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Golgo 13

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Everything posted by Golgo 13

  1. Golgo 13

    We need to talk.

    You have a point. Maybe I'm just bitter that I never managed to back my way into winning it and for that reason I don't want it gone.
  2. Golgo 13


    I don't like chicken off the bone either (wings included). I can't explain it, I just don't. I'm fine with beef, but not chicken.
  3. Golgo 13

    We need to talk.

    I'd say HCG as well. Tag Team and International, I think we'd have to see how those shake out, but I only say Tag Team since there's, what, only two 'real' teams in Blood & Thunder (of course I don't write and haven't seen JJ in ages) and Wild and Dangerous? Not counting occasional team-ups like Jimmy and IL. Meanwhile given that most of the roster can compete for it the CW Title still has use.
  4. Golgo 13

    NBA Playoffs 2007: Round 1

    Bah. I missed the earlier games. This Spurs/Nuggets 'three days between games' shit is killing me.
  5. Golgo 13


    Colorado instituted a statewide ban last year. The only places allowed are casinos, cigar bars and the DIA smoking lounge but the legislature is even pushing for the removal of the casino and cigar bar exemptions.
  6. Golgo 13

    Biggest Train Wreck of a Life

    It wouldn't be the first time.
  7. Golgo 13

    The OaO Raw SPOILER-FREE thread.

    Well Rey's used it a few times. True about Murdoch though.
  8. Golgo 13

    The OaO Raw SPOILER-FREE thread.

    It looked like about 2/3rds of a Destroyer, but a valiant effort. I thought it was a Code Red.
  9. Golgo 13

    NBA Playoffs 2007: Round 1

    Can Orlando please just let Arroyo stay on the floor.
  10. Now it's just too blatant, Kreese.
  11. Golgo 13

    OAO Anime/Manga Thread

    So Ayakashi Ayashi was a really good, unique show with great direction as usual from Bones and a thick plot but not so much as to be inaccessible or so one would think. It really became a victim of circumstance, seeing its episode order cut in half and essentially cancelled with a rushed ending; it needed the full fifty-two in order to see its full potential and scope realized but in the end Japan just didn't get into it. Thankfully the ending was left open for a continuation but unless Bones cranks out some OVAs or something it'll go down simply as an underappreciated and likely forgotten show instead of something potentially great. Shame.
  12. Golgo 13

    My WWE Theme Collection

    So this is that remix he used from 2003/2004-ish on? Would you mind uploading it?
  13. Golgo 13

    Ongoing ECW and Smackdown spoilers

    WWE is just as likely to blow up London and Kendrick sooner than later anyway. After a rematch at Backlash plus one or two where they lose all of them? Maybe. It'd be a bigger surprise if they actually keep them together.
  14. Golgo 13

    NBA - April 8-18

    I've never thought Bavetta was that bad. Steve Javie I hate.
  15. Golgo 13

    Skull Radio~!

    You'll forget. I know you will.
  16. Golgo 13

    Useless Things We've Learned Today

    It's solely a Hoff thing at any rate.
  17. Golgo 13

    Post a picture of your tattoo's

    You mean the whores on Wilfy's leg didn't convince you?
  18. Golgo 13

    oAo Monday Night Raw thread- 4/16/07

    It looked like Jeff didn't take it at all either.
  19. Golgo 13

    Post a picture of your tattoo's

    In Polynesian culture they can be and still are. But in China and Japan they were used to brand criminals, in Japan they were prominent in repressed second-class indigineous tribes, and these days they're seen as being a typical triad and yakuza thing. Of course here there are gang and prison tattoos, tramp stamps, bicep bands and whatnot. Whatever... it comes down to how you carry yourself otherwise, tattoo or not. On the other hand I hate those who go out of their way to show off their tattoos and always tell you about them even if you don't ask, especially if they're shitty. I don't care.
  20. Golgo 13

    Shooting at Virginia Tech Campus

    The guy himself has said that he's not the shooter and now seems to want to share his story via the news channels. I bet he will be on CNN sometime soon. If I'm not mistaken any number of e-tards found the dude's profiles, posted them to various boards (probably 4chan, SomethingAwful, and a few others, judging from some of the types that commented), it spread, and soon after that the hits and comments rose as he was labeled the shooter by some. He posted a graph detailing the rise and said he regretted not getting an ad revenue thing sooner with which he would donate the proceeds from the hits to charity, then pulled the entry. Later on after things picked up he came clean that he wasn't the guy, it was posted on Drudge, then the 'hoax' hit CNN with Geraldo apparently calling for his head. He's posted a few updates since then in particular regarding an ABC News story in which he talks.
  21. Golgo 13

    NBA Roundtable Discussion

    That song is awful. Sorry Alf.
  22. Golgo 13

    A want a new tattoo

    Tribal is a miniscule step better than Japanese lettering, so small it doesn't even matter, really. Both are of importance and have meaning to the cultures they derive from but are used mainly for decoration by unaware idiots, but at least, as far as I know, your inker can't sneak in "I love penis" or something equally as embarrassing into a tribal tat.
  23. Golgo 13

    oAo Monday Night Raw thread- 4/16/07

    So I guess this is just another random Cade and Murdoch push for the purpose of having someone else go over, this time the Hardys. Shame.
  24. Golgo 13

    oAo Monday Night Raw thread- 4/16/07

    It's not like he was completely lost out there in the first place. They showed him having a little talent in taking it to Umaga at the start. It would be interesting if they showed his progression as a wrestler while trying to hold on to the title. I like it. It harms Umaga a ton... but as far as a way to debut someone, I don't mind it. It doesn't harm Umaga... it took three chairshots to put him out AND Lashley held the guy (albeit not wonderfully) on top of him for the pin. And when Lashley wins at Backlash he's just going to pin Shane or Vince, so that won't harm him either. He's been INCREDIBLY protected. All people will remember is Umaga losing the title to a guy from the stands. That's it. Having Vince or Shane taking the fall and Umaga destroying this guy in a non-title match or something is the only solution.