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Everything posted by dubq

  1. dubq

    Aronofsky's "The Wrestler"

    Because being involved with WWE just looks really tacky and silly, and they may give it to Penn because of that. Yeah. I was thinking/wondering if his involvement with WWE is just Rourke himself. Or are Aronofsky and the studio behind it too? I have a feel it's just Mickey being Mickey with this one.
  2. dubq

    WWE Raw - January 26, 2009

    I didn't like Jericho being out there at all. It goes completely against his character.
  3. dubq

    WWE Raw - January 26, 2009

    Except RVD lives in LA. Yes, but he is FROM Michigan.. hence flying in for the hometown pop.
  4. dubq

    WWE General Discussion - January 2009

    *hangs head in shame*
  5. dubq


    Where were those skeletons again? The only ones I'm picturing are the mass grave from the "purge" and the two skeletons they found in the caves during season 1.
  6. dubq

    Aronofsky's "The Wrestler"

    Heh I had to add that in there. Seemed fitting.
  7. dubq

    FOX Sunday Night 08/09 - now in HD!

    Because it looks a lot better than SD cartoons. You know, like HD live action looks a lot better than SD live action. What's not to understand? Indeed. For my birthday last year, my girlfriend bought me Dragonball Z Burst Limit for the PS3, which came with Dead Zone on Blu-Ray. If anything, the colors look amazing in HD, although, if the film isn't cleaned up, or remastered, things like scratches on the film, and even finger prints become MUCH clearer. It's not really distracting, but it is something to take under consideration. Agreed. Animation that is made for HD looks spectacular in HD. The anime Freedom looks insane in HD. I can't wait for Akira's release in a month or so.
  8. dubq

    Aronofsky's "The Wrestler"

    Vince is such a fucking tool. First the movie exposes the business too much (WWE Tough Enough says hello) and now that it's getting all of this buzz and attention, he's all over it. I wouldn't be surprised if he thinks, in his own warped mind, the he wrote the screenplay for the thing. http://wrestlinginc.com/news/2009/0125/383...s_jericho.shtml Personally, I liked it better when Vince hated the movie.
  9. dubq

    FOX Sunday Night 08/09 - now in HD!

    Because it looks a lot better than SD cartoons. You know, like HD live action looks a lot better than SD live action. What's not to understand?
  10. dubq

    Aronofsky's "The Wrestler"

    What a fat fucking loser. Why hasn't someone punched him out yet?
  11. dubq

    Rise and Fall of the IWC

    This guy isn't dead?
  12. dubq

    The Office Season 5

    Ditto. "Those people" are expecting drop-dead non-stop hilarity each and every week the show is on. It's not feasible. This show is just as much about average people in an office as it is a comedy. I, for one, love these types of episodes. The gag with Michael helping the little girl with her math homework was classic.
  13. dubq

    Aronofsky's "The Wrestler"

    There's a vid on youtube of someone in the crowd filming during this.. they were being total dickwads, too. Glad it got turned around, though.
  14. dubq

    Oscar Nominations Thread

    Rebecca was great. 39 Steps will always be my favourite though.
  15. dubq

    WWE General Discussion - January 2009

    I picture Randy Orton being very "Patrick Bateman" toward women in general.
  16. dubq

    WWE General Discussion - January 2009

    Kizarny needs to be a heel. Don't know what they're thinking making him a face. EDIT - He also needs to NOT be Kizarny. What a fucking absurdly annoying gimmick. Sinn was just fine, IMO.
  17. dubq


    I'm thinking she's plotting when the Island will reappear during their present time period.
  18. dubq

    WWE General Discussion - January 2009

    http://www.wwe.com/content/media/video/vms...ry15-21/9157214 Thought this was pretty funny..
  19. dubq

    Oscar Nominations Thread

    Somewhere, possible England, Ricky Gervais is having a laugh.
  20. dubq

    Oscar Nominations Thread

    It's always been Best Original Song. Why would they change it? Best Original Song is supposed to be FOR the movie it's in. Inspired by it. It goes hand in hand. Anything outside of that would be about as dumb as nominating something like that Smashing Pumpkins song for Watchmen just because it worked with the editing of the first trailer. A second category would work, like Best Adapted Song, but even still it's kind of wishy washy to be recognizing a song that really has nothing to do with the movie other than being picked for its soundtrack.
  21. dubq

    The TSM Weight Loss Contest

    Shit, I'm in the opposite boat.. I need to gain mass. There's only so much chicken a guy can eat in a given day.. it's taking forever.
  22. dubq

    Oscar Nominations Thread

    The only song I remember was the Paper Planes remix. The Bruce Springsteen song is so good, it made me want to see The Wrestler just by its use in the trailer. Shut up, Byron. Did you see The Wrestler? I don't like Springsteen at all, but the song was perfect for the movie. Count me in with those two comments. I'm the furthest thing from a Springsteen fan but that song is genius coated in pure awesomeness.
  23. dubq


    - I half pictured Vince Russo when you mentioned that. I still hope that we get a Russo centric episode that tells about her experience when she came to the island. - I cracked up when Desmond had his sleeping-memory-dream.. "habadaba.. bahabbahabba!!" - So is this entire season airing uninterrupted or are there breaks scheduled? I read that season 6 isn't going to have any breaks when it airs in 2010.
  24. dubq

    The OAO WWE DVD Thread

    The first three are the same as the 3 disc set DVDs. The last three have the Hulk Hogan/Bob Backlund ep on one disc, Iron Sheik/Andre on another and Piper/Funk on yet another. They're Best Buy exclusive and I believe they have matches on there as well. Sweet! These all come out the 27th, right?