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Posts posted by MrRant

  1. I guess we just have to agree to disagree then. I just don't see where he was a good or potentialy good head coach at this point in time. I agree our talent on offense isn't quite there yet, and have no depth at WR, but head coaches worth their salt make due of what they have. I mean you are paying JaMarcus Russell 60 million to dink and dunk, let him freaking play! He's going to make mistakes, but all rookies do that. Protecting him is just retarding his growth.


    And I disagree with the stability issue. Stability is nice when you have a capable head coach, but Lane Kiffin simply is not. Why keep a bad employee for the sake of stability? There is no on the job training in NFL. You win or you get fired, simple as that. He didn't win with the people he had, what makes everyone think that he would win if he had a say in front office matters? Every other coach in Raider history had to operate within Al Davis' parameters, what makes Lane Kiffin so special? I mean if you were a boss of a company, and was sucessful and had a laundry list of accomplishmesnts, and some guy with no track record of anything, living off his dad name, came in and told you to do it another way? He would be out of line no? What makes you think he's capable based on what we have seen?


    I don't know what games you guys are watching, but Lane has proven he is over his head coaching in the NFL. Giving him another year wouldn't have made a difference. He didn't get his way in the offseason, he whined to media in an attempt to make ownership look bad, didn't take accoutabilty for his own shortcomings when he did fail and he got canned for it. He didn't want to be here, so I say good riddance. I'd rather have a head coach that wants to be in Oakland, takes accountability, and at least tries to work with Al Davis, even he may think he is off his rocker.


    About Walker and Hall. Every Raider fan knows that this team has a history of taking discarded vets and giving them a second chance. Hall and Walker are no different. It worked as recently as 2002, so why wouldn't it work now?


    Very rarely does it go well when the ownership/front office doesn't even attempt to draft to a coach's system and/or team needs.

  2. One thing I'm not looking forward to on the upcoming Raw shows is all the editing. I'm not talking about the blurring of logos but the beeping out of langue and Austin's hand gestures being blurred. That is absolutely inexcuseable for what is a On Demand Service that caters to an older audience. You can't even say ass anymore on WWE television.


    The part that bothers me the most is the WWF to WW_ editing of announcers etc. I can understand blurring the scratch logo which is fine but good Christ you would think they would be safe from the pandas when it comes to pre-lawsuit WWF.

  3. I rented the game today and started with story mode, it's not bad at all. The create-a-wrestler feels extremely limited but that might be because with storymode you basically start out with jackshit....I unlocked the ablity to chop people though.


    The controls aren't bad.....but they're very very arkward.


    (These are the 360 controls)

    X = Punch

    A = Kick

    Y = Quick grapple

    B = submissions on the ground


    if you want to do a strong move, you need to click the LB button first and if you want to do a reversal hit RB. I feel it would have better if the strong move button (LB) and the reversal button (RB) was switched around. I also can't tell exactly if I'm doing a certain move while doing a strong movie or I'm just doing a random move. It's also a bitch to throw someone into the ropes or to the turnbuckle.


    I just feel the controls are overall just arkward.


    Why are you not spelling awkward correctly?

  4. And I thought that Buffalo would sign him during the offseason.


    I'll gladly take Alexander back and dump Morris and Jones. Mind you I would let go a majority of Seattle's offence starting with the QB.



  5. Yeah but are any of these matches any good at all? I mean it's Giant Baba. There was a Race vs. Von Erich (David?) title match shown on 24/7 a while ago, though it was a countout. Regardless I can see them showing the 1983 Flair match since it was from a major show and the angle was awesome even if the match had too much of Gene Kiniski butting in.


    Kiniski did his damndest to ruin that match. I don't know what the **** his problem was (apparently Harley didn't either) and I really wish both Flair and Race would have shot on him and broken his leg. It's a testament to the greatness of both Flair and Race that they still put on a great match with that moron Kiniski interferring and breaking the flow of the match constantly.


    I've met Gene Kiniski. Nice guy.

  6. Division rivals come next in line for regional air preference


    For example, here if the Chiefs aren't on, we'll wind up with either a Broncos or Chargers game


    I'm not sure that is correct since the Bay area will get the Jets vs Miami and not the KC game.
