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Everything posted by dubq

  1. dubq

    Street Fighter IV announced...

    I'm not really digging Abel or El Fuerte. I find that people who use them are realllly cheap with their moves. With Abel, it's all throws. With Fuerte he has this running bellyflop thing that he can repeatedly hit you with before you even stand up.. and I can't seem to block or break it. Brutal!!
  2. dubq


    My girlfriend watches it while I'm in the same room on the computer. My ex used to watch the Hills all the time while I was in the same room. Be grateful. And I didn't bother getting into the show, either. Heh, I neglected to mention the other shows she watches: reruns of the OC, Gossip Girl, Top Model, anything with dancing (though I don't mind Dance Crew) and anything on E! or Access.. ugh!! Sometimes I want to just cancel my cable to see what happens...
  3. dubq

    Street Fighter IV announced...

    I wonder if the BP are only going to be used for ranking or if there'll be some sort of free DLC stuff that you can exchange them for. Kinda like what Metal Gear Online does.
  4. dubq

    WWE Raw - February 23, 2009

    The whole thing was just entirely amateurish. You'd think, by now, WWE would be able to pull off something like this with a little more fluidity and less fuck ups. Even the camera guys were off, completely missing the sledge going through the mirror.. that would've been a cool shot but for some reason he decided to focus on Randy running away to the door instead of the sledge that was flying at his head.
  5. dubq

    Street Fighter IV announced...

    Sounds good. I actually ventured into Ranked Matches for the first time last night. I won the first one and got some BP, but then lost a bunch more in a row and ended up with 0 BP again, heh. I think I'll stick to Player Matches for now. I'm starting to remember why I always liked to use Cammy in SSF2 on SNES back in the day. She's really a great all around character with some good short and long range attacks.
  6. dubq


    My girlfriend watches it while I'm in the same room on the computer.
  7. dubq

    WWE Raw - February 23, 2009

    What more do you want? Specific examples of heel deeds she's done? I think she just has a good personality for it. She can pull of the character well. And who cares if she's unattractive? Why do you keep bringing that up, like it even matters... Her looks do matter, because the uglier someone is, the less I want to see her on TV. Especially when she has no acting skills to make up for her ugliness. You're telling me that if she was good-looking and didn't have such a grating voice she would get just as much heat? I have a very hard time believing that. Yes, actually I am telling you that. But, yeah, forget it man. This is like arguing with a wall that's made out of moron bricks.
  8. dubq

    WWE Raw - February 23, 2009

    What more do you want? Specific examples of heel deeds she's done? I think she just has a good personality for it. She can pull of the character well. And who cares if she's unattractive? Why do you keep bringing that up, like it even matters...
  9. dubq

    WWE Raw - February 23, 2009

    You're arguing with the guy who said this. Well, now, that's a little uncalled for. Her continued presence on my television is uncalled for. EDIT: To make my Vickie comments even more uncalled for, let me say the following. There is nothing I'd rather see on WWE TV than for Paul Burchill to curb stomp Vickie and then for Orton to kick her in her gullet. Wow. That just screams fuckdouche. Dude needs a therapist.
  10. dubq

    WWE Raw - February 23, 2009

    You're crazy. She's a great heel authority figure. If they're going to play that gimmick I'd rather it be someone like her who actually has a ton of heat on her character. People legitimately hate her and her character. It's gone on way too long. She gets the definition of X-pac heat. The only "great" thing she does as a heel is "EXCUSE ME!" How do you know it's X-Pac heat? Do you have the quarter hour reports to show that people change the channel when she's on? I don't change the channel when she comes on, usually because Edge is alongside her. She's a terrible actress, and the combination of her face and voice is the most annoying thing on TV. That's why most people boo her. If you really think there's something she does that screams great heel, please..let me know. I don't see how having a grating voice makes her a bad heel, though. If anything it adds to the effect. Could it be you don't like her because she doesn't fit the usual Diva mold? Are those the only women allowed on your tv or something?
  11. dubq


    Oh wow yet another over used plot device on this show.. the explosion that destroys the city! Wow these writers are AWESOME!!!!
  12. dubq

    WWE Raw - February 23, 2009

    You're crazy. She's a great heel authority figure. If they're going to play that gimmick I'd rather it be someone like her who actually has a ton of heat on her character. People legitimately hate her and her character. It's gone on way too long. She gets the definition of X-pac heat. The only "great" thing she does as a heel is "EXCUSE ME!" How do you know it's X-Pac heat? Do you have the quarter hour reports to show that people change the channel when she's on?
  13. dubq

    WWE Raw - February 23, 2009

    You're crazy. She's a great heel authority figure. If they're going to play that gimmick I'd rather it be someone like her who actually has a ton of heat on her character.
  14. dubq

    WWE Raw - February 23, 2009

    I think it was Drummk or something like that.
  15. dubq


    Jesus Christ Parkman's "mind reading face" makes me want to punch the guy.
  16. dubq

    WWE Raw - February 23, 2009

    I put him on ignore and im all good. Heh, I couldn't even get to the post to see who it was in order to do that. It kept crashing my browser!
  17. dubq

    WWE General Discussion - February 2009

    Someone ban this POS already..
  18. dubq

    WWE General Discussion - February 2009

    On a side note.. what the hell is going on with the Raw thread??
  19. dubq

    WWE Raw - February 23, 2009

    someone fix this fucking thread...
  20. dubq


    Wow, you must be a real hit with the ladies.
  21. dubq


    Well, I dunno about the "current" scenes, but in the flashback ones she's hot, as per usual.
  22. dubq


    Fuck this guy. Carla Gugino never looks silly. More like "have my babies," hot. And I don't even want babies.
  23. Why would they WANT to see Rourke in a match from a storyline and reality perspective? Rourke's movie was not a blockbuster like a Spider Man movie or something. I just think having Rourke in an underground movie that got critical acclaim doesn't quite equal blockbuster ppv buy-rates and tv ratings. It made complete sense last year doing it with Mayweather. The movie is just a catalyst. It doesn't mater if it was indy or blockbuster or if half the audience hasn't seen it due to limited release. Who Rourke was prior to the Wrestler and his much publicised comeback are what they're hoping to sell people on. As for last year.. I had no idea who Mayweather was until his match with Big Show. After the fact, I still don't care who he is/was. I've known who Mickey Rourke is for almost my entire life so I'd be more inclined to be interested in seeing this match over the Mayweather one. That is, if I were into paying the ridiculous price that WWE charges for their PPVs...
  24. dubq

    Street Fighter IV announced...

    I'm on PS3 - wquinn I almost had a match with Flamboyance, but I was too drawn into arcade mode to see the invite pop up in the corner of my screen.
  25. dubq

    2009 Oscar prediction contest

    I was rooting for Ledger if only to screw Robert Downey out of the award for his bitter "fuck DC comics, I need a college education to understand the Dark Knight" interview comments. No, Downey. How about fuck you?