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Golgo 13

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Everything posted by Golgo 13

  1. Golgo 13


    I have something they can affiliate with, if you catch my drift.
  2. Golgo 13


    Go affiliate yourself!
  3. Golgo 13

    The OAO Raw thread for 21st Nov 2005

    John Cena's a dork. How ANYONE is behind him at this point is beyond me.
  4. Golgo 13

    The OAO Raw thread for 21st Nov 2005

    Just as long as you learn your lesson. Now give me a hug.
  5. There's a line between optimism and a willingness to accept the status quo without question.
  6. Golgo 13

    On Black Lushus

    I just hate Mexicans.
  7. For one, Cena isn't the Rock. Two, I doubt anyone really liked the Rock's stuff either, it was just more forgivable. It was probably more creative, but it was still pretty cheesy and just as lame as when Cena does it now. As for Cena's promo a while back, it was better than anything he had done since coming to Raw, but there were still a couple bombs there, and he really needs to drop the early-90s 'Deez nutz lol' thing.
  8. Golgo 13

    Vince McMahon Institutes New Drug Policy

    This will only last as long as the WWE needs to keep anyone off their back, after which it'll be back to business as usual.
  9. Golgo 13

    Why do they let old people on

    No love for that TPIR game where the hiker climbs up the mountain?
  10. Golgo 13

    Smackdown VS Raw 2006

    I'd actually like to know this as well. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Someone answer. And has anyone taken it online yet? How's it play?
  11. Golgo 13


    C'mon. What FS said was just as bad, and I'm expecting much worse if Rudo, Curry and the rest catch wind of this. I wasn't insulted. I just don't think it belongs with the wrestling folders or on its own in Pop Culture, for that matter, nor should it be faulted and pushed aside because of someone's board habits. We shouldn't try to be like other boards, but if the whole wrestling section's designation is changed from Wrestling to Fight Club and MMA (and Boxing, since it's unfair to protect one and not the other) is moved there, fine. But for now its most logical grouping is with sports, just not necessarily as its own subfolder. Also. Yes, LSD should have never been moved to Pop Culture in the first place. Move it back.
  12. Golgo 13

    Smackdown Title situation updated

    Orton really should have RKO'd his dad when they were losing seemingly every week to UT.
  13. Golgo 13


    Keep MMA away from that junk. It's closer to a sport than it ever was to pro wrestling, especially in recent years. It's transcended. If boxing stays in sports, MMA does too.
  14. Golgo 13

    Smackdown Title situation updated

    He's Triple H, our Lord and Savior, that's why.
  15. Golgo 13

    Smackdown Title situation updated

    JBL is by no means a bad heel. He was a bad draw undeserving of a near year long title run, but a bad heel? Far from it. Despite being one of the most over men in the company. Smart. I can't fathom how bad the Old Jake must have been. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> JBL is a bad heel. Despite whatever enthusiasm you, for some reason, feel for him. He is an aweful heel. And Batista over? Laughable. Semi-reactional fan responces prove otherwise. The man can't even draw worth a fuck let alone wrestle. Batista should not be champion and he should not be main eventing at all. Period. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Funny, the logical definition of being a bad heel would indicate that no matter what said heel does, he can't get heat. JBL does, and a good amount of it, so he is not. Yes, Batista is over. I'm not saying he's Austin or Hogan over, but he is over. Only someone blind, deaf, or dumb would deny that he isn't. Who said anything about wrestling ability and drawing prowess? When, in fact, no one is drawing recently, so it's a relatively moot point, and it doesn't help that SD is second rate and a joke in WWE's eyes and is treated as such, having its roster picked apart and sent to Raw in the process, but don't let that stop you. As for his in-ring ability, his flaws can be covered up well enough and his ring presence is the best thing about him. It wasn't beyond WWE in the past to pick a moderately talented if not average or even bad wrestler, usually big, book around his flaws and make him champion, so why have you stuck around all this time? It's the classic WWE formula, you should expect as much, so why are you bitching? As much as I want it to be, WWE isn't a place for wrestlers at the top of the mountain, they want showmen and carny acts regardless of skill level. Regardless of all the above, you said Batista shouldn't be at WM at all, which was completely ridiculous in itself and that's where I came in. Way to backtrack away from that.
  16. Golgo 13

    How warned are you.

    Since I didn't see anyone else say it then, someone had to. 0% Too bad.
  17. Golgo 13

    Smackdown Title situation updated

    JBL is by no means a bad heel. He was a bad draw undeserving of a near year long title run, but a bad heel? Far from it. Despite being one of the most over men in the company. Smart. I can't fathom how bad the Old Jake must have been.
  18. Golgo 13

    Hey Fishywa

    I just think no one cares.
  19. Golgo 13


    Plus I doubt they'd let that plotline go in a total throwaway death.
  20. Golgo 13

    Anyone read the Onion article on Eddie's death?

    So when do we rename the folder "Frivolous Eddie Guerrero Shit"
  21. You didn't number that.
  22. Golgo 13

    Tag Teams...

    Surely not boring ass WNBA basketball.
  23. Golgo 13

    Smackdown VS Raw 2006

    I do.