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Everything posted by dubq

  1. dubq


    LMAO @ the Clooney comment. Clooney already tried to be a "Dark" superhero once before and failed miserably. You're nuts.
  2. dubq


    Well, that's Zack Snyder for you. Slooooowwww FAST Slooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwww FASTSLOWWWWWWWWWWWWWW...
  3. dubq

    Vince Fighting Internet Leaks

    Vince is fighting a losing battle with this one. Whenever there is any kind of interpretive entertainment form (ie: wrestling, acting, etc) that has droves of fans, there will always be leaks, rumors and so on and that aspect will never be squashed.
  4. dubq

    Legends of WrestleMania

    There are never really "faces" in CAW.. it's always something you have to morph to get to.. you can essentially make anyone's face in the SDVR style CAW morphing feature.
  5. dubq

    Street Fighter IV announced...

    Yah I have had a few of those too. I also had one Blanka douchebag who did nothing but push me into a corner to spam the electricity! Jerks!
  6. dubq

    Street Fighter IV announced...

    Wha!? Uh, count me out of that boat. Seth has a couple of cool moves, but unless you really know what you're doing, he's too weak and takes too much damage for you to see too many of 'em. I guess I know what I'm doin' then. I like his triple dragon punch and the vortex thing that pulls your opponent in close. That said, Gouken is my favourite "top tier" guy to play as right now.
  7. dubq

    DLC and it's future in videogames

    I like DLC when the pricepoint is $5 or lower. Anything above that and it better be DAMNED good.
  8. dubq

    Legends of WrestleMania

    Thing is, WWE owns trademarks/likenesses for Razor, Diesel, Mankind, and I think even Demolition (unless they settled with Eadie). They could've put those characters in without a worry of who works where now.. but I think it all boils down to Vince's decision in the end.
  9. dubq

    Dead Space Extraction for Wii

    Ghost Squad Resident Evil UC House of the Dead 2 & 3 Return House of the Dead: Overkill ..the only worthy ones. So I don't see having a Dead Space prequel on rails as over-saturating the market of rail shooters on the Wii, especially if it turns out to be good.
  10. dubq

    Street Fighter IV announced...

    Unlocked everyone.. for a boss character Seth is pretty fun to play as, much more fun than Bison ever was, IMO.
  11. dubq

    Joss Whedon's Dollhouse

    I like the show so far. I hope it finds its wings soon, though. I'm finding a hard time grasping what the entire "pull" to the storyline is... does the Dollhouse eventually turn into an elite crime fighting unit? Do they save the world? Where exactly is this going, I guess is what I'm asking... Joss' stuff seems to work so much better when there's an almost unbeatable antagonist rearing it's head at every turn. I realize they're probably going that way with this Alpha guy.. but really.. it doesn't feel as "epic" as, say, the Alliance in Firefly or Wolfram & Hart in Angel.
  12. dubq

    Street Fighter IV announced...

    I'm not a huge fan of the title theme either.. though I just noticed that if you change the language to Japanese, the opening movie (and the menus) with the theme also changes the lyrics to Japanese.. it's a little more tolerable when it's not in English for some reason.
  13. dubq

    Street Fighter IV announced...

    Main title theme is not in what? The soundtrack CD?
  14. dubq

    Axl speaks to Billboard

    Honestly, I don't like the album at all.. but Fred Durst is no one to be giving out reviews of what sounds like shit. He should be turning around and looking at every song he's ever recorded if he wants to hear piles upon piles of shit.
  15. dubq

    Street Fighter IV announced...

    I tried Sakura's path last night, on Medium.. everyone in her path is FUCKING cheap. Abel and Zangief with their fucking non-stop throwing really got on my nerves. Add to that the usual cheapness of Balrog and Blanka.. then Seth.. jesus christ what a cheap fucker. That's the first time I've wanted to throw my controller out of frustration in many many MANY years (I didn't though).
  16. dubq

    Legends of WrestleMania

    Rice or salt?
  17. dubq


    Damn, I'd been eyeing that for a while.. didn't realize the release date had already happened! Will definitely have to pick it up if I can find it. Amazon.ca has it for $29 (not in stock though).
  18. dubq

    WWE General Discussion - February 2009

    Whatcha gunna do when Pandamania runs wild on your branding, brother!!!!
  19. dubq

    Friday The 13th (2009)

    I tend to agree, but if they are at least going to have him be the Krueger character before the fire and his "death" that is better than nothing. I'm very interested to see how they will make the new burned up dream master Freddy look cosmetically, that is for sure. See I think that's even worse. Freddy isn't like Jason, Myers, Leatherface where you can't tell who he is because there's a mask. Freddy is Freddy, burned or not. So I think it'd be weird to see Englund unburned and then some other dude afterward. I mean, I'll give the new guy a chance.. sure.. but this is going to be the toughest remake to "get over" IMO given that Freddy's personality and "legendary horror status" is almost 100% from the greatness that is Robert Englund.
  20. dubq


    Is it out?
  21. dubq

    13 year old Father.

    Brutal. The only thing that could make this even better would be if the two of them were related.
  22. dubq


    Anyone else on Rogers Cable have their HD freeze up for a few seconds everytime this show goes to commercial? It drives me nuts..
  23. dubq

    Street Fighter IV announced...

    I caved and bought the standard edition (PS3) after having no luck finding the CE anywhere. I really just wanted the animated bluray thinger. Ebay here I come!
  24. dubq

    Street Fighter IV announced...

    That's actually pretty cool! Ideally I'd like to have both.. I just hate it when they remove the Japanese track from a game. It really serves no purpose to do something like that (Koei games I'm lookin' at you)!