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Everything posted by dubq

  1. dubq

    The Joe Schmo Show

    Normally, I'd think that they would. But since this is all "worked" and improved, I'm guessing that they don't tell them so that they can at least get some sort of legit reaction out of the cast. Actor's or not, they are living together 24/7 and it's gotta suck when someone you're getting to know has to just leave.
  2. dubq

    The Joe Schmo Show

    Ashleigh - Matt, Earl, Brian Earl - Ashleigh, Dr. Pat, Molly, Kip Brian - Hutch Hutch and Kip coulda been flip-flopped though. Strategy-wise, they're portraying Hutch as the wild card who is in every alliance but is in no alliance - a play on Rob from the last Survivor. Brian's a writer on the show, so I wouldn't be surprised if he stays on very late into 'the game'. Also, I wonder if they tell the actors who is 'going home' before the ceremony? Why would Molly vote for Earl, though [storyline wise]? She was pretty much in on the whole plan to vote Ashleigh out. I think the ones who voted for Ashleigh were Matt, Molly, Brian [Hutch & Earl only said "Yes" to voting for her, without asking why, so they could've easily changed their minds].
  3. dubq

    Jericho is Back....

    The thing I found profoundly annoying with his little outburst some 14 months ago, was that he generalized everyone on the internet in it. He just came off looking as stupid and as whiney as his detractors. Ah well, either way, it's interesting to see that he's updating his page again... though, with a baby on the way I wouldn't expect too much more in the way of commentaries from Mr. Jericho.
  4. dubq

    Smackdown Spoilers

    I noticed that too.........perhaps All Japan and WWE are starting a working relationship? Too bad a lot of the good people left AJ....... Well, Mutoh has pretty much ruined AJPW with the Sportz Entertainment route that he's gone with since taking over.. so, it wouldn't surprise me that he'd want to link up with Vince. Seriously, though. If this is a tryout for Kendo, and Vince didn't know what he was getting with Ultimo, then why the fuck does he even bother having other foreign stars try out? Why does he even bother with a CW division when he obviously doesn't even care about said division? UGH.
  5. dubq

    Triple H pins first film roles

    Yikes, bitter much?
  6. dubq

    The One and Only Smackdown! HCTP Thread

    I believe that October 25th or 29th is the scheduled release date. Not quite sure, as I've seen both published in various places.
  7. dubq

    Johnny Depp Dislikes U.S.

    Never said it wasn't.
  8. dubq

    "New" Street fighter?

    Fucking hell. When are they going to MOVE ON?
  9. dubq

    Johnny Depp Dislikes U.S.

    Oh for christ's sake. Don't get your panties in a knot Tom & Mike - and try not putting words in my mouth. What I was criticising was the "yet he seems to like making American money" arguement as if to say that he should keep his mouth closed if he's paid in USD. Last time I checked, American citizens who make American money are ALLOWED to criticize the American government. Go figure.
  10. dubq

    Johnny Depp Dislikes U.S.

    I think he was more or less talking about the current administration. Every American who makes a living in America also has the right to voice his or her opinion and/or displeasure with the current state of the government. That's what makes America... *gasp* America. You know, "Land of the free"... "freedom of speech" ... or has that been taken out of the constitution? ;p So, Depp can protest this country --- but if somebody protests him, they're wrong? Just checking. -=Mike ...Who thinks Depp is a decent actor --- but he just has horrible tastes in scripts Never said that, did I?
  11. dubq


    No, just a henchman/bodyguard type.
  12. dubq

    The One and Only Smackdown! HCTP Thread

    IGN hasn't even posted them yet.
  13. dubq

    The One and Only Smackdown! HCTP Thread

    It's in there dude. Check the video of Benoit doing the Sharpshooter earlier in this thread.
  14. dubq

    Asians go under the knife

    Whatcha gonna do when rampant stupidity runs wild on you???
  15. dubq

    Gamespot reviews Wrestlemania XIX

    IMO, the RAW2 character models look like something out of Batman the Animated Series. Now, I love that show, but if people want realistic looking models, then RAW2 isn't the way to go. HCTP all the way. Especially after seeing the Goldberg model.
  16. It could hit tomorrow and it wouldn't be any scarier. This fucking species needs a reboot.
  17. dubq

    Offical Cali Recall Poll

    Del Taco > Taco Bell
  18. dubq

    Johnny Depp Dislikes U.S.

    I think he was more or less talking about the current administration. Every American who makes a living in America also has the right to voice his or her opinion and/or displeasure with the current state of the government. That's what makes America... *gasp* America. You know, "Land of the free"... "freedom of speech" ... or has that been taken out of the constitution? ;p
  19. dubq

    Barbie a threat to morality

    Simply put: the almighty $$$.
  20. dubq

    The new American $20 bill

    And people diss us [Canada] for having "Monopoly money" ??? Sheesh!
  21. dubq

    Ten years ago today

    That game owned!
  22. dubq

    Cabin Fever

    My favorite part had to be... Spoiler (Highlight to Read): When the black kids were coming up into the redneck's store in the end and the owner starts to pull out this rifle. Earlier in the movie, the old redneck told the other kids that the rifle was for "the n*ggers"... and finally in the end, instead of shooting at them he hands them the rifle as if he were fixing it for them and says "what up my niggaz" with the handshake and the whole bit. I wasn't expecting that. Cheesy, but fucking funny at the same time.
  23. 1 - Tie: Masahiro Chono & Triple H 2 - Eddy Guerrero 3 - Hiroshi Tanahashi
  24. dubq

    Ten years ago today

    Wow, Mortal Monday was ten years ago? Time fucking flys!