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Everything posted by dubq

  1. I don't know where you get this one from. If anything they'll stick Christian with RVD or a returning Booker T [providing his injury isn't that serious]. Test & Steiner is just going to continue on it's own since the heel "won" the feud. 10 bucks says it ends up in another "Stacy on the line" match, but this time with Stacy turning on Steiner.
  2. dubq

    Just give Shane the belt already

    Nothing short of a corporate takeover or bankruptcy is going to get rid of these McMahon's so you might as well get used to it. Your only recourse is to come over to the dark side and enjoy the wonderfulness that is NWATNA!
  3. dubq


    I dunno. I kind of enjoy when Rodney Mack comes on.. if only because it means we get to entertained by uncle Teddy. His dancing cracks me up too. Though, I'm kinda disappointed that they stuck him with Mark the windbag Henry. Though, if anyone can get him over as a heel, it's Theodore Long.
  4. Holy missing-the-sarcasm Batman...
  5. dubq

    A "United Nations" stable

    Yes, it could work... if by "work" you mean be the "stupidest thing on television in a long time." Then, yeah. It could "work."
  6. He's doing a parody. Get over yourself buddy.
  7. dubq

    Recent purchases

    Lucio Fulci Collection Vol.1 / The Beyond & House by the Cemetery
  8. dubq

    Goldberg--Team player?!!!?

    So, WWE dropped the ball because HHH and Goldberg botched a sledgehammer shot?
  9. dubq

    Goldberg--Team player?!!!?

    Oh, but it's the end of his career. I don't know how he'll ever resurrect himself after that! [smell the sarcasm]
  10. dubq


    My No Mercy had that option...
  11. dubq

    Goldberg--Team player?!!!?

    What are you talking about? He had his head smashed in with a fucking sledgehammer, several times. If that's not an excuse for losing, I don't know what is.
  12. dubq


    This doesn't necessarily have to be a Vs. type movie, Pinhead & Michael Myers I mean. They could easily do a crossover where Myers found the box as a kid and released Pinhead, who saw the makings of a real evil so pure that he just couldn't waste it on sending Myers to hell or making him into another cenobite. Hence the mass murders, hence the invincibility of Myers, and so on. The ending could culminate with a confrontation or a battle of some sort between the two, but they could easily avoid the stigma of this being a "Vs." movie if they wrote it correctly, and I for one would definitely pay to see it.
  13. dubq

    WrestleMania XIX.....

    Man, that Lesnar entrance does look bad ass. Now that I own a PS2, though, I'm going to have to rent both games before I buy. That is, unless I can get a hold of Downhome any sooner.
  14. dubq

    The One and Only Smackdown! HCTP Thread

    That last movie in the Booker T section is cool.. I really like the camera angle where Triple H comes off the top and misses with the elbow. But what's with the crowd WOOing every time you throw a punch.. should that be just for chops?
  15. dubq

    New RAW 2 trailer

    RAR is an archive format.. you have to download WinRAR to "unzip" it...
  16. Yeah he's talking about Guerrero. The field for the subject obviously didn't have enough space to fit the title in and he didn't notice. And I'd say Eddy would be champ before Benoit.. Eddy's pops, even as a heel, are rivaling that of the Rock's back when he first started gaining popularity.
  17. dubq

    Nintendo stops GameCube production...

    I think it depends on the game. Even in the 8-bit games, Final Fantasy had a huge instruction manual. Nintendo would be completely stupid to refuse any "complicated" games to be released on their system as there are TONS of RPG'ers out there as well as TONS of Survival Horror fans...
  18. dubq

    Nintendo stops GameCube production...

    Now, I don't know about anyone else, but one could read this as Iwata saying that Nintendo themselves are moving away from making games of this nature. This doesn't mean that third party developer's can't create and release these types of games on the Cube. I could be wrong... and if I am, I guess I'm glad that I just bought a PS2.
  19. dubq

    Nintendo stops GameCube production...

    Well, I personally haven't seen much more than that from Capcom themselves... go to any game site, the screens are pretty much all the same - Leon and a gun.
  20. dubq

    20 new HCTP movies

    Oh, then please, do explain..
  21. dubq

    Nash's Movie,Scott Hall and Booker T

    Yeah, because I'm so sure a cameo by Nash, Hogan & Bubba is going to ruin the movie. Cuz, you know, that cameo by Macho Man in the Spider-Man movie had it doing HORRIBLE at the box office. Jesus, stop being a moron..
  22. dubq

    King of the Coliseum

    Awesome, thanks man.
  23. dubq

    King of the Coliseum

    Good point. Know of any sites where I can order the fliptop AND KoC? Or is that site that Nevermortal gave me the only one that sells the fliptop?
  24. dubq

    20 new HCTP movies

    The cover-ups for the games fuck ups start already... Fuck ups? Wrestlers do have more than one finisher in Smackdown, you know...
  25. dubq

    King of the Coliseum

    Did you get the flip-top case for your PS2? Or did you use a chip of some sort? I'm wondering which is the best option to go for...