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Everything posted by dubq

  1. dubq

    The OAO WWE DVD Thread

    Ahh, was that back when he was still using Eye of the Tiger?
  2. dubq

    The OAO WWE DVD Thread

    First match on the SNME set.. why does it sound like a voiceover of Finkel annoucing Hogan from "Hollywood California" - are they not allowed to say Venice Beach anymore or something?
  3. dubq

    Legends of WrestleMania

    The other PS3 DLC only came out about a month ago, how often do you need them?? They've already said in a previous interview to expect the second by WM. That and you can't expect them to give you everything you ever wanted in DLC, otherwise there's no point to making a 2010 game.
  4. dubq

    WWE Raw - February 9, 2009

    That happened.
  5. dubq

    WWE Raw - February 9, 2009

    I'm suprised his fat ass could make it across the ring. They must've used extra springy ropes for this ring. The landing on that move was terrible, btw. It's like he forgot one of the most basic things to do when you're gonna bump on your back - maybe he needs to study some tough enough tapes.
  6. dubq

    WWE Raw - February 9, 2009

    I came here to ask the same thing. It seems like Ric Flair has really aged badly in the past few years. I think the guy is almost 60, but he might as well be at least, 75. I mean, Vince McMahon is older than Flair, yet Vince somehow looks more fit and vibriant (even though I guess Vince has stopped dying his hair ) than the Nature Boy. Ric Flair just looks really weathered (perhaps from too much "wheeling, dealing, kiss stealing, jet flying and limousine riding") and used up at this stage in his life. I've said this before.. I think that Flair might have some form of diabetes. His aging process is starting to mirror what Johnny Cash went through. One year he looks his age... the next he looks 10 years older.. 2 years later he looks 20 years older, his face is all puffy and distorted looking. It's brutal. =\
  7. dubq

    WWE General Discussion - February 2009

    Chris Hero, IMO is like Steve Corino, he is WAY better off in a bigger indy fed or as a mainstay gaijin in Japan. WWE wouldn't know what to do with someone like him and he'd be released quickly after finding out that creative has "nothing for him."
  8. dubq

    Legends of WrestleMania

    Duggan fits in with the Legends, though. He was one of the most over faces in the company next to Hogan back in those days. THQ isn't dropping any balls. The DLC is done. When it's released is all dependent on Microsoft's schedule. If you want to blame anyone, blame them.
  9. dubq

    Street Fighter IV announced...

    Seth, one of the boss characters.
  10. dubq

    Jericho mobbed by fans, hits woman

    From WWE.com's "Industry News" Section - doesn't say where it's pulled from, though...
  11. dubq

    Jericho mobbed by fans, hits woman

    Haystacks Calhoun? WTF dude..
  12. dubq

    Jericho mobbed by fans, hits woman

    BC is an exception.
  13. dubq

    Legends of WrestleMania

    I think the character models look great. I think this game is geared towards the 25-40 year olds with the models and the controls towards the kids. I remember thinking when I was 6 years old that Hulk Hogan was larger than life, with inflated muscles and a cartoon look. That is exactly how he is in the game. This game is pure nostalgia to me. Ditto. I love that they're kinda over the top like those old LJN rubber wrestling figures.
  14. dubq

    Legends of WrestleMania

    Dusty only had the Polka Dot look in WWF from the beginning what I remember. It's probably an alternate attire in the game. I've seen images of HBK in both red and white outfits.
  15. dubq

    Friday The 13th (2009)

    Ugh. Why does this talentless hack keep getting work?!
  16. dubq

    Friday The 13th (2009)

    From the trailers I'm gathering that this isn't a remake after all - in one of the trailers the teen is recounting the story of how Jason's mom went nuts and killed all of these counsellors.. so I guess this is more like a sequel set sometime down the road, maybe after part 3 since he has the hockey mask?
  17. dubq

    Amanda Knox trial

    I was watching a video about it on youtube via Dateline.. one of their pieces of evidence linking her to it is her shoeprints in the blood and apparently there was blood in the toilet that has both her and the victim's DNA in it. Now, the shoes.. ok.. but the toilet blood? Do they realize that these are two women? What happens to women once a month involving blood? HMMMMMMM.. seems like they're basing most of their accusations of her off of the other dudes word who was already convicted and sentenced for the crime.
  18. dubq

    Street Fighter IV announced...

    Oh, apparently this code only works for freshly new created accounts.
  19. dubq

    Legends of WrestleMania

    Looks interesting. I don't like the idea that it's more of a fighting game with the same moves over and over again, but maybe it'll work. I hope they do some touch ups on some of these guys.. Slaughter is missing his famous hat, JYD has no chains, etc. Guys I'm hoping for: Demolition, King Kong Bundy, Earthquake.
  20. All joking aside it's pretty easy for a method actor to blow up and I'm sure this isn't the first time it's happened in the history of acting and film. He called into that radio show and made his apologies, etc. and he comes off as pretty genuine in that.
  21. dubq


    Here's a fun question. Who do YOU picture Jacob looking like? I don't know why.. but I keep picturing Jamey Sheridan as Randall Flagg from the Stand, but a bit older with grayer hair.
  22. dubq

    Aronofsky's "The Wrestler"

    I think you're wrong, 100% there. We've seen it in small (ECW, Terry Funk) and big (WCW, WWE, Hogan, Flair, Piper vs Goldust) feds. Not only that but why does this even matter? The point of the hardcore match was that Randy needed to do ridiculous matches like that to make a living otherwise he'd be even broker than he already was. It's not about "Oh, well he was a high flyer and a big star in the 80's so he clearly should never be doing these matches since it's not his style" - he HAD to do those matches.
  23. dubq


    Bizarre new theory from the Timeloop website. It's quite a stretch. ..and another one. I don't subscribe to any of these theories but they're fun to read and/or discuss.
  24. dubq

    Smallville: Season 7

    Lois didn't show up until season 4. Personally I think it's fine for them to stray from comic canon with this sort of thing because this show shouldn't be about canon otherwise we all know what happens and when and then what's the point of even watching it? Doesn't save Lana from being a shitty character, though.