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Posts posted by MrRant

  1. Funny this thread is here.


    I have started a new job rather quickly that has me out in Cali right now. I had to drive (yes, DRIVE) in a rental van with two other guys from Atlanta to Cali. We left on Tuesday evening and got to Van Nuys on Thursday.


    While I haven't had much sleep or much time to do anything, I can say that I fucking hate this fucking state.


    Maybe because I have only been to some parts of LA, Van Nuys(which I could walk around and enjoy good enough, only it was hot as hell and i was the only black guy around and kept getting stared at which is annoying) and Canyon Country (which is pretty and there is plenty to do, but apparently women are only 12-16 and 63 and up. Not ONE goddamn piece of ass yet.


    And that brings me to me next bitchoff. I have seen only a handful of hot women. What the motherfucking fuck is going on here? I thought this was supposed to be the mecca of beautiful women or something. Fuck this place. I am here for another two weeks. I think I am supposed to be in Palmdale this weekend so if any of you are in that area, hit me up and prove to me that this isn't a fucking horrible state.


    Ripper - has stories about Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Arizona and New Mexico sucking ass also, but I will save that for another time.


    I liked New Mexico for the week I spent in ABQ.

  2. Mechanical

    In social situations where the sound of flatulence would be particularly inappropriate a temporary remedy can be obtained by placing a piece of cotton wool or toilet tissue about 4 cm into the anus. If this is done whilst squatting then closure of the buttocks will hold it in place for a considerable period of time. This keeps the anus dry and reduces the velocity of the gas discharge, both of which help to prevent noisy events.


    For acute situations, it is recommended to spread the buttocks, so as to stretch open the sphincter while the gas is passed. This is best accomplished by sitting on one buttock, shifting body weight laterally, then putting the body weight on the other buttock. The opening will not snap shut and the passage will be silent. If done incorrectly, however, this may result in a characteristic high-pitched squeal.


    If sitting on a cushioned surface, the gases can be directed into the open-cell polyurethane foam and somewhat quarantined. Following the fart, standing will not release the odor, in fact, the gases will be further pushed to the center of the cushion. The gases will not leak out and be detectable, unless the cushion is compressed again under the weight of another person. The use of this phenomenon as a practical joke is obvious.

  3. In my opinion, it looks like Microsoft emerges as the clear winner from E3 2008; they got their foot in the door with a major player in the Japanese market (FFXIII), provided a major expansion to their multimedia capabilities (the Netflix integration), and also managed to host the most promising game of the show (Fallout 3). If they can continue to push out more diversity in their library, they could very well overtake the Wii because Nintendo appears to have completely fallen asleep at the wheel.


    I don't harbor as much vitriol for the Big N as Andrew does, but I think E3 comes across as a major disappointment for them. It's like they've decided to stop caring conventional games entirely, which is probably an acceptable direction for their first-party developers (since they've pretty much blown their IP load already, save for Kid Icarus), but not so warm-and-fuzzy when you consider that a port of an XBox 360 game from two years ago is the high point of their third party gaming revelations. Not only that, but they appear to be completely oblivious to the fact that they're playing on the rails while a freight train called "disc space issues" is screaming down the tracks; both of their major alternative selling points to consumers (Virtual Console) as well as third-party developers (easier digital distribution through WiiWare) are going to be completely gridlocked by this time next year without some kind of hard drive peripheral intervention.


    Except that I believe FFXIII is still a PS3 exclusive in Japan from what I understand.
