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Posts posted by MrRant

  1. I think that pbone is right in a sense that people should be aware of what a variable interest rate is, however I think he is wrong in regards to everybody knowing the ins and outs of home financing. If you watch Maxed Out, you will see where people went into areas where people had no more than 8th/9th grade educations and convinced them that the loan/credit terms were good for them.


    Take payday loans. I have no problem with them existing, however I have an issue with some states allowing them to have almost uncapped interest rates where some have interest rates at 45-60%!. 25%? Reasonable since it's usually bad credit people coming in and on a $100 loan it's $125 to pay back. In WA for example people with bad credit can get a car loan but it's capped at like ~27% (this of course makes that $9,000 car like $13,000), could you imagine if it was 60% just to have reliable transportation*?


    *This assumes credit mistakes in the past and a current history of paying things back on time. Not loaning money to someone who hasn't paid their credit card on time and is late every month for the last 6 years.

  2. So it appears I will be having my final (only) face to face interview in the ATL on Tuesday next week so I will be in town Monday (8/25) afternoon - Wednesday (8/27) morning to do like a 3 hour meet everyone and then check out the city.


    Sounds more like a "make sure that personalities match and you like the city" thing and you're hired.

  3. Well, IF he comes back then, what can he do?




    Well, there's a natural feud with HBK. He can go after Punk for the title, or Cena and Batista. Can also serve as Adamle's hencemen/bodyguard.




    Go up against HHH for the WWE Title. An 11 year old feud revived with the Undertaker. Can battle Edge or great Khali as a face. And then there's the Big Show vs. Sid. I don't think those two were ever in the same company at the same time.




    Yeah, right.


    What exactly would a hencemen do? Run around assaulting people with the King's English?



    Spanish basketball team poses for offensive picture


    By Chris Chase


    Spain's Olympic basketball team posed for an advertisement prior to the Games which appears to show all its players slanting their eyes, a move that will likely offend their Olympic hosts, Asians across the world and anybody with a shred of intelligence. The ads, for a Spanish courier company, appeared in the Spanish-language newspaper La Marca.


    More offensive than the actual gesture is the stupidity of the ad directors, photographers, players and Spanish Basketball Federation, whose logo appears in the ad. Did it not occur to anyone that it might not be a good idea to mock an entire continent before the world's largest athletic competition that, by the way, happens to take place on that continent. Were they not aware of an invention called "the Internet" that allows pictures taken in Spain to be transmitted all over the world for the eyes of everyone?


    Interestingly, the Spanish basketball team took on China tonight, winning 85-75 in overtime. No word on whether Pau Gasol was on the receiving end of any elbows from Yao Ming.




    It would have been better if it was a commercial and they were also singing along to the Siamese Cat Song from "Lady and the Tramp".


  5. Ok is Lebron seriously talking about Europe or was it just some offhanded comment he made like "Yeah I'll play in Europe....if they gave me 50 million!" *much snickering and elbowing follows* And now ESPN is just running with it and completely overblowing it?

    They were talking about Kobe taking $50 million to play in Italy on PTI today as well.


    EDIT: And I guess Dwyane Wade's been talking about it too.


    Just a way to try and squeeze more dollars out of the teams.
