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Everything posted by dubq

  1. dubq

    Street Fighter IV announced...

    Hmm, seems that the Collectors Edition has become one of those "sign up to find out when this is available" pages on Amazon.ca.
  2. dubq


    LMAO @ Nixon in Mount Rushmore.
  3. dubq


    I agree on the Walt talk as well. If the O6 need to get back to the Island to save it, then why wouldn't he be part of the equation as well? Especially given his powers (or something like that).
  4. dubq


    Yah, I believe they (Ben + Others) stole Danelle's baby the same way they planned to steal Claire's.
  5. dubq


    I thought the same thing, but then why would they have water from an Indian airline and not something Dharma branded? I hope we get a four toed statue flash soon.
  6. dubq


    What, "Does anybody speak French?", followed by a whole bunch of talking in French, side trip to a reminder about the numbers radio broadcast, and finishing up with a "I'm Danielle Rousseau" was too subtle? He asked that before the final scene..
  7. dubq


    Man these weeks seem really long in between episodes, heh. This season is seriously kicking all kinds of ass.
  8. dubq


    Has to be! I was hoping we'd get a flash with them soon!
  9. dubq


  10. dubq


    Holy fuck, this lawyer is a busy man...
  11. Yah, the post-movie series is pretty shite. Especially the entire Cobra Commander turning from a snake back into a humanoid and then Serpentor getting turned into a giant iguana, lol.
  12. dubq


    It's lookin' more and more like Miles was born on the island as well (didn't someone suggest that he was Pierre Chang's baby in that other flashback)?
  13. dubq

    WWE General Discussion - February 2009

    I don't know about Val, but Kane is a pretty prominent Libertarian. He is. Val, I mean.
  14. dubq

    The Office Season 5

    The only thing that bothers me about is that this relationship seems to go rocky at the drop of a hat. It gets kind of annoying after a while.
  15. So does anyone think we'll actually get competent DVD releases of the original animated series (plus the post-movie second series Operation Dragonfire?) leading up to the movie release?
  16. dubq


    Previews that I've seen show it centering on the O6 - Kate & Aaron (the Little Prince?) specifically. =\
  17. It was really just green grease paint, though. Definitely not as extensive as the Maul makeup.
  18. As pretentious as the film itself was, I thought he was great in Brick. Also, thumbs up to Zartan and Mindbender in this movie. Here's hoping for Major Bludd!
  19. dubq

    WWE Raw - February 2, 2009

    A subtle jab toward the old attitude era? Adjusting what was done in the attitude era? I know I'm being silly, but that's what came to my mind for some reason. Same here. I guess they finally realized that he already calls his jumping necksnap thinger the Throwback..
  20. Sounds like someone needs anger management classes.
  21. dubq


    It's funny how when this show first came out, it ruled all kinds of ass.. Lost was sucking some major ass with all of that too much Others stuff in Season 3.. now they've completely switched spots on that spectrum, IMO. I keep watching this to see if they can get their shit together but it's always the same old garbage rehashed, over and over and over and over again. I seriously hope they pull a Prison Break on this show and cancel it by the end of a fourth season because it's just painful to watch.
  22. dubq


    Ando & Hiro have X-Pac heat with me... bleh.
  23. dubq

    What Killed "SNICK" for You?

    Woah, what a brutal idea for a game show. I'd have to say that's worse than anything that Video & Arcade Top 10 (YTV) ever did. The best part of that show was the stream of hotties that came and went as news or "game action" hostesses. Somehow Nicholas Piccolis remained for all 42 years of the show's existence though. So true. It's interesting to see how many of those chicks went on to be actual news or "station" personalities.
  24. dubq

    WWE Raw - February 2, 2009

    Ugh with the Cena.. seriously. Someone get THIS guy to shut up. I'd rather listen to Jericho's monotone heel promos over him.