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Everything posted by dubq

  1. dubq

    WWE Raw - January 26, 2009

    We've never seen that before...
  2. dubq


    Mickey Rourke
  3. dubq


    I think that the magnetic energy is something else altogether that was already there, but that perhaps the location of where the bomb was buried acted as some sort catalyst for the energy to become stronger and cause the effects that it causes.. I mean we all know the crazy shit that nuclear energy can do.
  4. No offence, but if this is your counter arguement to "it's stupid"... I think general consensus is that Zeus coming in from a movie was stupid and that he stunk in the ring, so I think it's more of an arguement for the 'con' side to adopt. No, my comment had nothing to do with whether or not the angle is a good idea or stupid.
  5. I'm not arguing that there is anybody who doesn't know it is fake. The point is is that in the wrestling storyline wrestling is supposed to be real, the wrestlers are supposed to be fighting in the ring. By bringing "The Wrestler" into the storyline world you are essentially running a storyline where wrestling is both real and fake at the same time. Chris Jericho the on-screen character is a real wrestler, he really fights in the ring and really hates the fans and Stephanie McMahon, however Mickey Rourke played a wrestler in the movie that showed wrestling is fake. So Jericho (the onscreen character) watches the movie and his beef isn't "Hey, Rourke said everything I do is fake and scripted" but is accepting the portrayal so his character is saying I'm fake; I'm just a scripted character when I'm out here and my matches are scripted too and we really don't hate each other. It's hard to describe I guess. And yes I do despise time travel storylines. "Lost" especially included because I was a big fan the first three seasons. Honestly, is it any different from Zeus coming to wrestle Hogan after filming No Holds Barred? This kind of over-thinking of wrestling (of all things) really bothers me. It's like complaints about when the cameraman doesn't intervene. It's ficticious TV (hence the cameraman) show!
  6. dubq


    Speculation: I also wouldn't be surprised if we also found out that Widmore is Faraday's biological father.
  7. dubq


    You missed it, then, because Locke handed the compass to Richard - he's holding it during their conversation in the tent. I should also note that during this convo, Richard states that their leaders are chosen at a much younger age. Ben was chosen as a child, as well. I think that'd pretty much DQ Widmore from ever becoming their leader down the line.
  8. dubq

    My new way of eating.

    Here's a good post about muscle building foods. I found it pretty helpful when I originally saw it. http://www.citynews.ca/news/news_27754.aspx
  9. dubq


    I'm psyched to see exactly what Richard meant by Locke having to die to leave the island. Is there some kind of weird reincarnation thing that's going to happen with Locke being born again in the past but under the name Jeremy Bentham?
  10. dubq


    works for me
  11. dubq


    Richard could've been testing it because he was unclear with how it works. I'm not saying Young Locke should've gotten it right or even that Richard expected him to.. Just that Old Future Locke is clearly the reason why Richard went to visit Young Locke and brought him the compass, and also the meaning behind why he asked him to pick the item that "belongs" to him. I still stand firm that it is technically rewriting the past with Desmond. He didn't have the memory before. Then one night he just has this memory. It hadn't happened before.. but then that changed. It's rewriting what happened in the past. You also can't rewrite someones future. The future hasn't happened, therefore it hasn't been written, therefore it cannot be re-written.. only influenced.
  12. dubq


    I agree in a way. I mean, I like it, and it is a cool device to explain some stuff.. but it is getting a little crazy. I think it'll be fine if they keep it more like this past episode.. ie: one jump per episode.. or jumps every couple of episodes. I hope in the end the island takes one last jump and it has turned into a desert.. suddenly Mel Gibson rides by chasing after Toecutter.
  13. dubq


    Yeah, it is getting convoluted, I know. Rewriting the future does sound more feasible. But technically it is re-writing the past. Desmond didn't have that memory before. Then he suddenly did. That sounds a lot like re-writing the past to me. I love the speculation of it all, though. This whole twist has really reinvigorated my interest in the show. Anyway, I don't assume that Faraday knows 100% of everything about this time travel thing.
  14. dubq


    Exactly what I was thinking too.
  15. dubq


    What? That doesn't make sense. Because Old Locke knows the compass is Richard's, then Young Locke will, too? Young Locke doesn't have a past where he would've learned that. It makes sense if you go with the idea of Richard testing the timelines as the motivation. It's pretty much a given that Richard was testing something given that Locke invited him to come meet him after giving him his birthday. Why else would he go there and show him the compass? This doesn't make sense, either. "What happened, happened" according to Daniel. New pasts don't get written. True, he said this, but he also re-wrote Desmond's past when he knocked on the hatch door and told him that he needed Desmond to save them. If Desmond is a special case, maybe Charlotte is too?
  16. dubq


    You know what I would've liked? If ABC had included the option to turn on those pop up enhanced things in the Blu Ray release of Season 4. That would've been cool.
  17. dubq

    Legends of WrestleMania

    Hogan, Rock, Big Show, DiBiase & Foley? What a bizarre selection... What is the deal with the tapes at the bottom. Legends of Wrestling. One has Lex Luger and Buff Bagwell. It's the cover from the Heatseekers DVD from the Legends of Wrestling collection.
  18. dubq

    X-MEN Cartoon on DVD, finally

    From TVShowsonDVD.com - if you pre-order these at Amazon.com, you can get them for $16.99 USD each. http://www.tvshowsondvd.com/news/X-Men-Dis...V2_Covers/11211
  19. You must hate time travel movies Steer clear of the Lost thread, AmDrag.
  20. dubq


    Wait, Mik, you think that Ben is Penny's father? The more I think about it the more I think that Ben was just a pawn of Richard's all this time. He used Ben as the next best thing since Locke wasn't ready. I think it was always in the cards that when Locke did show up.. Richard would want Ben to step down and Locke to become the leader.
  21. dubq


    I'm pretty sure everyone thinks this. I know I did, too. Apparently he just has very thick eyelashes. I read an interview somewhere recently with Cuse & Lindelof where they mentioned that shortly after hiring the actor to play Richard, they told him something along the lines of, "The eyeliner isn't going to work" but were surprised to find out it wasn't eyeliner. That's hilarious!
  22. dubq


    Well, not quite. Ben didn't come to the Island until quite some time later (remember him meeting Richard as a kid in the forsest?) - It'll be interesting to see when the feud with Ben started though. I hope they explore that in one of the flashes. Here's some interesting updates I found on the timelooptheory.com website: I didn't even clue into the compass being from when Richard went to visit Locke as a kid.
  23. Dude enough with the "paradox" thing. Wrestling is worked. The fans know it's worked. WWE regularly produces shows and DVDs on how worked it is. Yes, Vince may go back on that from time to time because he clearly suffers from bi-polar disorder.. but that doesn't change the fact that the entire fanbase that's older than 8 years old knows its worked. And those that are under 8? Well, I doubt they're keeping themselves up at night thinking about how "unworkable" this angle is.
  24. dubq

    My new way of eating.

    My trainer had me on 6-7 1cup (maybe a bit more) sized portions for my meals a day. I know it's the better way to eat.. especially since your body starts to prepare itself for starvation if you haven't eaten for over 3 hours.. but it's damn hard to keep up. I've now found myself back to a "three meal a day" (with some small snacks) plan which is much easier to maintain.
  25. dubq

    Legends of WrestleMania

    Hogan, Rock, Big Show, DiBiase & Foley? What a bizarre selection...