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Everything posted by dubq

  1. dubq


    This Sylar as Obi Wan shit is utter crap.
  2. dubq

    Legends of WrestleMania

    Ah forgot about that. But I bet if you were to ask anyone what they picture old school Taker in, it'd be purple. I know that'd be my answer, at least.
  3. dubq

    Legends of WrestleMania

    No. He won one WWE Championship in gray, from Hogan, at SurSer91 - and lost it about 6 days later. He debuted the purple attire when he came back at Summer Slam 94 to face the Brian Lee Undertaker (who wore gray). He won his second WWE Championship in 1997, from Sid.
  4. dubq

    When TNA closes...

    *sigh* Whoosh, indeed! People need to understand that better booking does not equal better ratings. People actually knowing that your product exists and watching it would equal better ratings. Yes, I agree that Heyman writing would probably be a lot better than what they have now.. but it won't make a lick of difference if people aren't tuning in to watch. Why is this so hard for people to grasp?
  5. dubq


    That and by the time Jin went back in time to meet her.. she was already dead in the present. Don't know why people can't get past that one..
  6. dubq


    Agree on the first part. A couple days ago I watched Walkabout and the first Sayid centered episode. The show's nothing like it used to be. I understand that it has to evolve, but much of the fun is gone now Dunno how you can say that. This show is more fun now than it's ever been.
  7. dubq

    Friday The 13th (2009)

    Okay well that's the 13th of February, not Friday the 13th. Unless CD213 knew that this movie was being released in Feb 2009 when he joined here three years ago, I call bullshit.
  8. dubq

    Legends of WrestleMania

    They'll probably just go with Omaha, Nebraska like they did with his SDvR entrance. Either that or maybe we can at least hope for the "Seasonal Residences" line.
  9. dubq

    Smallville: Season 7

    It'd better not be a dream episode!
  10. dubq


    Same here. Season 3 would've been the time for me to give up, I'm glad I didn't though. The time travel stuff should calm down, now, though as Locke has spun the wheel properly, etc. etc.
  11. dubq

    Friday The 13th (2009)

    Saw it tonight - not bad, not bad. I didn't mind this at all. This is well above Hallowe'en and TCM remakes. I'd have to say that the first Hills Have Eyes remake and this are probably the best of the remake crop. Also, what am I missing that I don't see how 213 = Friday the 13th?
  12. dubq

    When TNA closes...

    No it's not. Wrestling is storytelling. Nobody will question the in-ring talent available to TNA, but it's the creative team that sucks - you know the people who script out the shows, the writers. Exactly. He made compelling characters of guys who've since flamed out of the wwe. And his critiques of the wwe and TNA for the UK Sun are usually spot on - he still gets it. You're a fool if you think that TNA's writing and angles are what's causing their bad ratings. It's people not knowing they exist and therefore not tuning in. It's bad marketing, plain and simple.
  13. dubq

    Friday The 13th (2009)

    Glad to see positives about this. Will probably check it out this weekend.
  14. dubq

    The OAO WWE DVD Thread

    I'm all for more matches.. but I love the docu style stuff as I go back to that more than I do the matches. It's a shame that WWE doesn't think this kind of format is valuable anymore.
  15. dubq

    Joss Whedon's Dollhouse

    I saw tons of advertising for this on Global (the Canuck channel that's carrying it). I dunno, I like it so far. I certainly don't mind Eliza but I'm glad to see Amy Acker as a part of the guest cast as well.
  16. dubq

    Legends of WrestleMania

    Hey well there's always a DLC possibility for Savage, right?
  17. dubq

    Street Fighter IV announced...

    Colour me hyped as well! I really hope I can get the ColEd for this on release day..
  18. dubq


    Never heard this. Given the references in S1 to the concrete below the Swan, though, I'd say it's a given that that is where Jughead is buried. Exactly. Just because something is a slow burn and isn't revealed immediately, doesn't mean it's a plot hole. They're already giving us bits and pieces of who the original Others were - ie: Richard and his troops. Clearly Dharma arrives sometime after this and somehow takes over for their own experiments - and it's been said that they were funded in part by Widmore (which would be the reason why Dharma knows about the Island to begin with). Dharma encounters the Others/Hostiles while doing their thing. Resulting in Ben taking over, initiating the purge, and so on. All we're really missing is who exactly Richard and his friends were originally working for back in 1954 - and how they knew about or came to be on the island Wait wait. I don't think Richard and his guys were troops. I remember him talking about how the soldiers wouldn't leave so they had to kill them. I assume they took their stuff and they've been there a lot longer than when Locke came upon them. Yeah no doubt. I just said troops for lack of a better term while I was typing.
  19. dubq


    Yeah, but the O6's rescue would tend to put a dent in that theory. They were on the island for, what, four months? By that count, they would've been missing out of the real world for twenty-one years. However, no weird timeframe whatsoever has been mentioned in terms of how long it was between the plane crash and the O6 popping up. One must assume that it was just a few months for the rest of the world as well. And for Daniel's meeting Past Desmond to sync up with Present Desmond's dream, the ratio would have to be something more like 1/1000 of real time, which isn't possible within realm of the stuff we've already seen. Yeah, there seems to be a time discrepency on and near the island itself. Recall Daniel's early experiments with the rocket, showing that it took way too long for it to get from the ship to the island. But none of these discrepencies are consistent. Can we all just face it that the writers of Lost are regular humans who might make some bullshit up? I'm not saying that 1/64 is accurate. It's just a number a I heard. You can't deny, however, that time moves in different intervals on the island than it does off.. whether that's faster, or slower, or a mix of both (which is what I tend to believe) - all the while regular time goes along at it's regular pace outside of the bubble. I thought that was pretty well established given the events in Season 4 as well as some of the weird stuff that happens before that season - food drops, insanely quick weather changes, etc..
  20. dubq


    Bizarre. I guess people really liked the annoying Hobbit? Speaking of that event.. I still am holding out hope that we get a Mikhail appearance this season. Guy is a modern Rasputin and I swear it looked like he swam away before the grenade went off. even if he is dead, still a chance at seeing him in a time skip Yah that's all we'll get if it does happen. I just remembered Lindelof confirming that he's dead in one of the tracks on season 3's blurays.
  21. dubq


    Also, the rocket that Faraday had fired from the freighter arriving a few minutes later than it should've - even after Zoe Bell had said it had reached it's target.
  22. dubq


    Never heard this. Given the references in S1 to the concrete below the Swan, though, I'd say it's a given that that is where Jughead is buried. Exactly. Just because something is a slow burn and isn't revealed immediately, doesn't mean it's a plot hole. They're already giving us bits and pieces of who the original Others were - ie: Richard and his troops. Clearly Dharma arrives sometime after this and somehow takes over for their own experiments - and it's been said that they were funded in part by Widmore (which would be the reason why Dharma knows about the Island to begin with). Dharma encounters the Others/Hostiles while doing their thing. Resulting in Ben taking over, initiating the purge, and so on. All we're really missing is who exactly Richard and his friends were originally working for back in 1954 - and how they knew about or came to be on the island
  23. dubq


    Bizarre. I guess people really liked the annoying Hobbit? Speaking of that event.. I still am holding out hope that we get a Mikhail appearance this season. Guy is a modern Rasputin and I swear it looked like he swam away before the grenade went off.
  24. dubq


    Because Daniel didn't "implant" the memory in Desmond until Desmond was off the island. But... how? How does that work? I don't understand what kind of sense that's supposed to make. Like I said, it'd be different if Desmond had remembered it just shortly after they left the island, since in Daniel's timeline it was only several hours later that he encountered Desmond at the hatch. Meanwhile, Des doesn't remember anything for three years, until the plot requires him to meet Daniel's mom at the same time as the othre bunch? Just sounds like a plot contrivance to keep the story moving, pure & simple. It's been said that time on the island moves at a much slower rate (I've heard 1/64 of real time, that and the Hanso Foundation's "Life Extension Project"). Therefore even if Daniel JUST told Hatch Desmond about their issues on the island, 3-Years-Later Desmond doesn't remember it until, well, 3 years later.. as time moves faster outside of the Island's "bubble." At SDCC 2006, When prompted to estimate how many "days" the entire series will encompass, Damon Lindelof notes that "you're making the basic assumption that they've been there as long as they think they've been there." As for Charlotte remembering Daniel before he goes back in time and warns her, I have to believe that has something to do with her time-sickness. Her mind is clearly not in the timeframe that her body is for parts of this, given the way she acts or speaks, so it's not out of the realms of science fiction to theorize that her mind has been to all sorts of places in space and time and has experienced the events that lead to the warning.
  25. dubq

    Christian's Re-debut in WWE has occurred!

    True true.. I know I was asking too much with that one, lol.