would do away with bans. I had a dream. Why not keep all those past and would be bans in the Gulag as a deterrent? Those are the lifers and an example of what not to do. Everyone else gets out with good behavior and a lesson learned; toss them in for good if they prove to be a repeat offender. Bob would've been a good mod.
  16. Golgo 13

    The Sonics' Pending Move

    No. Because without becoming a winning franchise or throwing around a lot of money, the question is how they would be able to draw free agents and get their picks to stay. OKC may be boring, it may not be, but I can't see what it could offer that another, more desirable city couldn't. I hate this move through and through. It speaks of corruption and I can't see how anyone but those living in the area can support it.
  17. Golgo 13

    Hell Freezes Over Prediction Thread

    SWF WORLD TITLE 2/3 Falls Hardcore Michael Alexander© vs Insane Luchador - Alexander. Grudge Match Tracey Bruner vs Va'aiga - Bruner. Increasing Grudge Match Annie Eclectic vs Taiga Star - Annie. S.I.N. vs 'Hollywood' Spike Jenkins - Spike. Dance Dance Dragon vs TORU Takahara - Dragon. Tod James Stewart & Daniel Smith vs Rikard Fleihr & Arne Andersen - Tod and Daniel.
  18. Golgo 13

    OAO Anime/Manga Thread

    Aw. I unequivocally love robot anime. I don't really believe any of those play off the robot as the main centerpiece or character. It's definitely a symptom in shows like GaoGaiGar and Gurren Lagann, but those are just so cool, stylish, blatantly over the top and fun that I can't help but recommend them. This is true to a lesser extent in Eureka Seven, which I forgot to recommend, or RahXephon, too, but there's more going on there, as in plenty of mecha. RahXephon is similar to Evangelion in practice and gets a lot of flak for it, but I'd recommend it to anyone that likes Evangelion. Cowboy Bebop is definitely recommended. I flip constantly between that and Samurai Champloo as my favorite of the two. If nothing else it's one of those staples that most people have seen at least once. If you liked Big O's style, you'll like Bebop's noir. I can't think of much that's bad about it. I also forgot to mention Boogiepop Phantom as far as horror/supernatural/suspense/whatever goes.
  19. Golgo 13

    OAO Anime/Manga Thread

    Tokyo Majin Gakuen Kenpuchou. One of those series that could be called horror or supernatural, with an action bend. Kakurenbo is nice, but entirely too short at only 30 minutes. I always recommend Higurashi as it could be called horror, but if you're going strictly through Netflix, then don't bother, since it's in limbo and unfinished. Tokko, but I'm unfamiliar, or Gantz, which is largely unliked. Saikano, which people are mixed on. Oh. Shadow Star Narutaru and Alien 9, they're alright. There really isn't much to horror in anime or I just don't know enough to find it. There are series that would make for a good transition, but still haven't made the move from manga or other mediums. Or are given various twists, like sci-fi. Or they're considered horror to the Japanese, derived from their myths, folklore and stuff, but aren't particularly scary or gory. Well, definitely go with Ghost in the Shell, both Stand Alone Complex and the movies. Try the rest of Satoshi Kon's stuff too. Including Perfect Blue and Paranoia Agent, there's also Millennium Actress, Tokyo Godfathers and Paprika to check out. Once you finish with Evangelion, try some other similar robot anime, like Escaflowne (beware the dub), Brain Powered (heard good things), Big O and RahXephon. I don't think they're completely finished with their releases, but give GaoGaiGar and Gurren Laggan a try, if you want some more over the top action. Code Geass is airing soon through Adult Swim. For comedy, definitely Cromartie High School.
  20. Golgo 13

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    I'm a model poster and would be a bad example of the entertainment value the Gulag could bring, since I would just wait out the duration.
  21. Golgo 13

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    I expect it to stay standing as a lasting memorial to Leena and the unjust abuses suffered by others. Maybe we can eventually throw in someone else for a day or so only for them to Matt Young their way out of it.
  22. Golgo 13

    NBA Playoffs 2008 - Round 1

    Denver could take the Jazz. Not that it matters since they very likely won't get that far, but they could definitely beat them in a series.
  23. Golgo 13

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    So the Gulag sucks. Nothing like I imagined. No vile, persona non grata types allowed back in to interact with each other, which for me, was the appeal and reason for being in the first place. Every banned person should be allowed. It isn't like they would be able to post on the rest of the board, so fuck it, let them back in if they want. No one allowed in to poke and/or coddle the detainees. She's entertaining, sure, but it's basically been Leena talking to herself and a select few mods, which gets boring. Zero punishments have been enforced because of people bitching about being thrown in for anywhere from a few hours to a couple of days, which is nothing. Somehow establish that it's by no means permanent like a ban and more of a time out for them to reflect on whatever it was they did that was stupid or wrong or to flip out regardless for our amusement. Oh and even with the Gulag we still ban people regardless, further defeating the purpose.
  24. Golgo 13

    Airbag/How Am I Driving?

    That should be on EHME and any others who can't handle it or even those who choose to take issue. As long as it doesn't filter out to the rest of the board, where 'don't be a dumbass' would surely apply, it should be fine.
  25. Golgo 13


    Well he never did say he'd be the one raping.